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Chapter 656 Convince Her Zhang Beicheng

Chapter 656 Convincing Her to Return to North City
After listening to Qi Zibai's words, Shi Luoxi said, "But I'm really not Yu Ke'er! Isn't the real Yu Ke'er in Beicheng now?"

Qi Zibai said again: "Xixi, you have been misled, the person you thought was not Yu Keer from the beginning to the end, her name is Sui Ci, and it is even more impossible for her to be the daughter of aunt and uncle.

And her date of birth is far older than yours. The Yu Keer you think is three years older than you, so she is not matched in terms of time, so if you think so, Xixi, she may still be the real one. Keer? "

Shi Luoxi still had doubts: "No, if she's not, then why is she so similar to the president and the president's wife, and how can this be explained?"

Speaking of this, Qi Zibai couldn't help but snorted coldly: "She is indeed related to uncle by blood, but don't you think, Xixi, that you are actually more like aunt and uncle?"

Shi Luoxi really didn't think about such a question, Shi Luoxi muttered: "I resemble them? Do I?"

Qi Zibai let out a long sigh, sometimes, his sister is really a headache.

The little guy who had been on the sidelines was defeated by his stupid mother.

The little guy said: "Mom, you don't have to worry about these things. When we arrive in the capital, we will make a public DNA test for you and your grandparents. That test will be supervised by the people of the whole country, so it is credible." 100% or even higher."

Although the little guy is small, his IQ is too high. Understanding these things is trivial to him.

Qi Zibai nodded and said, "That's right, what Xiao Yu said is quite right.

Xixi, after we land, you will be fully protected by the royal guards. Of course, this means that your life is likely to be disturbed during this period.

Because to be sure, to prove that you are the biological daughter of your uncle and aunt, the paternity test is the key step, and there will be different domestic and foreign professional doctors to do this test.

These doctors are invitations issued by different representatives. It is impossible to fake it, and the entire identification process will be broadcast live in real time.

Xixi, believe in brother, you are Ke'er, brother's younger sister. "

Regarding these, Shi Luoxi really didn't know, she never knew that there were so many procedures to prove that she was the president's biological daughter.

So, isn't that Yu Ke'er really the daughter of the real president back then?Those measures were not taken against her that year.

Seeing Luo Xi reluctantly believed it, Qi Zibai went on to say: "Xixi, the main reason why Yu Ke'er was allowed to pretend to be you for a while was that we wanted to attack the people behind her deeply, and on the other hand, we wanted to protect her." you.

But I didn't expect that things didn't go as smoothly as expected, and finally hurt you, Xixi. "

When Qi Zibai said this, he was very sad and blamed himself.

Shi Luoxi remembered what she said just now, and she asked, "Brother, you mean that Yu Ke'er from back then was related to the president by blood, so doesn't that mean she is also the president's..." Daughter?Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qi Zibai.

He is also very helpless about this girl's way of thinking!
Could it be that this girl doesn't trust her father so much?

Qi Zibai replied: "What nonsense! She can't be, your parents love each other very much.

The thorns can only be regarded as your Yu family members, relatives of your family!But she is not your father's daughter, nor can she be. "

After listening to Qi Zibai's words, he knew that he must know the real identity of Sui Thorn, what kind of identity is that Sui Thorn in the end!

Could she also be regarded as a certain princess of the empire?

(End of this chapter)

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