good sunset view

Chapter 78 Bad Weather

Chapter 78 Bad Weather

To be honest, it was quite tiring to sit down on a flight of more than ten hours!

No, when I got off the plane, Shi Luoxi could hardly walk, why? If I keep doing one movement for too long, my legs will go numb!

Stepping out of the airport and looking at the bad weather.

This is the place where Si Jingchen used to live, and they went directly to the home where he lived alone for many years.

Si Jingchen, who only brought his assistant with him this time, seemed a little busy because he had to take care of his little girl himself.

Due to the time difference, when they arrived in the UK, it happened to be around three o'clock in the evening in the UK, and the weather was not good, making the surrounding atmosphere very depressing. This was Shi Luoxi's first impression.

On the way to the house, there was lightning and thunder.

Shi Luoxi was terrified. She shrunk herself into a small ball. It was the last time Si Jingchen knew that she was afraid of such weather, so he hugged Shi Luoxi who had shrunk into a small ball: "Don't be afraid, brother is here, it's okay Yes." He coaxed softly.

When Luo Xi was hugged by Si Jingchen, she really didn't seem so scared: "Brother, do you think our luck is particularly bad! We encountered such weather when we first arrived."

The person holding her said: "Little idiot, the weather is predictable, but we have to arrive today because we are in a hurry. It's just that I have wronged my little idiot."

Shi Luoxi understood, what brother meant was that he knew the weather here would be bad today, but he had to choose to arrive today because he was in a hurry.

When she was in Si Jingchen's arms, Luo Xi shook her head.

Shi Luoxi also fell asleep unknowingly during this journey. After Wei arrived, Feng opened the car door for Si Jingchen: "Master, let me come!" Wei Feng wanted to reach out and take Shi Luoxi in the arms of the young master. .

Si Jingchen cast a cold stare, and Wei Feng immediately withdrew his hand. He almost forgot that Miss Luo Xi was his young master's treasure, how could anyone else take care of her!
Although no one lived in this villa for a while, it was cleaned every day.

Wei Feng followed in. After all, he used to live in this villa with the young master just to take care of the young master.

So he knew that there are currently only two bedrooms here, but now there is Miss Luo Xi: "Master, I..." Wei Feng originally wanted to say: I'll go out and find a place to live!

"Tomorrow, I'll go and buy things for Xi'er early, and go to bed early." After Si Jingchen finished speaking, he carried Shi Luoxi back to his bedroom.

Wei Feng didn't recover for a while, what about the young master?This is to share a room with Miss Luo Xi?Doesn't the young master hate people touching his bed the most?If he didn't understand, he just thought he was dreaming, shook his head, and went back to his room to rest. He has a tough task tomorrow!
Shi Luoxi just woke up at the moment Si Jingchen put her on the bed, and she was drowsy: "Brother, where is this?"

Si Jingchen returned: "My residence in England." He continued: "Weather forecast, there will be thunderstorms later, are you afraid?"

Sure enough, as soon as Si Jingchen finished speaking, thunder and lightning started outside, and Shi Luoxi jumped on Si Jingchen, hanging on Si Jingchen like a koala: "I'm afraid, brother, don't go."

Si Jingchen smiled, this is his carefulness, he really knows the weather, so he chose to arrive today on purpose.

"Okay, brother is not leaving, brother is here! It's getting late, let's go to bed!" Immediately, the little girl who was hugging the koala lay on the bed, and carefully covered her with a quilt.

Every time there was thunder, Si Jingchen would gently pat her on the back: "Don't be afraid, brother is here, sleep well!" This was the first time Shi Luoxi hadn't hid in the closet in such weather.

(End of this chapter)

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