Chapter 224
After all, the sky has changed. The autumn rain is blowing wantonly on the windshield, and the wipers regularly brush off the rainwater one by one.

The Maybach was driving on the road, and the outside was gray and full of sadness.

The closer he was to the Bai family villa, the heavier Xiao Leng's heart became.

Bai Xuge sat beside him quietly, without words or expressions.If possible, the person she would like to take him home at this moment is her sister.

But nothing can be changed, only at this moment, with the half-clear truth of my sister, let him go to plead guilty.

There are a few things on the back seat, the same is a delicate black cloth bag, long and thin.The same is a cardboard box, which contains some clothes and some photos left by Bai Lan.

He was already very familiar with the road to Bai's villa. The green plants in the community were extraordinarily green because of the rain.When we arrived at Bai's house, the rain was a little lighter.

Before Bai Xuge came, she informed her parents and asked them not to go to work, but to wait at home. She said that she had something important to tell them.

Her mood was not only heavy, but also frightening.Fearing that Xiao Leng's confession would bring back their sad past.However, this matter cannot be hidden, and they do not want to hide it.

Only by facing it calmly will there be better results.

The nanny came to open the door, and Lu Huiming came to pick up Xuge holding an umbrella.

Lu Huiming didn't expect that Xiao Leng, the president of Youertai, came back with Xuge.

"Auntie!" Amid the sound of the rain, his voice seemed a little low.

"Mr. Xiao! Come in quickly, don't get drenched." Lu Huiming's umbrella is not big enough to block three people.Bai Xuge entered the room with her arms around her mother's waist.

Xiao Leng braved the light rain to hold the cardboard box and the slender cloth bag in the back seat, and covered the cardboard box with his loose clothes to avoid getting wet.

In the living room, the atmosphere was weird.

Bai Bowen and Lu Huiming looked at the stern faces of Bai Xuge and Xiao Leng, and they didn't understand.

"Sit down! Mr. Xiao." Lu Huiming asked Xiao Leng to sit on the sofa, but Xiao Leng refused.

Bai Bowen brought him a dry towel and handed it to him. "Come on, dry your hair first."

"Thank you! Uncle." Xiao Leng took the towel, only wiped his hands a little, and then handed the towel back to Bai Bowen.

Bai Bowen also pointed to the sofa, "Come on, sit, why are you standing!" Then he pointed to Xuge and said, "Xuge! You asked your friend to sit down! Why are you standing still?"

At this time, Xiao Leng suddenly knelt down, his knees touched the ground, and the marble floor shook loudly.

Both Lu Huiming and Bai Bowen were stunned, you looked at me, and I looked at you.How is this going?

"Uncle, aunt. I, Xiao Leng, have come to apologize to you." Xiao Leng's brows were deeply frowned, and his words were painful and sincere.

"Son, what's the matter? Get up and talk first."

Bai Bowen stepped forward to pull him up, but Xiao Leng refused to get up no matter what.Bai Bowen had no choice but to give up.

Xiao Leng lowered his head and said word by word: "Uncle, Auntie, I am the one who killed Bai Lan."

At this time, Bai Xuge quickly answered, "No, you didn't kill my sister, you can't say that."

Xiao Leng looked up at Lu Huiming and Bai Bowen, the corners of his eyes were wet, he didn't know if it was rain or tears.

"Yes, I was the one who killed him." Xiao Leng used another affirmative sentence. In his heart, even if he didn't directly kill him, he still had something to do with him.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Lu Huiming's voice trembled a little.

"Auntie, the reason why Bailan jumped off Qingfengya was because of me. At that time, we were in a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship."

As soon as Lu Huiming fell down and sat on the sofa, his eyes were at a loss.Bai Bowen frowned and looked at Xiao Leng, waiting for his next words.

Xiao Leng continued: "Bai Lan and I met in Cambridge. I chased after her for a long time before I finally found her. Then we fell in love. Last summer, she lived at my house. During that time, our relationship It's really good. But, unexpectedly, one day I was away on a business trip, and the next day I heard the news of her suicide. It's all because of me, because of me..."

He couldn't go on, and knocked his head deeply to the ground.One time, two times, three times...

Bai Xuge suddenly stepped forward and hugged him, hugged and cried.

"No, this is fate, this is fate, it's all my sister's bad fate."

"Boom..." At this moment, Bai Bowen slapped the marble coffee table in front of his knees, shaking the crystal ashtray on the coffee table.

"What the hell is going on here? Explain it clearly!" Even the most rational and civilized person would be angry when he learned that the person who killed his daughter was right in front of his eyes.

Bai Xuge let go of Xiao Leng's body, then knelt and walked in front of his father.

"Dad, my sister was not killed by Xiao Leng. This matter is very complicated. Listen to me slowly."

So, Bai Xuge sneaked her into Xiwan, approached Xiao Leng, and later found a video on Su Muying's phone, and briefly described it to her parents.Both she and Xiao Leng concluded that this video killed her sister, but she also said that Su Muying probably didn't expect her sister to die because of this video.It's all because of my sister's bad luck, and by chance, she died in a fragrant way.

"How could there be such a bad woman? How could there be?" Lu Huiming was crying, and the tissues in her hands were wet one after another.This strong business woman is just a weak woman in front of her daughter and husband.

Bai Bowen sighed deeply, looking at Xiao Leng who had been kneeling on the ground with his head down.The air is cold today, and the floor is hard and cold. I guess it's uncomfortable!

Bai Bowen wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hand, then got up to help Xiao Leng up.

"It's not your fault, it's Lan Lan's bad life, bad life!"

But Xiao Leng still refused to get up, he turned his waist and unzipped the slender cloth bag beside him, it turned out that there was a whip inside.

Xiao Leng handed the whip to Bai Bowen with both hands, "Uncle, I'm here today to plead guilty for the thorn, I can't bear the thorn, so I can only use this whip instead.

Bai Bowen waved his hands, "No, no, this is the end of the matter, what's the use of me beating you." As he said this, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Leng who was kneeling in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the president of Youertai is a flexible man.

Xiao Leng still maintained the posture of handing the whip.This appearance is like a defeated general in ancient times pleading guilty to the emperor.

Lu Huiming was crying so hard that she couldn't speak, and Bai Xuge was stroking her back.

"Uncle, if you don't whip me a few times today, I'll be on my knees."

Bai Bowen suddenly became embarrassed, he looked at Bai Xuge.

Bai Xuge knew Xiao Leng's stubbornness, so she pouted at Bai Bowen, motioning him to hit him casually.

Bai Bowen understood the meaning, so he got up and took the whip from Xiao Leng's hand, and lightly flicked it on Xiao Leng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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