good sunset view

Chapter 675 Who is this child

Chapter 675 Who is this child

The day is finally over.

Fortunately, with her father around, it didn't take as long as they expected, and those high-level officials didn't make things difficult for her.

And the following work has been going smoothly, because there is a brother and a father, and of course there is Yi Lei, the assistant chosen by her father for her.With them here, Shi Luoxi's work progressed smoothly this day.

At this time, Shi Luoxi, who was on her first day in office, finished her last trip, sat in the car exhausted, and stretched.

As the older brother, Qi Zibai asked with a smile, "Are you tired?"

Shi Luoxi replied without hesitation: "Well, I'm very tired, I'm exhausted. But I'm a little excited at the thought of seeing my little brat soon."

Qi Zibai, who was driving the car himself, returned: "That brat must have turned upside down again today."

For his nephew, he simply didn't want to know too much.

That little guy can make trouble. When Si Jingchen asked Tian Muhe to take care of the little guy for a while, he was hesitant, worried that Tian Muhe would not be able to withstand the brat's fuss.

However, apart from Tian Muhe, he couldn't find a good candidate to take care of that stinky boy, so he could only hand it over to Tian Muhe, and wronged his brother-in-law.

When Qi Zibai and Shi Luoxi arrived at Tian Muhe's house, everything was peaceful.

It was not what Shi Luoxi and the others expected.

After ringing the doorbell, someone soon opened the door, looked at him head-on, as if he couldn't see it, but when he lowered his head, he realized that it was a little boy.

But Shi Luoxi and Qi Zibai are very sure that this is not the naughty Yu Junyu.

The little guy asked politely, "Who are you looking for?"

Yu Junyu, who was playing games with Tian Muhe, heard someone, and immediately ran over, hugging his mommy.

The little guy said happily: "Mommy, you didn't disappoint me!"

At this moment, Qi Zibai's eyes met the little boy who opened the door for them just now.

The two seem to be exploring again.

After a while, Tian Muhe, who had finished playing the game, suddenly remembered something, and immediately rushed to the door, looking at one big and one small, as if they were playing and staring.

Tian Muhe picked up the little boy: "Why doesn't Jingbi let the guests in!"

Only then did the little boy come back to his senses: "Sorry, please come in."

Qi Zibai walked into Tian Muhe's house together with Shi Luoxi and Yu Junyu.

Everyone sat together, facing each other.

Especially Qi Zibai and Jing Liu, they seem to want to see through each other.

Qi Zibai was the first to break the silence: "Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like me?"

The little guy turned to look at his uncle: "Uncle, this is my father in the legend, right?"

Qi Zibai also asked at the same time: "Xiaohe, who is this child?"

Everyone focused all their eyes on Tian Muhe, and Tian Muhe coughed lightly: "Uh, that, listen to me first."

Everyone nodded unanimously again.

Tian Muhe went on to say: "Brother-in-law, I'm sorry, I really can't accept my sister's departure. When I found out that my sister was ill, I knew that it would be a matter of time before my sister left us.

I really can't imagine what will happen to us after my sister leaves us, and how to continue to live, so I asked the doctor in our hospital to take my sister's eggs and store them. "

Shi Luoxi immediately asked: "So this child belongs to Sister Xuan?"

Tian Muhe replied affirmatively: "Yes, to be precise, if he is brother-in-law's child.

My brother-in-law is a soldier, so it is not difficult for me to get his sperm. With the help of Qin Xiu, Jing Li came to us. "

(End of this chapter)

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