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Chapter 633 Firmly want to leave

Chapter 633 Firmly want to leave
Shi Luoxi said firmly for the last time: Brother, I will give birth to the baby by myself. "

She spoke this sentence very seriously.

It can be heard from her words, her implication, that she will leave this small town and go to a place where no one really knows her and knows that she is Luoxi.

Qi Zibai is very smart, he caught it very quickly.

Qi Zibai was afraid that Luo Xi would really leave the town, so he immediately said, "Xixi, don't leave the town."

Shi Luoxi replied: "No, I have to leave. If I stay here, I will still be found by him."

Being found by him, these words are what Luoxi said countless times when she came here.

Qi Zibai opened his mouth to say something more, but was stopped by Shi Luoxi.

Shi Luoxi smiled and said: "Brother, I know what you want to say, I know you will tell them, so I have to leave."

Shi Luoxi is like this, once she decides what she is determined to do, she will definitely do it.

Just like now, she is determined to give birth to this baby.

Qi Zibai understood Shi Luoxi's words.

After Qi Zibai understood her, he asked, "What if Brother Xixi won't let you leave?"

What Qi Zibai said made Shi Luoxi stunned. She really hadn't thought about it, what if she wasn't allowed to leave?So what should she do.

She is so weak and helpless, if she is really not allowed to leave, she really can't do anything.

Qi Zibai looked at Shi Luoxi's blank expression, he knew that what he said just now scared this girl.

Qi Zibai went on to say: "Brother, what you mean is that you don't have to leave, Xixi. The reason you want to leave is nothing more than worrying that brother will tell them that you are here, right?"

Shi Luoxi nodded slightly.

Qi Zibai went on to say: "If brother Xixi says, he will never tell them, will you believe brother?"

Shi Luoxi could see sincerity from Qi Zibai's gaze, he seemed to really mean what he said.

Qi Zibai continued: "You know, I always keep my word.

Besides, if I also wanted to test Chen, how could I be willing to let him get my sister so easily, so I swore that I would never tell Chen.

However, if he found it by himself, there is nothing that brother can do. "

After Shi Luoxi listened to Qi Zibai's words, she thought about it.

As the elder brother of a soldier, she believed that he would not break his promise, and as a soldier, he would not deceive her either.

He said just now that he wanted to test Si Jingchen because he didn't want Si Jingchen to get his sister so easily. His sister should be Yu Ke'er!
Thinking of this, Shi Luoxi felt the same, he really didn't have to let Si Jingchen know, and he would definitely consider his sister Yu Ke'er for Yu Qing.

No one wants to see their own sister or sister, except for their own sister or sister, there are others.

This should be something that everyone can't tolerate!

Shi Luoxi completely misinterpreted Qi Zibai's meaning, Qi Zibai actually wanted to test how good and firm Si Jingchen's heart for his sister was.

But that younger sister only refers to Shi Luoxi, and Qi Zibai really only has Shi Luoxi as his younger sister.

Shi Luoxi promised Qi Zibai that she would not leave this small town, but the prerequisite was that Qi Zibai could not tell anyone where Shi Luoxi was.

In this way, the two brothers and sisters reached a consensus, respect each other, and keep the agreement between them.

(End of this chapter)

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