The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 213 The Best Friend in the Mountains

Chapter 213 The Best Friend in the Mountains
City Q, a royal blue Rolls-Royce Phantom gallops on a tree-lined road. The young driver slows down when driving in front of a mountain, and the car slowly climbs up a mountain road.

Looking at the distance outside the window, Bai Xuge saw the continuous green hills and several long waterfalls. The green mountains and clear waters were set off by the slight clouds in the sky, which was a feast for the eyes.

"The environment here is good." Xiao Leng followed Bai Xuge's eyes and looked into the distance.

"It's true that the negative oxygen ions here are hundreds of times higher than those in the city. But I'm usually busy with work, and this place is too far away from the city, so I only come here on weekends or when receiving important people."

The person who said this was Mu Hansheng, a close friend of Xiao Leng.He sat in the passenger seat.

When Bai Xuge saw Mu Hansheng for the first time, he understood why they could become the only true friends.

They spoke very little, but they were both indifferent on the outside and hot on the inside. Their similar life backgrounds and careers made them hit it off right away.Another point is that his appearance is also that kind of monster. Standing with Xiao Leng is enough to dazzle thousands of women.

On the plane, Xiao Leng talked about his acquaintance with Mu Hansheng.

They are both students of Cambridge, England, but of different grades, and Mu Hansheng is one grade lower than him.

The Cambridge campus is large and there are many students. They were two people who had never met before, but because they were both obsessed with fencing at that time, they became friends.

At that time, they also participated in a competition in the campus cup. Mu Hansheng was first and he was second.

In terms of swordsmanship, Xiao Leng sighed that he was not as good as him.

This is the first time Bai Xuge knows that Xiao Leng also has a hobby of fencing.

While thinking about it, the car has already driven into a manor with a quiet environment.

Two well-dressed security guards in the garden opened the iron gate, the car turned a corner and drove in slowly, Bai Xuge watched the surrounding scenery.

Entering the iron gate is a bluestone road, with verdant green trees on both sides, and a beautifully trimmed flower forest on the right, with rockeries, gazebos, and a grass field, which is green and green.

The climate in City Q is also slightly colder than that in City B, and in the mountains, the temperature is even lower by a few degrees.

The car stopped, and when I got out of the car, I opened the door, and a cold current hit my face outside.Bai Xuge, who was only wearing a short suit jacket, couldn't help but tighten her body.

Xiao Leng wrapped his arms around her slender waist, trying to give him more warmth.

Mu Hansheng was very polite, he picked up a small thin blanket from the car and handed it to Xiao Leng.

Bai Xuge quickly waved his hand, "Thank you, no need, I'll be in the house soon." Yes!It is only more than ten meters away from entering the house, and she has to wear a blanket. Doesn't it feel too pretentious, and she doesn't want to appear so delicate in front of outsiders.

Xiao Xiao didn't care about it, and had to put a blanket on Xu Ge's body, "Don't catch a cold."

Bai Xuge was stubborn, took off the blanket by himself, then handed it back to Mu Hansheng, and smiled sweetly: "Thanks, I really don't need it."

She thought to herself, this Mu Hansheng, looking cold and cold, is probably a good man who loves women very much.

Mu Hansheng took the blanket, and then said to Xiao Leng, "Then let's go inside quickly, it will be warmer inside."

Xiao Leng nodded, hugged Xu Ge tightly and followed Mu Hansheng into the room.

The room is decorated in Chinese style, with a strong Ming and Qing style, all kinds of original wooden furniture, elegant and noble, ancient pictures of ladies, and famous calligraphy and paintings are hung on the wall of the living room.

The back of the cushion on the log sofa is a pastoral style of floral, which seems a bit feminine.

Could it be that there is a hostess here, Bai Xuge thought to himself.

They sat down on the sofa.There is a fireplace on the left, with a European flavor, but I didn't expect that this fireplace would not feel inconsistent at all in this Chinese-style decoration style.

The room was very warm, and the coolness on Bai Xuge's body gradually receded, followed by a little heat, but she was a guest, so she didn't dare to take off her coat casually.

Mu Hansheng was making tea, and when he picked up the tea, he said, "This tea is grown by farmers in the deep mountains. The tea grown in the clear springs in the mountains is very sweet."

"This is really a treasure land!"

"Brother Leng, you can also find such a piece of land in your mountains and build it yourself."

"Maybe! After we get married, we will plan like this." Xiao Leng looked at Xu Ge affectionately.

Bai Xuge's face blushed, thinking that he was really, this made him really embarrassed in front of outsiders.

Mu Hansheng also raised his eyes to look at Bai Xuge, his eyes froze slightly, and then he sighed deeply.

Xiao Leng saw Mu Hansheng's subtle performance, and he smiled lightly: "Have you not found your girlfriend yet?"

Mu Hansheng shook his head, "No, I plan to go to Germany after a while."

Naturally, Bai Xuge didn't understand what they said, but he could vaguely hear that Mu Hansheng had an unusual love story.

Mu Hansheng put the brewed tea in front of Xiao Leng and Bai Xuge, "Come, please drink tea. I don't even know how happy I am that you can come today."

What he said is the truth, he has a cold personality, doesn't have many friends, and often feels lonely, not to mention he has a lot of disturbing things on his mind.

Xiao Leng brought his girlfriend over today, which made him feel much warmer in his heart.Especially, the temperament of Xiao Leng's girlfriend is somewhat similar to the person he misses day and night.Although this only increased his longing, he was very happy in his heart.He wished they would live here for a long time, but he knew that this was impossible, and each had a career to busy with.

"We'll get together more when we find time in the future." Xiao Leng sipped the tea in his cup. The tea was indeed sweet and rich.

"Brother Leng, I'm afraid you have something to do when you come here this time!" Mu Hansheng knew that his friend was fine and didn't like to drop by.

"Indeed, my company is in some trouble now, so I come to ask you for help." Xiao Leng said bluntly.

"It's rare that you ask me for something, as long as I can do it, I will spare no effort." Mu Hansheng poured another cup of tea in front of Xiao Leng and Xu Ge.

"I know that you are the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Province O. My purpose of coming here is also very simple. I want you to help me attract some customers."

"It's not difficult. There are thousands of companies in our chamber of commerce, and most of them have a good relationship with me. At least it can help you get [-]% of your customers!"

Xiao Leng was overjoyed. Although he had expected such a result before coming here, he never expected it to go so smoothly.He picked up the teacup and respected Mu Hansheng: "Thank you so much."

Mu Hansheng also raised his teacup and was polite. "Actually, I'm happy that you can ask me something. Usually it's difficult for us to meet. Being able to help you also gives me a sense of satisfaction and existence."

Bai Xuge was thinking, this is the real brother and friend.

Even if we haven't seen each other for a year or a few years, and there are not even many phone calls, but if there is a disaster, we can do our best to help.Bai Xuge was inexplicably moved by being able to say words such as satisfaction and sense of existence.

The [-]% customers that Mu Hansheng said, if you let Uertai reshuffle the cards, they can do better than before.

The connection between chambers of commerce is very close, and each customer has a different circle, which can bring customers to each other.

Thinking in this way, Bai Xuge's heart that had been hanging all this time was completely let go.


Author: Mu Hansheng is the hero of my next novel.If you have monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, please reward me a lot, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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