The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 268 I am the father of the child

Chapter 268 I am the father of the child
She shouted bitterly: "Xiao Leng, what are you talking about? Why don't you separate? We have already broken up, we broke up..." Her tears finally couldn't hold back, and she pointed at Xiao Leng fiercely. Said: "Let me tell you Xiao Leng, if you let my sister down again, I will fight you hard..."

After throwing down these harsh words, she opened the door and rushed out.

Jiang Cheng'en protected her, she ran in a hurry, if he hadn't forcibly supported her, she would have fallen down on the stairs.

Xiao Leng chased to the door, and seeing her stumbling downstairs, he suddenly felt his heart was hollowed out.

Jiang Chengen turned his head and glanced at Xiao Leng, and he made a gesture, which meant that he would take good care of Xu Ge, so that Xiao Leng could rest assured.

The sound of the two cars starting disappeared, Xi Wan was quiet, Jiang Chengen left with Xu Ge, and Gao Ze also left.

Nuo Da's villa was messy and empty.

Thousands of arrows piercing the heart of pain hit Xiao Leng, "Ah!" He let out a wild roar, and punched the door hard with his hands clenched into fists.

The hard wooden door was not injured, but his hand was injured, and the blood flowed down the back of his hand, dripping to the ground bit by bit.

Jiang Chengen opened a room for Xu Ge in the hotel.

In the hotel room, he helped her in, let her lie on the bed, and then sat on the sofa chair in the room, looking at her.

He worried about her, now she is not alone, she still has a baby in her stomach.

After more than ten hours of flying, coupled with sadness, Bai Xuge obviously couldn't hold it anymore. She didn't even have the strength to speak. She squinted her eyes and looked at Jiang Chengen, and said to him in a weak voice: "Go back Come on! I'm fine."

Jiang Chengen shook his head, and he said softly: "Xuge, I'm here, don't worry. Just sleep peacefully. After you wake up, everything is over and everything will be fine. Tomorrow we will go to Qingfengya. Bring your sister back."

Bai Xuge is no longer reluctant, she believes in Jiang Chengen, she believes that she can sleep peacefully with him by her side.

She closed her eyes and finally fell asleep.

It doesn't feel good to be asleep either, because she's dreaming.

There is a sister and Xiao Leng in the dream, why do two people appear at the same time, it would be great if she didn't fall in love with Xiao Leng!That way no one will suffer.

In the dream, she cried again, she couldn't bear Xiao Leng, she couldn't bear him...

In the hotel room, Jiang Chengen looked at Bai Xuge's thin and haggard face through the dim light, feeling extremely distressed.

The breakup between Bai Xuge and Xiao Leng did not make him feel a little happy. If Xuge is painful, then he would rather Xuge and Xiao Leng continue their love.As long as Xu Ge is happy, he will be happy.

"Xu Ge, you must be well, you must..."

Jiang Chengen whispered in his heart, he was also extremely exhausted, lying on the sofa, and fell into a deep sleep.

At noon the next day, Bai Xuge woke up with a headache.

Her stomach was so hungry, maybe because she smelled a scent, yes, it was the smell of egg noodles.She sat up and saw a steaming bowl of noodles on the hotel table.

She remembered that today she was going to Qingfengya to pick up her sister. When she thought of her sister, her mood improved again.

She defined herself again in her heart. Compared with her sister's rebirth, her love was nothing.

Whether it is a boyfriend or a husband, you can find it everywhere, but there is only one sister, only one.

She can clearly distinguish between love and family affection.

She went to the bathroom to wash up, then sat on a chair and ate noodles.

Why are you so hungry?She was touching her belly while eating, was it because of the baby in her belly?

She was stunned again, no, this baby came at an untimely time, she couldn't have this baby.

She was sad again, she was eating noodles, and tears came out again when she thought of the child in her stomach.

At this time Jiang Chengen opened the door and came in.

Seeing Xuge sitting at the table eating noodles, he said softly, "You're awake." Just after he finished speaking, he saw the glint in Xuge's eyes, thinking that she was sad about Xiao Leng again.

"Xuge, don't think too much, everything will pass." Jiang Chengen comforted her.

Bai Xuge swallowed the noodles in his mouth, then wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with a tissue on the table.

She paused and said to him, "Jiang Chengen, I want to ask you something."

Jiang Chengen looked at her and said, "What's the matter? Xuge."

She touched her belly, then looked at him again: "Keep my pregnancy a secret."

Jiang Chengen nodded: "Don't worry, I will keep it secret, you child, I will be responsible, don't worry."

Bai Xuge was taken aback, and looked at him, "What did you say?"

Jiang Chengen sat beside her and looked at her with a smile: "Xu Ge, let me tell you, I will be responsible for the child in your belly, and I will be responsible for Xiao Leng."

"No, no, no, I can't make you responsible. You can't have this child, you must not have it." Bai Xuge shook his head and looked at him.

Jiang Chengen's face darkened, "Xu Ge, what are you talking about, don't you want this child?"

Bai Xuge nodded: "No, definitely not. My sister and I are biological sisters, and the child cannot be hidden. After a long time, she will know that the child belongs to Xiao Leng, so she must not have it."

Jiang Chengen grabbed her arm and said anxiously: "Xu Ge, listen to me, you can't give up on this child, this is your child, killing the child will hurt your body, I won't allow you to do that. I said However, I will be responsible for this child, and I will treat you and the child well."

"'s not fair to you, no..."

"Xuge, are you willing to give up this child? You can tell from your own conscience, are you willing to give up? Can you be sure that you won't regret it if you take him away?"


"Xu Ge, do you think you can just let Xiao Leng give up on you? You definitely can't. Xiao Leng loves Bailan, but that's in the past tense. People's feelings will change. Now Xiao Leng loves you. do you know?"

"No, I can't make him love me, we have no right to love."

"Well, let Xiao Leng stop thinking about it. You marry me, and I will take care of the child in your womb. And you can rest assured that you and I are just a fake marriage, and I won't do anything to you? I just want to Just be the father of the child."

Bai Xuge was stunned, she heard right!Jiang Chengen said that he wanted to marry her, a fake marriage, and become the father of the child. What good would it do him?
"Why are you doing this?"

"No reason, I'm alone now, it doesn't matter if I get married a few years later, when the matter between you and Xiao Leng calms down, you have found someone you love again, you can divorce me at any time, I won't drag you .”


"What else are you doing, Xu Ge, if you want Xiao Leng to treat your sister thoroughly, you have to do this. I will not allow you to kill the child in your belly, and I will be the father of this child from now on."


(End of this chapter)

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