Chapter 234 Yingji's Meeting

In Su Muying's apartment, Su Suo was catching up on sleep.

He didn't sleep the whole night last night, and only slept for a while in the morning. Coupled with the grief in his heart, he looked very physically and mentally exhausted.

Su Muying went to Yingji, she was going to announce the news of her father's death and Uertai's acquisition of Yingji.

Now Yingji is in a state of disunity. Many salesmen who have just come to work for a short time have returned to Uertai, and some of them who have been working in Yingji have followed suit.

She thought that the news of Uertai's acquisition of Yingji was enough to reassure people.

Su Muying's face is unfamiliar to Yingji's old employees, and all the Uertai salesmen she brought over have gone.

She was wearing delicate makeup, wearing an off-white dress, high-heeled shoes, and her waist was twisted.When she walked into the office building with great momentum, everyone was talking about it.

Su Muying suddenly felt that her self-confidence was restored at once, and she felt that she should quickly devote herself to work, because she likes being a queen, and she likes the feeling of being surrounded by stars.

She went to Hala's office first, and pushed open his door, only to see that he was frowning. It must be that Yingji's pressure from all aspects made him burnt out.

Hala was undoubtedly surprised to see her, but excitement followed.This woman who can keep him passionate suddenly appeared in front of him. If it wasn't because he was in the office, he would definitely hug Su Muying and kiss her, and then go around in circles.

But Su Muying doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic about him, because Su Muying is now with Su Suo.

However, Su Muying gave him a trademark smile anyway, "Hala, you are now arranging an emergency meeting, I have something to announce."

Hala frowned, raised her hand and looked at her watch, "But it's almost time to get off work now." In fact, he was anxious to catch up with her.

At this time, he basically forgot all about his promise to his wife.

The dog can't change the habit of eating shit, so it should be him.

"I only announce two things, and I can go straight to get off work."

Hala nodded, but he still asked, "How is Mark?"

Hala also visited Su Mingqi in the hospital the day after he became ill.

At that time, Su Mingqi suddenly coughed up blood and cut him to the ground. He was the one who sent Su Mingqi to the hospital. After seeing him the next day, Yingji's troubles made him unable to get out, so he never went there again.

Su Muying's face darkened, she sniffled her nose, and sighed, "He passed away, this is one of the things I want to announce."

Hala's heart was shocked, and he asked in surprise: "Why so fast? Didn't the doctor say there are still some days?"

Su Muying took a tissue from Hala's desk and wiped the corners of her eyes and nose, then said, "He committed suicide and took sleeping pills."

"Ah!" Hala was stunned.

"Arrange it quickly! Don't delay getting off work."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

After he finished speaking, he called the secretary and asked her to arrange for people above the manager to have a meeting in the conference room.

conference room.

Su Muying sat where Su Mingqi usually sat, which surprised all the staff.

Su Muying coughed twice, then stood up, "Hi everyone! My name is Su Muying. Maybe everyone is wondering, why am I here? Why am I standing in this position? Then I will answer these two questions first. The answer is for everyone. I am the daughter of Mark, the chairman of Yingji, and the reason why I stand in this position is that I will be in charge of the entire Yingji, including the headquarters in the UK, in place of Mark in the future.”

When Su Muying said this, the employees started talking again.Even Hala was surprised, isn't Mark her uncle?How did it become a father-daughter relationship?
Su Muying coughed twice again, "I'm here to announce two things. The first thing is my father, Mark..."

When she said this, her voice sank, "Unfortunately, he passed away at noon today, lung cancer." She did not say the reason for suicide.

"Ah!" "Ah! How could this be?" "..."

how so fastBut everyone believed it, because several employees saw Su Mingqi coughing up blood.Later, this incident spread widely, and this incident also accelerated the speed at which employees left and returned to Uertai.

"The second thing..." Su Muying raised her voice a few decibels, and she went on to say: "Yingji, including the headquarters in the UK, has been acquired by Uertech, and Yingji will be subordinate to Uertai in the future."

The discussion below cannot be stopped at this time, these incidents are too big.The chairman's illness and death were still within their expectations, but Yingji was acquired by Youertai, which was really unexpected, but it can be seen that everyone is excited.Ultay is so awesome!Now everyone in Yingji is in danger and feels that their jobs will not be guaranteed. Now that Youertai is standing on their shoulders, Yingji will be saved. Immediately, they feel that their jobs are secured. Maybe Yingji will become stronger and stronger.

Hala is also stunned. Uertai bought Yingji, so what should he do? Xiao Leng already knows what he has done, and he will definitely drive himself out of Yingji.

Hala was always worried that Xiao Leng would sue him for breach of contract. Although he did not sign a labor contract with Yingji, he had a job with Yingji.There is also the matter of major customer information, which is also a heart problem for me.

Hala's face darkened, she lowered her head, and said nothing.He even has a sense of the end of the world.

Su Muying glanced at him, she probably guessed what Hala was thinking.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet." Su Muying glanced at them.

There was an instant silence in the conference room.

Su Muying continued: "In a few days, we will deal with Yingji's current crisis. Please believe in Yingji. As long as we work together, Yingji will be prosperous."

Applause rang out in the meeting room, and the employees sitting there were a little excited.

Su Muying picked up the phone on the table and checked the time, "Okay, now it's 10 minutes beyond the off-duty time, let's end the meeting! Thank you for your hard work."

The meeting ended, and Hala sat in his seat and didn't want to move. He was in a very bad mood right now.

Only Su Muying and him were left in the meeting room, and the air became silent.

Su Muying smiled sweetly at him, first went to close the door of the conference room tightly, and then walked slowly to his side, hooking her second hand on his shoulder.

Her voice suddenly became sweet and soft from the ups and downs just now, "What's the matter? Dear Hala."

Hala frowned and looked at Su Muying, and said in a worried voice: "Uertai bought Yingji, what should I do? Also, what should I do if Xiao Leng pursues my confidentiality contract and major customer information? This But go to jail."

Su Muying chuckled: "If Xiao Leng wanted to sue you, would he wait until now? I think he will use you again."

Hala stared at her beautiful eyes in disbelief, "Really?"

Su Muying nodded, "Xiao Leng knows what we did, but he didn't sue me. Xiao Leng is a good person, and I now firmly believe that."

Hala lowered his head and said, "Indeed, Xiao Leng is a good person."

"Well, don't worry!"

Hala lifted her up and looked at her again, "Muying, isn't Mark your uncle? Why is he your father again?"

Su Muying's lips curled slightly, "I advised you to come here, if it was my father, would you have come?"

Hala was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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