The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 222 The missing person notice on the paper-cut

Chapter 222 The missing person notice on the paper-cut
At this time, Suso was on his way to London.With him is Alisa, an English girl who has always loved him.

Su Suo held a piece of paper-cut in his hand and looked at it seriously.

He didn't know whether he was excited or calm in his heart, he only knew that his hands were shaking a little and his blood was boiling.

Could the person in this photo be his brother?Is it his older brother or younger brother, are they twins?There are too many questions in his heart, and he needs someone to answer him.

"Suo, I have looked for your father, but he said that you have no brothers, and told me not to disturb you."

Su Suo knew that Alisa felt that this matter was very strange.

Yes!Father has the habit of reading newspapers every day, hasn't he seen this missing person notice?This possibility is too small.

"Suo, you should make a call!" Alisa pointed to the phone number on the paper-cut.

"No, wait until the exhibition is over."


"I don't want anything to affect my exhibition." Suso looked up, his eyes left the paper-cut, and looked at the flowing scenery outside the window.He needs to calm himself down now.

This art exhibition is his dream, a dream he has had since he was a child.

A gallery near Buckingham Palace in London.

Su Suo began to get busy in full swing, and Alisa helped him.

This handsome Chinese man has an indifferent expression and a decadent air. Alisa loves him so much, and it hasn't changed in the past few years.But he always refused her thousands of miles away.

Alisa knew of Su Muying's existence, and she even said that she would not mind being Suso's second girlfriend, but Suso said that he only loved Su Muying.

Alisa has been in contact with Su Muying several times. She thinks that this Chinese girl is not as good as Su Suo imagined. She thinks that Su Muying is more open than Western girls.So she always felt that Su Muying was not good enough for Su Suo.

While busy, Suso's cell phone rang.It's my father, Su Mingqi.

Su Mingqi was just asking if he had received Su Muying.

The fact that Su Muying returned to England made Su Suo very happy.

After hanging up Su Mingqi's call, he immediately dialed the number to Su Muying.

"Muying, have you returned to England? Are you in Liverpool?" Su Muying answered two questions, which shocked Su Muying on the other side of the phone.

"Ah! Yes, yes, So, I'm in Liverpool."

"Why don't you let me pick you up at the airport?"

Alisa on one side looked at Suso with a smile on her face, her heart was a little broken, and she walked to the other side.

Su Muying replied on the other end of the phone, "I'm afraid you're busy, so I don't want to disturb you."

"Fool, no matter how busy you are, I will pick you up. How tired you are with your luggage alone!" Su Suo is a very caring man.

"It's okay! I can handle it."

"I'm in London now, so I still have some work to do here, so I'll come back to Liverpool to find you."

"no, do not want……"

"What? Mu Ying."

"I'm a little tired. I want to sleep well today. I have to do something tomorrow. Let's go in a few days! I'll go find you in a few days."

"Why does it take a few days! I will accompany you to do things together."

"No, no, I'll go by myself."

"Then when can I see you?" Suso was a little discouraged.

"Five days later, the day of the art exhibition."

"so long?"

"Five days will pass quickly, soon, So."

"All right!"

That night, Suso and Alisa returned to Liverpool after finishing their work.

After the train arrived in Liverpool, Suso and Alisa went to their own homes. Alisa was in a bad mood, she knew that Su Suo would go to find Su Muying.Because London has a lot of work to do these days, there is no need for Suso to return to Liverpool tonight.

Indeed, Su Suo still went to the town, and his character is also very stubborn, which is a bit like his brother Xiao Leng.

In the small European-style building, Suso looked downstairs, and the lights on the second floor were bright.He was hesitating whether to go in, but Mu Ying said that she was tired and wanted to rest.

Finally, he knocked on the door.After all, he is here.

Su Muying opened the door in her pajamas, a little surprised.She lifted her collar up and entered the room.Su Suo followed her in, and he was surprised that Mu Ying didn't have any joy on her face. Could it be that she had something on her mind, or she didn't love herself anymore.

Su Suo had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Mu Ying, are you alright!"

Mu Ying turned her eyes and smiled sweetly, "It's okay, come in!" At this moment, she was very embarrassed, she was afraid that Su Suo would see the mark on her neck, although it was very faint, but if you look carefully, you can still see it.

In the room on the second floor, Su Suo was choked by a pungent fragrance as soon as he entered the door.

He couldn't help covering his nose and frowning, "Why is the fragrance so strong?"

Su Muying said: "The room smells bad, so I sprayed some, it must be too much! I will open the window for a while to let the smell go away."

"Let me drive for you." In front of Su Muying, Su Suo was very active in everything he did.

Su Muying always turned her back to him. She found a silk scarf in the unpacked luggage and wrapped it around her neck.Then he took out the tea box from the luggage.

"Suo, these are for you, Chinese tea."

Su Muying put the tea leaves on the table.

After doing this, she relaxed a little. She turned around and grabbed Su Suo's neck. The man in front of her seemed to be getting more and more handsome.

Maybe it was because he kept chasing her so tightly that she almost had no room, so she always thought he was a bit annoying before.

I couldn't do without him, relied on him, and felt that he was not so likable at the beginning.

This is why she found herself loving Xiao Leng even more after seeing Xiao Leng in China.

The two men look exactly the same, she just likes Xiao Leng's feeling of being indifferent to her.

Can't get it!So I always feel that it is love.

Now that I think about it, I'm so stupid.After being separated from Susuo for so long, I realized that I was under Susuo's.

These years, I have had enough fun. Maybe she should just be like this with Su Suo, get married and have children.

Su Suo kissed her forehead lightly, looking at the silk scarf around her neck.

"Is it a little cold? How about I close the window!" Suso said, and was about to close the window.

Su Muying pulled him back, "No need, it's a bit cold, even with the windows closed. Autumn in England is much colder than that in City B in China. I haven't gotten used to it yet."

Su Suo looked at her affectionately, "Then you wear more, don't catch a cold."

Su Muying nodded, showing a sweet smile again.At this moment, her heart was as sweet as honey.

At this moment, Su Suo's face suddenly became a little excited. He took it out of his pocket, as if he had something good to share with her.

He handed Su Muying the paper-cut Alisa gave him in his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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