good sunset view

Chapter 639 She Is A Teacher

Chapter 639 She Is A Teacher
Chou Meng's name has been changed again.

Chou Meng is no longer called Chou Meng, but Yu Junyu, which is the name of Shi Luoxi's son.

Of course, Shi Luoxi didn't understand why Chou Meng believed in Yu, so she asked stupidly: "Brother, why does Chou Meng have the surname Yu?"

Qi Zibai smiled and said: "If the surname is not Yu, then the surname is Qi, I think the surname Qi is also good, Jun Yu is originally from our Qi family.

But I guess if the surname is Qi, I will be beaten up by my uncle and the others.

In short, Xixi, don't worry about your surname, anyway, your surname is Yu, so the baby can follow your surname! "

After listening to Qi Zibai's answer, Shi Luoxi thought about it.

It seems to be the same, she is an orphan, she doesn't know what her own last name is, so it doesn't matter what the baby's last name is!

In short, no matter what the surname is, her baby will always be her baby. This is a fact that no one can change.

In this world, at present, her closest relative is her baby.

In a blink of an eye, autumn is coming.

Shi Luoxi and the others have been in this small town for two years, and two years doesn't seem to be a long time.

Shi Luoxi used these two years to complete her four years of university study ahead of schedule.

For Shi Luoxi, this period of learning was actually very hard.

In the first year, she was pregnant with her baby, and while she was pregnant, she went to school, and soon after the baby was born, she went back to class again.

Originally, what he studied was what she was good at, so she could finish her studies quickly.

Of course, there is also another major that Qi Zibaiqiang chose for her.

She is studying two degrees at the same time, one is interested in art, and the other is political science, which is really out of touch with her.

But it's okay, because when she was studying such a subject as political science, she had the brain of her brother.

My brother is really super powerful. He knows all the textbooks she needs to learn, and he knows all the knowledge points, which is really no less than her university professors.

But this is not surprising, my brother should have learned this course at the time.

Today, two years later, she graduated from Shi Luoxi.

When it came time to look for a job, although she had a double degree, Shi Luoxi's requirements were not high.

After Shi Luoxi got her degree certificate, she returned to the small town where they had lived for a long time.

She submitted a resume to a high school in a small town. After living in the small town for the past two years, Shi Luoxi knew that there was a large shortage of teachers in the small town.

So after she graduated, she resolutely chose to return to the small town.

Shi Luoxi's resume is undoubtedly rich and perfect. There is no doubt that this high school in the small town has admitted Shi Luoxi as a new teacher.

Due to the lack of a large number of teachers in the small town, Shi Luoxi was the teacher of two courses.

Because she is a double major, she mainly teaches politics and fine arts.

They all do what they do and love what they do, that's probably what Shi Luoxi was like!
Ever since she stepped on the three-foot podium for the first time, she has fallen in love with the profession of a teacher. Now, besides work, she takes good care of the baby.

The little one in her family is more than one year old in a blink of an eye. The little one is learning to speak. At this time, the little one has just learned to walk.

So every time I walk, it's really funny.

In the past, Luo Xi thought that the newborn baby was ugly, but now the parents look good, handsome, and attractive.

Even the little niece of the Lin family couldn't let go of this handsome guy.

Every time the little niece of the Lin family would clamor to find the little guy to play with. Although she was often rejected, she still did not give up.

(End of this chapter)

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