Chapter 667
After a few hours of surgery, the bullet in Si Jingchen's wound was taken out, and he is now on an IV.

He was arranged in a guest room of the Presidential Palace. When Shi Luoxi walked in, his eyes were still closed, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

Shi Luoxi asked a question that most family members would ask: "Doctor, didn't you say he's fine? Why hasn't he woken up yet?"

The doctor replied: "Miss, it's like this. It's because the anesthetic hasn't faded, so it's normal that Mr. Si hasn't woken up. Mr. Si should wake up after a while."

The doctor's words, without accident, were heard by Si Jingchen who had woken up early.

What kind of doctor is this, so blind?When he entered the operating room just now, didn't he say that when the time comes, he will deliberately make his condition more serious?
Si Jingchen's approach is completely unacceptable, he obviously forgot that he is in the territory of his little girl at the moment.

In the little girl's territory, doesn't that person always listen to her?

Si Jingchen, who was closing his eyes at the moment, wanted to curse 1 times in his heart.

At first, he thought that he could just take this opportunity to attract the attention of his wife, hey, this doctor is a good person, he just disrupted his beautiful plan.

What made Si Jingchen want to beat up even more was what the doctor said next.

"Miss, President Si seems to have woken up."

The doctor's words made Si Jingchen pretend, and reluctantly opened his eyes.

Deliberately pretending to be weak: "Water, water."

Shi Luoxi immediately picked up the water and patiently brought it to his mouth.

After drinking the water, Si Jingchen went on to say: "Help me, get up, get up."

Shi Luoxi obeyed obediently again.

Taking advantage of the time when Shi Luoxi was helping him, Si Jingchen gave the "ignorant" doctor in front of him a big look.

Really, what kind of eyes are these, don't you know?Didn't you see that he was chasing his wife?
The doctor was naturally uncomfortable with Si Jingchen's sharp eyes.

The doctor coughed dryly: "Well, miss, I'll go out first, so as not to disturb the two-person world between you and President Si."

After all, it's the doctor of the presidential palace, but Si Jingchen really can't do anything to people.

He liked his last sentence, though.

When the doctor said this, Shi Luoxi's face turned red.

Shi Luoxi pretended to be calm and asked: "Do you feel uncomfortable? Does it hurt?"

Si Jingchen pretended to be weak and returned: "Uncomfortable and painful."

When Shi Luoxi heard his answer, she thought he was really uncomfortable.

Shi Luoxi: "Ah! I'll call the doctor right away."

Shi Luoxi stood up, ready to go out.

Unexpectedly, the small hand was directly pulled by a big hand, and the strength was still very strong.

Shi Luoxi fell directly into a warm, familiar embrace.

Someone's voice also sounded above the head: "Without you, everywhere hurts."

His words made Shi Luoxi blush again. Although she was already a mother after all, she was still very thin-skinned.

Shi Luoxi replied in embarrassment: "Uh, but I'm not a doctor, and I don't know how to see a doctor, so I'd better call the doctor over!"

Si Jingchen really got into a fight with Shi Luoxi, and this time he went even further, directly taking the person along, and bringing him to this hospital bed which is tentatively called his hospital bed.

His voice sounded again: "I know you are busy now, but for the sake of my brother being hurt because of you, you can stay with my brother for a while, okay?"

His voice is so magical and so nice that it's irresistible.

Hearing the name "brother" again, Shi Luoxi was still a little uncomfortable. After so many years, she was no longer the silly little girl who relied on him for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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