The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 253 The Woman in the Painting

Chapter 253 The Woman in the Painting

"Hey, my dad changed the curtains in my room?" Bai Xuge shouted happily as soon as he entered the room.

The white background, with fruit green rhombus patterns printed on it, makes the whole room look fresh and elegant, without the childishness of pink before.

The bed has also been changed to a similar color system.

Xiao looked at it with a sneer, and said, "This feels good."

"En!" Bai Xuge walked to the window, pulled the curtains, and then sat on the bed and flicked a few times.After a while, she added: "My father must have chosen this color. If my mother would definitely choose red for me."

Xiao Leng sat beside Bai Xuge, next to her.

Bai Xuge got up and went to cover the door, but didn't dare to close it completely, maybe because he was afraid that his father would misunderstand what the two of them were doing sneakily in the room!

Xiao Leng lay reclining on Xuge's big soft bed, which made him feel very solid and warm.

A woman's boudoir really has a wonderful attraction to men!

He pulled Xu Ge to his body, and pressed her head against his chest. The two of them didn't speak, just enjoying each other's warmth and sweetness silently.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Leng said, "Xuge, I really want to go to New York with you!"

"The exhibition is only for three days, so I will take my mother to play around. Liying is so busy, and my mother will definitely not spend too much time visiting. I think we will return to China in a week." Xu Ge said , while leaning against his strong chest, playing with the diamond buttons on his suit.

Xiao Leng caressed her soft blue hair, and said sadly: "A week is so long!"

Bai Xuge looked up at him, and said with a smile: "You are so busy with work, a week will be over in a while."

Xiao Leng didn't speak any more, just looked at her silently, with complicated emotions.

Bai Xuge suddenly thought of Susuo, she said, "Would you like to give Susuo a call?"

Xiao Leng said yes, and Bai Xuge got up from his body, helped him pick up the mobile phone on the table and handed it to him.

Xiao Leng found Su Suo's number, and he shut down the phone for two days, wondering if it was on at this time.

Fortunately, the phone was connected.

"Suo, are you at Qingfengya?" Xiao Leng asked softly.

Su Suo's gentle voice came from the phone: "Yes, I live in Qingfeng Temple, and the masters here regarded me as you from the beginning."

Xiao Leng chuckled, and asked again: "Are you okay there?"

Su Suo said: "Fortunately, I like the environment here very much, and I am painting now! Master Shanyuan here asked me to give him a second painting."

"Master Shanyuan? Is it the older one?"

"Yes, that's him. He's the only older one here."

"That's it. I was thinking of getting a marriage certificate with Xu Ge and going to him to fulfill my wish!"

"Fulfill your wish?"

"Last time, Xu Ge and I asked for a lottery from him. At that time, Xu Ge and I were not lovers."

Suso probably guessed it, anyway, it is easy to sign, he said: "That should be a wish."

"Well, you should wear more clothes there, it must be very cold in the mountains. If not, I'll ask Lu Chenxing to send it to you."

"No need, brother, I have enough."

"Well, don't turn off your phone, call me if you have anything to do, and keep in touch."

"Okay, brother."


Su Suo, who hung up the phone, was coloring the painting on the top of the cliff.His usual drawing speed is very fast, but this time, because the picture is wide and he wants to draw as detailed as possible, he doesn't want to miss even a little detail.

Tomorrow, he plans to spend the day painting temples.

At this time, the young monk in the temple came to the top of the cliff, holding a bamboo basket in his hand, which was covered with a thick piece of white cotton cloth.Although the bamboo basket was tightly covered, Suso could still smell the aroma of the food coming out of it. He was really hungry.

"Thank you, little master, I'm sorry if you brought me food here."

The little monk smiled and said: "Master saw that you didn't go back to the monastery for lunch, so he thought that you must not want to waste time by running around. Starving for too long is not good for your stomach, so Master asked me to bring food over."

Seeing the smile on the young monk's face, Su Suo felt warm in his heart. He really felt the kindness and sincerity of Master Shanyuan and the young monks in the temple.

At this time, the little monk took advantage of Su Suo's leisure time while eating, so he sat next to the easel and looked at it. He looked at a photo on the easel. In the semi-finished painting, the girl's delicate and beautiful appearance was painted on The scenery in this painting is very artistic.

It's just that the little monk became more and more familiar with the girl in this photo.He frowned, touched the back of his head, looked at the photo, then looked at Susuo, seeing that Susuo didn't notice him, he hesitated to speak, and in the end he didn't speak, just looked at the painting silently.

Because Su Suo was too hungry, the meal was finished quickly. He packed the bowls and chopsticks into the bamboo basket, and covered the bamboo basket with a thick cotton cloth.

He turned around and looked at the little monk staring at the picture on the easel, then looked at the little monk and smiled.

Seeing that he was full, the little monk asked politely, "Is the food still to your taste?"

Su Suo nodded: "It's very tasty, thank you, it's so far away, I'll trouble you to climb up."

The little monk waved his hands and said with a smile: "You're welcome, in fact, we are very happy to have guests here, especially guests like you."

Hearing what he said, Su Suo pursed his lips and smiled slightly.

Pointing to the photo, the little monk asked, "Who is this girl to you?"

Su Suo picked up the photo and said quietly: "She is my brother's ex-girlfriend, and she jumped off a cliff here last year."

The little monk said "Oh" without saying anything more, took his leave and went down the mountain.

In the temple, the little monk put the bamboo blue into the kitchen and ran to the main hall to find the master.

"Master, why didn't you tell Sister Qinglan that her relatives are coming!" The little monk knew that Master knew everything about it.

Master Shanyuan was silent and smiled silently.

The little monk asked again: "He said that sister Qinglan is his brother's ex-girlfriend, that is the girlfriend of the benefactor who came last time. Master, you clearly know, why didn't you tell him?"

The little monk had too many doubts to ask, and the master finally said quietly: "The benefactor who came last time, he also brought a girl with him. Qinglan is trapped by love. We don't understand the situation, so of course we can't make random decisions."

"But now that his younger brother is here, you can make this clear!"

"Qinglan's character is too stubborn, if I say it, she will definitely hide away, so I just let the benefactor on the cliff go to Qingyun Temple."

"Then will he go?"

"Not sure, it should be! It depends on fate. I have pointed out the way. If they can't meet, it means they don't have fate. If they can meet, the future development can only follow their wishes gone."

The little monk said "Oh!" with a suddenly enlightened expression.

(End of this chapter)

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