Chapter 237 Ye Qianqian's Wedding 2
In the dressing room, Ye Qianqian's overall makeup has been completed. She stood up and admired herself in the mirror.

"Wow! Qianqian, you are so beautiful." A heartfelt smile appeared on Bai Xuge's face.

Seeing Bai Xuge come in, Ye Qianqian said joyfully, "So I look pretty even with makeup on." She really wasn't modest.

Bai Xuge stood beside her, and said with a smile: "Of course, you are already beautiful, and you will become even more beautiful when you dress up."

Women like to praise, Ye Qianqian loves to hear Bai Xuge's words, she looks at herself in the mirror with a smile.

At this time, Nan Jingtian pushed the door and entered. He was wearing a white suit with a light blue shirt inside, looking extraordinarily fresh and handsome, different from his usual bright and colorful outfits, and now he looks more mature and stable some.

He approached Ye Qianqian, looked at Ye Qianqian who was completely different, and said in surprise: "Wow, my child is so fucking beautiful."

"Fuck you, what the hell are you calling me so old." Ye Qianqian scolded Nan Jingtian, her behavior really didn't match her gentle and quiet marriage!

Bai Xuge was just listening happily to the new couple teasing each other.

Nan Jingtian stroked Ye Qianqian's belly, and said with a humorous smile: "Baby, look at how rude your mother is, don't be like her when you grow up!"

Ye Qianqian squinted at him, and muttered, "I'm a real person, do you understand?"

Bai Xuge covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Sedum, Qianqian is right, she has a true temperament."

Nan Jingtian grabbed Ye Qianqian's hand and said with a smile: "Well, I just like my Qianqian's true temperament. Alright, we're going out, the wedding ceremony is about to begin."

Ye Qianqian touched her stomach, frowned and pouted, "But, I'm so hungry!"

Nan Jingtian looked around and said, "Why don't you sit here first, and I'll help you find something to cushion your stomach."

Ye Qianqian nodded fiercely, with a smile on his lips.

Nan Jingtian ran out, and after a while, came in again, holding a piece of heart-shaped cake in his hand.

"Qianqian, you can eat something casually first, and there will be delicious food after the ceremony."

Ye Qianqian took Nan Jingtian's cake and immediately ate it. The way he ate it was not very elegant, making several people in the dressing room want to laugh.

It seems that pregnant women are really different, they are like children when they want to eat.

After Ye Qianqian finished the cake in her hands, the makeup artist reapplied some makeup on her lips.

Nan Jingtian took Ye Qianqian's hand and said, "Let's go out!"

"En!" Ye Qianqian responded.

Bai Xuge helped the make-up artist pull Ye Qianqian's skirt, and walked out the door with them.

Outside the door, two cute little flower girls were waiting outside.

The little flower girl consists of a little boy about four or five years old and a little girl about three years old.The little boy is wearing a small suit, the little girl is wearing a small white gauze, with a garland on her head, they all look very cute and beautiful.

At this time, the host of the wedding company brought all the bridesmaids and best men in, as well as Ye Qianqian's father.

The host is explaining all the etiquette and ceremony precautions to everyone.

This made Bai Xuge feel that the wedding is actually a performance, where everyone in it is an actor, and the guests outside the venue are all audiences.

It's just that the hero and heroine in this scene are sincere, and this scene will be the best memory of their lives in the future.

The wedding ceremony finally officially started. Bai Xuge was the bridesmaid, and she was mixed in the team of bridesmaids. Even if she was a bridesmaid, she was exceptionally brilliant.

From time to time, the focus of attention of the groomsmen at the scene would shift from the bride to her.

Xiao Leng saw all of this, but he just laughed, his woman, it's okay for others to appreciate it, as long as it doesn't make friends.

As the wedding march began, Ye Qianqian took her father's hand and took small steps solemnly onto the red carpet, followed by two cute children holding her long skirt.

Today's weather is particularly warm and pleasant. The golden sun shines through the clouds and sprinkles on the colorful green grass and the rippling water.

Ye Qianqian was carefully sculpted by a makeup artist, and she was very beautiful. The smile on her lips was bright and brilliant.The happiness on her face, with a little nervousness, made her look even more shy.

She is moving, which is not usually seen.No matter how carefree a woman is, she also has a gentle and charming side.

Nan Jingtian who was standing in front of the host stage looked at her with sincere and burning eyes.

His stability is also something that is usually not seen. The arrogance and unruliness of the past are no longer present at this moment. What he sees now is just a gentle and elegant man, waiting for his beautiful wife.

In front of the presiding stage, Ye Qianqian's father solemnly handed Ye Qianqian's hand to Nan Jingtian's. Nan Jingtian took Ye Qianqian's hand, and the two saluted his father.

Then, under the guidance of the host, they swore to each other, and their vows were very simple.

Ye Qianqian said, as long as you treat me well.Nan Jingtian replied, I will treat you well for the rest of my life.

Nan Jingtian said, life is a long ladder, and I hope that the person who will accompany me all the way down is you, Ye Qianqian.

Ye Qianqian was a little touched, she didn't expect Nan Jingtian to say such touching words, the corners of her eyes were a little wet with excitement, she nodded suddenly, and said: "Let's go down the ladder of life together."

There was applause from the audience, and Bai Xuge was so moved that the corners of his eyes became moist.

The happiness of knowing and loving each other, at this moment, is rendered just right by them.

There is no need to talk about the following links, they are all solemn and sacred.

After the ceremony was busy, it was all kinds of photos arranged by the photographer.

As a member of the bridesmaids, Bai Xuge naturally spared no effort to cooperate with the bride and groom, posing in various poses according to the photographer's requirements.

The scenery here is beautiful, and the photographer is highly skilled. When the shooting was about the same, Bai Xuge followed the photographer to watch some samples, and it was really good!
Presumably, these images are enough for Ye Qianqian and Nan Jingtian to recall for a lifetime.

Ye Qianqian was really tired and hungry. She usually didn't like to wear high heels, but today she stepped on [-]cm shoes. In the end, she was exhausted and miserable.

She said: I am eating for two now!

Presumably the piece of cake she ate before has been digested a lot by the baby in her belly.

Bai Xuge thought of this, and inadvertently searched for Xiao Leng's figure in the crowd. He was very eye-catching, and he sat not far away and stared at himself.From the looks of it, his eyes never leave him.

Lu Huiming and Bai Bowen had gone to the other side to chat and congratulate Nan Jingtian's parents, and he was sitting there alone, so it was inevitable that he would attract others.

He is such a cool, handsome, elegant man with outstanding temperament, there are several good-looking women wandering around him, the purpose is also to attract his attention!
But in the end, those women left disappointed, because his eyes never stayed on any of them.His gaze will only linger on Xu Ge's body.

(End of this chapter)

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