Chapter 216 Uertai's New Client

This day was the last day of Xiao Leng's stay. Mu Hansheng called all the members of their chamber of commerce, and then arranged a cooperation meeting for Xiao Leng.

At the meeting, in response to the concerns of various members of the chamber of commerce about Uertai, Xiao Leng delivered a speech. Without any written preparation, he went directly to the stage, honestly announced the current situation of Uertai, and prepared to deal with him. Crisis determination and approach.

Xiao Leng's speech surprised Mu Hansheng and Bai Xuge, because they all knew that Xiao Leng usually doesn't talk much.But I didn't expect that Xiao Leng could speak so thoroughly, so exciting.

Xiao Leng's words convinced all the entrepreneurs in the audience, so his speech was a success. At that moment, more than half of the members planned to sign a contract with Youertai, and they also said that they would introduce other friends to help Youertai resist Let's tide over the current crisis together.Most importantly, through Xiao Leng's introduction, they believed in Xiao Leng's ability, and believed that Uertai would manage their funds well.

After the speech, it was Mu Hansheng who added fuel to Xiao Leng and said good things. Of course, he said the truth. This made some entrepreneurs who had been on the sidelines start to become bolder, and they also joined the contract signing team one after another. ranks.

Bai Xuge was extremely busy on the side.

Xiao Leng is dealing with entrepreneurs, answering questions about investment details one by one.

This day's meeting lasted all day, and in the evening, a grand Patty was arranged.

Bai Xuge has always been with Xiao Leng, and she has also become the focus of attention of those entrepreneurs.

In the eyes of those entrepreneurs, she is dignified and generous, with a beautiful face, and her smile is so gentle and moving.

Patty arranged in one of the most upscale hotels in Q City.

In the resplendent lobby, from the general manager to the welcome staff, all the hotel staff are neatly dressed and waiting at the door, and there are queues on both sides of the spiral staircase.

Mu Hansheng took over the entire hotel building tonight, just to help his brother greet these entrepreneurs.

Xiao Leng naturally didn't want Mu Hansheng to pay for it, but Mu Hansheng said that if he didn't let him pay for it, he would no longer recognize him as a brother.Xiao Leng had no choice but to give up. There will always be opportunities for friends to communicate with each other in the future.

This Patty is really grand, one by one, they are entrepreneurs who can only be seen on TV, and they come with their lovers or girlfriends.

Like Xiao Leng, Mu Hansheng also doesn't like men messing around outside, so he has very strict requirements to be a member of his chamber of commerce.

Anyone who has bad behavior in the relationship between the sexes, don't even think about being able to join his chamber of commerce, even if he accidentally enters, if there is any trouble, he will be kicked out immediately.

This chamber of commerce is quite powerful, and each has its own influence and relationship. After joining the association, this influence and relationship will be connected into a network, and this network can bring great development to various enterprises.Therefore, entrepreneurs who join the association will keep themselves clean and take good care of the qualifications for joining the association.

Patty's atmosphere is quite harmonious.There is no calculation, no competition, no hook-ups with peripheral girls, everything is harmonious and beautiful, only cooperation.

They are all looking for relationships and networks with each other to develop their performance.

The government is also very supportive of this kind of chamber of commerce, so there are not many political figures in charge of the economy who come to Patty, but they are all talking about work in a safe and secure manner.

At the Patty scene, Bai Xuge wore an elegant light blue dress and followed Xiao Leng, holding his hand from time to time.A pair of talented men and beautiful women, so eye-catching.

This is Mu Hansheng's territory, so naturally he led Xiao Leng and Xu Ge to introduce these entrepreneurs one by one.There were too many people at the venue before, and there was no way to remember them all.Although Bai Xuge felt that he had a strong memory, at this time, he was so busy with various affairs that he didn't have the energy to remember everyone.

"Mr. Xiao, your girlfriend is really beautiful! Look at the ring on her hand, you are married!" said this is the wife of an entrepreneur, middle-aged, although a little fat, but still temperament Very good, the charm is still there.

Xiao Leng smiled slightly, and said politely to the lady: "We are going to get married soon."

Bai Xuge didn't say a word, just smiled, thinking in her heart that this marriage might not be too long ago.She promised him that regardless of whether her sister's affairs could be found out, she would marry him in winter.

On the one hand, she was regretting what happened to her sister, on the other hand, she was full of happiness in her heart.

Winter is the time when they reap the marriage and blossom and bear fruit.

She really thought that winter could come sooner.

Thinking of this, her face turned red, making her look even better.

Everyone likes to look at beautiful things, so Bai Xuge said the word "eggplant" very embarrassedly, and then nodded to the frequent gazes and Weihua.In this look and smile, not only men, but more cultivated women.

In the end, she found that her face was stiff with laughter.

After finally finishing the show, Xiao Leng took her limp and slender hands to the presidential suite that Mu Hansheng had arranged for them.

On the big bed in the room, Bai Xuge fell on his back on the bed, "I'm so tired! My face stiffened from smiling, and my legs hurt from standing. But I'm still very excited, and I can't calm down. What should I do?" Xiao Leng next to him, under the soft light of the room, he was wearing a black suit, white shirt, and the diamond buttons on the shirt were shining.There is some stability in the handsome, he is so handsome, so handsome that I can't get enough of him.

He didn't speak, just curled his lips, and slowly rubbed against the bed, then supported Xu Ge's feet, helped her take off the crystal high-heeled shoes on her feet, and rubbed them gently.

"You're tired too, stop rubbing."

"I'm not tired, rub it for you, and then we'll go take a shower."

His words are so soft, soft and warm.

"Okay, don't rub it anymore, you go take a shower first."

"No, let's go together."

"No! You go first."

"Okay." Xiao Leng no longer forced her, he couldn't always force her!

He got up and went to the bathroom.

At this time, on the bedside table, his cell phone rang.It was Gao Ze, and Bai Xuge answered the call for him, saying that he was in the shower and told Gao Ze to call back later.

In the glass bathroom, a tall and straight figure swayed in it. Xu Ge propped up one hand and looked at the slender body inside. The figure is really good!

After a while he came out wearing a bath towel, Xu Ge said that Gao Ze had called, Xiao Leng picked up the phone and dialed it again.

On the phone, Gao Ze squeaked, he wanted Xiao Leng to come out and talk, he had never seen Gao Ze so mysterious, he looked at Xu Ge who had just entered the bathroom, walked out of the room, and went to the living room.

"You said."

"Mr. Xiao, when I went to rescue Su Muying last time, her mobile phone was broken, and then she asked me to find someone to fix it for her. To my surprise, I saw a video on her mobile phone."


(End of this chapter)

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