The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 228 The adoptive father is a wolf

Chapter 228 The adoptive father is a wolf

In the western restaurant of the London Hotel, there are brown and wood-colored walls, several beautiful landscape oil paintings hanging on the wall, ivory white dining tables and chairs are arranged in a random order, and the golden crystal chandelier on the ceiling illuminates the whole restaurant. The quiet environment of the restaurant is warm and romantic.

But because of the arrival of the four of them, the whole restaurant seemed tense and cold.

The eyes of the three fell on Su Muying's face in unison.

Su Muying lowered her head and said nothing, like a child who has done something wrong, appearing cowardly and timid.

But in fact, she is a child who has done something wrong, and it is very serious and outrageous.

"Mu Ying, in fact, if I want you to be punished, it is very easy. As long as I report the things you did in Youertai to the Public Security Bureau, I will serve you in prison for several years." Xiao Leng When he spoke, his tone was cold and indifferent.

"No, don't, Brother Leng." Su Muying raised her head nervously, her warm eyes were full of prayers, and her hands were also tightly clenched, and there was a cloud of water vapor in her palms.

Su Suo also shifted his gaze to Xiao Leng's face.

Perhaps, he also felt unbearable. He had loved this woman for so many years, but now, he was not sure whether he should hate her or not.

Love is really a complicated thing. Even though I know how much harm this woman in front of me has brought to myself and my family, love is always there, never less.

Both Xiao Leng and Bai Xuge saw the meaning in Su Suo's eyes, and sighed at the same time, is this Su Muying so worthy of his love?Their hearts are extremely painful.

Xiao Leng started to say again, "Mu Ying, I actually know that the fault is not entirely your fault, your adoptive father Su Mingqi is the culprit. Ever since he adopted you, he has been controlling your thoughts, if you want to change your current situation, we must recognize the facts.”

Su Suo looked at Xiao Leng in disbelief. He never thought that his father, whom he had always respected, was the mastermind.

Xiao Leng looked at Su Suo again: "Suo, the reason why you are separated from us is because of Su Mingqi. He stole you and hurt us. He is taking revenge, you know?"

"But, but he has always been very good to me." Su Suo said with a frown.

Xiao Leng snorted and said, "Maybe he is kind to you because he has always loved our mother. He looks at you as if he saw our mother. And his kindness to Mu Ying and Jiang Chengen is to use them " After looking around at Su Muying and Su Suo's suspicious eyes, he said again: "Mu Ying, think about it, Su Mingqi asked you to go to W City to approach Ouyang, and pushed you in front of a strange married man, this is love for you Is it good for you? He is harming you. He let you steal key customer information in Uertai. These are all making you break the law. He will not consider your future, he will only think about it Will your own plan succeed? His plan is all about sacrificing your future. What an absurd thing! But Muying, you can’t tell the truth. Your brother Cheng En is much smarter than you , he was not controlled by Su Mingqi."

"But he still asked Daming to divest him!" Su Muying had tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, and she spoke with a sobbing voice.

"That's true, but that's what I meant, and he came to consult me."

Su Muying lowered her head.

When Xiao Leng said these things, he didn't tell about Su Muying and Hala, but he was afraid that Su Suo would not be able to accept it.

Bai Xuge took a deep breath, holding back her sadness, and said to Su Muying, "Although you were at fault for my sister Bai Lan's incident, it's over, and we don't want to pursue it anymore. I just hope you can reflect on yourself. , reflect on your past life."

"Where did Bai Lan commit suicide?" Suso asked.

Bai Xuge replied: "In Qingfengya, City B."

Su Suo didn't say anything more, he felt guilty. Although he had never met Bai Lan, Bai Lan committed suicide because of his video. He thought that he should go to Qingfengya to pay homage.

The meals they ordered were placed on the table by the waiter.

Xiao Leng said: "Let's eat something first!" His tone was still cold, but when he looked at Bai Xuge, his eyes were soft again.

Su Suo handed the tissue to Su Muying.

Su Muying got up after taking it, "I'm sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first." After saying that, she turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the makeup of the woman in the mirror was all smeared, and her black eyeliner was smudged, making her look even more bewildered and pitiful.

Her self-confidence has completely collapsed, how confident she is!Confidence is arrogant and arrogant, but now that I think about it, those self-confidence are so funny!Everything is wrong, all wrong.

However, she couldn't figure it out, why should she be wrong?

Su Mingqi, her adoptive father, never loved her, he was just his pawn, yes!It's ridiculous that he raised me, but wants my future to reward him.

Bai Lan, Bai Lan, do you think I will feel good when you die?I just posted a video to mislead you, but you found a way to die like this, which made me wake up from nightmares often, and I couldn't live in peace.

Bai Xuge, how well you disguised yourself, Lin Xuge, little nanny, are you here to attack me?
Su Muying washed her face clean, her bag was left in the gallery, there was no way to put on makeup again.In the mirror, she looks so haggard without makeup. Su Suo will not like herself when she sees herself like this.She is afraid, but no matter how afraid she is, she has to face it. Susuo, will you still love me?

In the mirror, she asked over and over again, she has no one else but Su Suo now, Su Suo, you must not leave me.

She left the bathroom and walked to her place with a look of confusion.The three of them had finished their meals, and she couldn't eat any more, so she sat down and drank some juice.

Su Suo looked at Su Muying's sad plain face. He felt that she looked better without makeup than with makeup. The lines of her face are softer now, which makes people feel pitiful.

"Mu Ying, I plan to go back to China with my brother tomorrow, you go with me!"

"No, I don't, Suo, you don't want to go too, okay?" Su Muying looked at Su Suo, her eyes full of pleading.

Bai Xuge silently shook his head.She thought, this Su Muying might never change her personality. At this time, she still only thinks about herself, and doesn't think about Susuo at all.Su Suo had just found his relatives, so he had to meet his father and pay homage to his mother at the grave.The selfishness of human nature is fully reflected in Su Muying.

"Mu Ying, I've made a decision. I'll go tomorrow. You can think about it for one night. If you want to go with me, then reply as soon as possible so we can book tickets." Su Suo's words were firm.

Su Muying thought for a while, and then she said: "Then I'll go with you!" She didn't want to be separated from Su Suo, she was afraid that Su Suo would recognize her relatives and abandon herself, she must not let such a thing happen.

"Then let's rest separately! Suo, I have booked a room for you in the hotel. Here is the room card." Xiao Leng handed the room card to Su Suo, took Bai Xuge's hand, and got up.

(End of this chapter)

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