Chapter 230 The Skinny Man

After exhausting all the tricks, in the end, it was all for nothing, and my own life was also lost.

They recognized each other as brothers, Uertai came back to life, and Yingji himself, the hard-working Yingji, probably couldn't see the future either.

Su Mingqi closed his eyes, a tear flowed from the corner of his eyes.He felt stuck in his throat, facing the three children he raised, and didn't know how to give them an explanation.

Su Suo kept silent at first because he didn't know what to say.

The man on the hospital bed, who had raised her for 30 years, only found out yesterday that he was the one who separated her from her family.

At this time, Su Suo didn't know whether to hate him or feel sorry for him.

Looking at his aging appearance, I still feel distressed after all.

In Su Suo's eyes, Su Mingqi has always been strong. He works in a hurry, wears black clothes and hats, and never smiles on his face.

When Suso was young, he always felt like Batman.

Su Suo knelt by the bed, held Su Mingqi's hand, and called, "Dad."

Su Suo's shout made Su Mingqi open his eyes, and he seemed a little excited, "Suo, don't you hate me?" His voice trembled slightly.

Su Suo shook his head, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"Suo, Dad is sorry for you."

At this time, there was the sound of the door being pushed open, and a middle-aged man walked in.Hearing the voice, Su Mingqi opened his eyes. He was stunned when he saw the man at the door, and then sighed: "I haven't seen you for many years, but I'm getting old!"

The person who came was Xiao Hongyuan.

Xiao Hongyuan walked slowly to Su Mingqi's bedside. Su Suo stood up and gave him the seat.

This man, Su Suo has a sense of intimacy when he looks at it.

Xiao Hongyuan shifted his eyes to Su Suo's face, looked at it, just looked at it like this for an unknown how long, his hand couldn't help reaching out to touch Su Suo's face, and then glanced at Xiao Suo again. Leng, "This child really looks exactly like Leng'er, she is white and clean, and it is painful." What Xiao Hongyuan said with a smile made several people in the room wipe their tears.Bai Xuge has also been watching the scene by the door.

"Dad." Su Suo knew that the man who touched his face was his father. Without any explanation, they were connected by blood. This kind of intimacy cannot be given by others.

"Son..." Xiao Hongyuan hugged him.

Xiao Leng also walked to their side, hugging them with both hands.The three men hugged each other like this, and the tears in the corners of their eyes couldn't be stopped.

For 30 years, father and son have been separated, and seeing each other at this moment, how can this kind of excitement be expressed in words, it can be said that it cannot be expressed.

Su Mingqi smiled while lying on the hospital bed.Or when a person is about to die, his words are also good, and his appearance is also good.

However, why can't I think through all things until I'm about to die, and then I can let go.

The doctor said that Su Mingqi's disease is at an advanced stage, and the cancer cells are spreading to various organs, and no further treatment is possible. His survival time is at most one or two months, or half a month if the condition is not good.

After the father and son recognized each other, Su Suo stood aside, and Xiao Hongyuan sat beside the hospital bed.

Su Mingqi looked at the man in front of him who had grown up together since he was a child, and he sighed: "It would be great if time could be turned back! If it could be turned back, I would not chase Ruolan, and let her be with you from the beginning. In fact, I I know she has always liked you, but I chased her too closely."

Xiao Hongyuan also sighed: "Oh, if time can be turned back, I hope the three of us are friends and don't have any other emotional entanglements."

Su Mingqi frowned and said, "Actually, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have done those wrong things. I'm sorry for Ruolan, and I'm sorry for the Shui family."

As Su Mingqi spoke, tears flowed out. For 30 years, he has been enduring and never shed tears, but when he was about to die, he shed tears of regret.But it all seemed too late, too late.

He coughed violently again, unable to stop it, Jiang Chengen called the doctor.

The doctor gave him some medicine, which temporarily stopped his cough.

The doctor said: "The patient needs to rest temporarily, you can come see him again tomorrow."

Everyone in the room backed out.

"Xiao Leng." At this moment, Su Mingqi stopped Xiao Leng.

Xiao Leng turned around and walked to the hospital bed.

At this time, only Xiao Leng and Su Mingqi were in the room.

This was the first time that Xiao Leng faced Su Mingqi at close range. He thought he was such a powerful man, but now he was lying on the hospital bed skinny and bony, and he was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"Xiao Leng, I'm sorry for Suo's matter and Youertai's matter, but I still want to ask you for one thing. Because only you can help me with this matter."

"Please speak." Looking at the man who framed him, Xiao Leng couldn't bear to speak more seriously.

"Yingji, it was my painstaking effort. Although I founded it to avenge your father, it is still a business anyway, a business that is still profitable. I'm sorry for Susuo, I'm sorry for Muying, I'm sorry Cheng En. So I think, let you buy Yingji, including the headquarters in the UK, and the remaining shares after the acquisition will be divided equally between Susuo, Cheng En and Mu Ying. This can also be regarded as my compensation to them."

After Su Mingqi tried his best to finish these words, he stared at Xiao Leng, he was waiting for Xiao Leng's answer.

"Don't worry, I won't let Yingji fall down. I will help you arrange the things you explained."

The corners of Su Mingqi's lips curved up slightly, and he said again: "Actually, I wanted Cheng En to help me manage Yingji before, but he has been trying to refuse in various ways. I know, he doesn't want to be too controlled by me. I hope you If you can help me convince him to resign from Daming's job and help me manage Yingji, if he doesn't want to, then forget it!"

"Let me try to communicate with him! In fact, Mu Ying is also capable."

Su Mingqi nodded, he closed his eyes gently, his brows were tightly knit, as if he was in pain.

"Then I'll go out first, you should have a good rest!" Xiao Leng said and left the ward.

The ward fell silent, Su Mingqi pressed the beeper, and a nurse came in after a while.

"Can you prescribe some sleeping pills for me, please? I can't sleep because of the pain."

"OK, just a second."

On the way back to Xiao's house from the hospital, everyone felt somewhat heavy.

Su Suo and Su Muying were in the car.

Su Muying asked: "Suo, don't you hate Dad?"

Su Suo frowned and shook his head, "Is hate useful? He must have raised me."

When Su Muying heard Su Suo's words, she felt that she shouldn't hate Su Mingqi anymore, after all, he raised her.

Su Muying: "I want to take care of him at night. Brother Cheng En is probably very tired after taking care of him for a few days. He still has work to do! Anyway, I have nothing to do."

Su Suo looked at her sideways, smiled at her, and then squeezed her hand, "I'll take care of him with you at night."

Su Muying also smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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