Chapter 239 The Mom in the Dream

The next morning, Su Suo, Jiang Chengen and Su Muying came to the police station together.

They wanted to know when Su Mingqi's body could be brought back, but the police station replied that if there was no problem, it would be tomorrow.

Coming out of the police station, Xiao Leng and Bai Xuge received Su Suo, who wanted to take Su Suo to worship at the grave of his mother Shui Ruolan.

It was Sunday, and everyone had to be free, so Jiang Chengen and Su Muying went with them.

They first went to Xiao Zhai to pick up Xiao Hongyuan, and of course Su Suo did not forget to take the painting he drew.

In the Xiao residence, Xiao Leng still had a bad expression on Chen Nianrou.

When Chen Nianrou saw Xiao Leng, he looked trembling.

For the past two days, she has been speculating about Xiao Leng's sudden change in herself.Although Xiao Leng has never been too enthusiastic towards him, he usually doesn't have such a face towards him.

She thought that before Su Mingqi's death, Xiao Leng had been in contact with Su Mingqi all the time, and she thought that Su Mingqi might have told Xiao Leng that she helped him steal Su Suo back then.

She was afraid that Xiao Leng would tell Xiao Hongyuan about this, so she bit the bullet and said that she would go to Shui Ruolan's grave together.

The cemetery where Shui Ruolan is located is on the outskirts of City B, which is quite close to Fairy Lake.When Bai Xuge arrived here, he couldn't help but think of what happened in Fairy Lake last time.

Xiao Hongyuan took them to Shui Ruolan's tombstone. They saw a bunch of flowers in front of the monument. The flowers had long since withered and lost their color.

Xiao Hongyuan looked at Xiao Leng, "Leng'er, have you ever visited your mother?"

Xiao Leng shook his head.

Xiao Hongyuan sighed: "It must be Su Mingqi! Maybe he knows that his time is not long, so he left to take a look."

Speaking of Su Mingqi, and being in this gloomy cemetery again, everyone's mood inevitably became heavy again.

Su Suo put the flowers bought at the florist in front of Shui Ruolan's tombstone, and then faced the tombstone with the "Mother in Dream" he painted.

"Mom, my son is not filial. He came to see you for the first time when he was so old. I didn't know that I had a mother when I was young. I didn't even know how I was born in this world. I was ignorant when I was young and would think of me. Did it come out of the soil, or did it grow out of the tree trunk? When I grew up, my adoptive father only said that I was an orphan and picked me up on the side of the road. At that time, I was so sad and sad. Now I know Now, I am not an orphan, I have a father, a brother, and a mother..."

Su Suo said, tears flowed out, and Bai Xuge's eyes were red, Su Suo was so pitiful.And Xiao Leng looked at Chen Nianrou fiercely, his eyes made Chen Nianrou bow his head in fright.

Su Suo continued to murmur to the tombstone: "Mom, these two words that can only be said in dreams, I can tell you now, I feel extremely happy. Mom, do you know? I often Dreaming of your shadow, although the picture is not very clear, but I know that you are beautiful, mom. I never thought that when I saw the portrait that my father drew for you, you are really beautiful, and your smile will always be engraved In my mind. If there is an afterlife, I still want to be your son. At that time, I hope we can be together forever and not be separated..."

Su Suo was sobbing and unable to speak.He knocked his head heavily in front of the tombstone three times.

Xiao Leng helped him up.

Bai Xuge, Jiang Chengen and Su Muying all saluted in front of the tombstone.

They were all thinking, what kind of a woman is this, who actually caused both men to suffer, she must be extremely beautiful, or she must be as gentle as water.Anyway, it must be an extraordinary woman who deserves what they pay for.

Before leaving, Jiang Chengen had a conversation with Xiao Hongyuan.

"Uncle, I want to bury my father here, I don't know if it is possible."

Xiao Hongyuan looked around the mountainous area, nodded and said: "I'm afraid this is your father's last wish! Although he never told you about it. I don't mind about it. Your father, me and Suo Mom, we have been friends since we were young, although there have been many grievances and grievances in the past few decades, I still hope that we can continue to stay together in the future."

"Thank you uncle!" Jiang Chengen smiled slightly.

"Remember to notify me when your father's funeral is held." Xiao Hongyuan said.

Jiang Chengen nodded, "Okay, Uncle."

They left this sad place.

When we arrived in the urban area, it was lunch time, so Xiao Hongyuan invited Jiang Chengen to dine at Xiao's house together.

The Xiao residence is usually very quiet, but now because of Su Suo's return, it seems to be bustling all of a sudden.Xiao Hongyuan seldom stays in the studio anymore.When he learned that Su Suo was a painter, he was very happy. It seemed that Su Suo had inherited his genes.

"Dad, let's go out to sketch together when we have time!" Because of the excitement, Su Suo's mood eased a little. Now he just wanted to make his father happy, so he made this suggestion.

Of course Xiao Hongyuan was very happy, he nodded, "Okay! It's just that I'm not very good at painting landscapes, so I don't know if I can draw well."

Su Suo smiled and said: "Dad, I rarely draw landscapes. It seems that I have inherited from you. I have loved to draw portraits since I was a child. Occasionally, I will lay some landscapes for people, but it is very rare. "

Xiao Hongyuan: "Drawing landscapes is good! Painting landscapes is more enjoyable. In the future, I will change my way of thinking, go out more and have a look, and draw more landscapes. I also want to get up and run every day in the future to exercise my old age. Where are the bones!"

Bai Xuge smiled and said, "Uncle is not old! If you continue to live like you in the future, you will become younger and younger."

"That's that, I'm counting on you." Xiao Hongyuan looked at the group of young and beautiful faces in front of him, and he was in a very good mood. Suddenly, he felt like he was many years younger.

Jiang Chengen also echoed: "Living in this world, one should maintain a good mood. A good mood means a better mentality and a positive life."

"Yes." Su Muying also responded.

Xiao Hongyuan nodded, "Yes! In the future, I will learn more from you young people. Now that I have got it back, I feel like my life is full of vitality all of a sudden, haha." He couldn't help laughing as he said.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of chatting became active.

Chen Nianrou was helping Wang Ma prepare lunch in the kitchen, luckily she didn't hear this, otherwise, she probably wouldn't feel better.After all, the pain of Xiao Hongyuan and Su Suo was caused by her.

It was finally time for dinner, there were many customers today, Mama Wang cooked some special dishes to entertain them.

The atmosphere in the dining room is naturally enjoyable.

"Cheng En, you should often come to eat with Suo and Leng'er in the future! I actually think that I am quite compatible with you. You see, you are also an orphan. If you don't mind, this will be your home from now on." , Come whenever you want, I will treat you like my own son."

Xiao Hongyuan said these words very seriously.

Jiang Chengen was very moved, he raised the red wine in his glass to salute Xiao Hongyuan: "Thank you uncle, in my heart, I will also treat you as my father."

(End of this chapter)

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