Chapter 242 Who is that person

Su Suo finally opened his eyes, his eyes were slightly red, and his heart was extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

He didn't know why, he used to think about marrying her and having a baby every day, but just now, why couldn't he be happy at all when he heard what she said?

"Suo, don't ignore me, don't... I'm scared, you know?" Su Muying bent down and hugged Su Suo tightly, yes, she was terrified.

She said she wanted to marry him, why didn't he respond?why……

Is this a prelude to not wanting myself?

"Suo, I'll go to Qingfengya with you, I'll go with you, okay? Okay? So..." Su Muying hoarse.

Su Suo raised his hands, caressed Su Muying's back, and stroked gently.

When he heard her cry, his heart was broken, which meant that he still loved her, still loved her, how could he make her cry?

Su Muying felt Su Suo's caress and comfort, and her fear subsided a little.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed earlier!" Su Muying patted her smooth back.

Su Muying sat up, her face was weeping, and Su Suo's chest was also wet.

She looked at Su Suo's concerned eyes, smiled through the ice, and wiped her tears with one hand. This appearance was really much gentler than the lean and capable look in the daytime.

She got up and went to the bathroom to wash off the makeup on her face.

Back on the bed, she didn't expect Suso to fall asleep on her side outside, she was so disappointed.

From going to the UK by herself, and now, they have never done it. Every time it is either because of this or that, she is really discouraged.

She lay down under the quilt, and only by leaning closer to him could she feel the slightest sense of security. She was drowsy and finally fell asleep.

After a long time, in the darkness, Suso gently lifted the quilt, searched and got out of bed.

He came to the living room, turned on a small light, and then stood in front of the glass window, looking at the night scene of the bustling city outside the window.Bits of light flickered, and his mood was always ups and downs.

After thinking for a moment, he found himself in a predicament from which he could not extricate himself.

The night was deep, but he couldn't sleep. The red wine on the coffee table was still standing there. His slender fingers held the stem of the cup, and slowly tasted it drop by drop.

He didn't linger on the mellow taste of the red wine, he just wanted to let the alcohol ferment in his blood, so that his mind could get a moment of tranquility.

He recalled the wrong things that Su Muying did. Subconsciously, he was always making excuses for her, saying that she committed those mistakes because of her adoptive father's instigation.

However, something is wrong!
Bai Lan, an innocent victim, a young life, just disappears like this, why doesn't Mu Ying feel ashamed.

This made him have to question Mu Ying's character and her kindness.

He believes that the most basic quality of a person is kindness.He didn't know if Mu Ying had such qualities.

Finally, the hypnotic effect of red wine began to appear. Exhausted physically and mentally, he walked into the bedroom, lay down beside Mu Ying, and fell asleep quietly.

At dawn, Su Muying was woken up by the alarm clock. She looked at Su Suo who was still lying sideways, not daring to disturb him.

She got up gently, went to the bathroom to wash up, tidied up and went to the living room.

In the living room, on the coffee table, she looked at the two empty wine glasses.

She was trying to think back, it seemed that she didn't finish the two glasses of wine last night, she only took a sip!

She looked back at Su Suo in the bedroom, frowned, wondering if he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and drank the wine.

Thinking about this made her very upset.She picked up her bag, opened the door, walked out, and closed it hard.

She was venting the anger in her heart, she was wronged, and she felt that Su Suo no longer loved her, which was so different from before.How infatuated with his body he had been before!Several times a night he didn't want to stop, but now, he didn't want to touch himself at all.

She left the apartment complex and waited for a taxi on the road. When she was in a bad mood, she couldn't even get a taxi.

She was very distraught.

At this time, a car she was very familiar with slowly stopped in front of her.

She hesitated for a while, then got into the car.

Fastening her seat belt, she asked, "Hala, why are you here so early in the morning?"

Hala looked at her with an unhappy face, thinking that she was afraid of being seen by that person, after all, the person she was holding hands with yesterday was Xiao Leng's younger brother, Yuertai's second son.What is he in front of him, just a wage earner.

Hala's complexion was also not very good, and she ignored Su Muying's words.

Su Muying was in an extremely bad mood at this time, Su Suo didn't want to see her, and even Hala showed her face at this time.

She was thinking about what kind of unlucky day it was today to make herself so angry.

"Hala, what are you talking about! Why are you here so early in the morning?" Su Muying actually didn't want to ask him why he was here. He was here because he was waiting for her, so why bother to ask.She was just angry at Hala's nonchalant attitude, which annoyed her so much.

At this time, Hala parked the car on the side of the road.

"Mu Ying, what's your relationship with Xiao Leng's twin brother?" Hala asked her with a stern face.

"Do you have any control over my relationship with him?" Su Muying crossed her arms and pouted her mouth in anger.She was also not good at answering his questions.

"Mu Ying, I know, I know I'm not qualified to ask you this question, I can't give you anything, but I hope you can respect me and don't lie to me. If he is your boyfriend, I won't mind, you just say so That's fine, but you can't say that he is your own brother. It's wrong for you to prevaricate me with such a lie. "

Hala spoke with a confident look.

Su Muying felt wronged, and her anger gradually dissipated.

She frowned and said, "Yes, I lied to you. Let me tell you, my relationship with him is complicated! He is both my brother and my boyfriend. "

Hala frowned, it was so complicated that he couldn't understand it.

"Mu Ying, what are you talking about? Is he your brother or your boyfriend? Oh, no, how could he be your brother? He is Xiao Leng's twin brother."

Su Muying took a deep breath, and then said word by word: "He and I are both Mark's adopted son, so he is my brother, but we are not related by blood, so he is my boyfriend, who has been with me for many years, do you understand?"

Hala was stunned for a moment, Su Muying's words really made sense.

But, how did Xiao Leng's twin brother become Mark's adopted son again?By the way, Mark wanted to get involved with Youertai all his heart, and then let Mu Ying go to Youertai as a commercial spy.

OMG!Could it be that Mark and the Xiao family have a sworn hatred.

By the way, Xiao Leng's father also went to Mark's funeral.

Hala doesn't want to think about it anymore, he can basically straighten out the relationship between them.He started the car and drove towards the company.At this time, his mood improved slightly.

Su Muying was the same, after telling Hala these complicated secrets, she felt a lot easier.

It seems that Hala is jealous.

Alas, even though he was angry with Su Suo, this man still loves him.

Wouldn't it be miserable for a woman to lose the love of a man.

This is Su Muying's view on love, she is a woman who needs to be surrounded by men anytime and anywhere.

She would feel unable to live without a man.

(End of this chapter)

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