The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 271 Xiao Leng's Two Difficulties

Chapter 271 Xiao Leng's Dilemma

Xiao Leng and Su Suo slept in a wing room.

In the room, Su Suo looked at Xiao Leng who was frowning all the time, he knew the entanglement and dilemma in his brother's heart.

In the dark, Su Suo asked his brother with his pillow on the back of his head, "Brother, what are you going to do in the future?"

Xiao Leng on the other bed sighed deeply, and then he said lightly: "I don't know, I can't hurt Bai Lan, but I don't want to hurt Xu Ge either, Suo, tell me, what should I do? "

The air in the room was silent, Su Suo was silent for a while, and asked him, "Who do you think you love more?"

Xiao Leng shook his head silently, "I don't know, I can't tell the difference. When I see Bai Lan, my heart aches, and when I see Xuge, I also feel ache."

"You will be able to tell the difference after a long time." Su Suo said indifferently.

Xiao Leng looked at Su Suo in the darkness through the dim light cast by the moonlight, and said, "Will it be?"

Suso nodded: "Yes."

Xiao Leng sighed again, "Why are they two sisters? It's okay if they don't meet Xu Ge again, but we have to face each other often, what should we do?"

"There will always be a solution to things, but try not to get entangled. You must make a choice between the two of them."

"Do I have the right to choose?" After Xiao Leng finished speaking, he turned over heavily, and he looked sideways at the full moon outside the window, as if this round bright moon represented reunion.

Reunited, Xuge and her sister are reunited, but what about him and Xuge!

Right now, he seems to be thinking about everything wrong, it's not right to think about being with Xu Ge, and it's not right to be thinking about being with Bai Lan.

What is he going to do?what to do?
"Brother, let nature take its course! Do your own thing well." Su Suo looked at his brother under the moonlight and said quietly.


The room was silent, only the chirping of some night insects came from outside the window, reminding that someone had been restless this night.

The next morning, although everyone went to bed late last night, they couldn't hide their excitement and got up early.

Bai Bowen and Lu Huiming were grateful for the tranquility and fresh air in the mountains.

"Huiming, when we all retire and stop working, let's live in this mountain!" Bai Bowen stretched his arms facing the red sun in the morning.

"Okay! Let's buy a piece of land here and build a small villa. It shouldn't be too big, so that Lan Lan and Xu Ge can live there when they have time. Then we will grow vegetables and flowers here. , Every day you lead me to climb the mountain."

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid I'll be too old to crawl."

"Life lies in exercise. Once you get used to crawling, you will be able to crawl. Look at the old Wang next door to us. He is ten years older than us. He runs every morning, and his body is very strong."

"That's that, after that we retired and focused on exercising."

"Yeah! Thinking about it, I really want to retire soon."

Master Shanyuan accidentally heard their chat when he came out, and felt envious.He smiled and said, "Come and live here when you have time, Qingfeng Temple and Qingyun Temple welcome you at any time."

Bai Bowen and Lu Huiming turned around and saw Master Shanyuan, and immediately greeted him with smiles.

"Master Shanyuan, you also wake up so early." Bai Bowen greeted him.

Master Shanyuan bowed slightly, stretched his body, and said with a smile, "Yes! Thinking about the excitement today, I woke up early. I am a person who has to get up early no matter how late I go to bed."

Bai Bowen smiled and said, "Me too, I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, people are getting less sleepy."

Lu Huiming just looked at them and smiled gently.

At this time, Bai Lan and Bai Xuge also walked towards them.

In the morning light, the two sisters are slim and beautiful, charming and charming.

Master Shanyuan looked at them and said with a smile: "You have a pair of good daughters!"

Bai Bowen looked at his daughters and smiled, "Thank you Master Shanyuan for your compliment!"

Master Shanyuan looked at them meaningfully, shook his head for a while, and nodded for a while, but there was always a smile on his face.Careful Lu Huiming observed Master Shanyuan's expression, and she asked, "Master Shanyuan has something to say."

Master Shanyuan laughed again: "There is nothing to say, follow the fate, everything depends on the fate, they have their own destiny, and the bitterness will come, and the bitterness will come. How can there be so many smooth things in life, you always have to experience many setbacks to be grateful to happiness."

"That's it, that's it." Lu Huiming replied.

After Bai Xuge and Bai Lan got closer, Bai Xuge took Lu Huiming's arm, Bai Lan held Bai Bowen's hand, and shouted in unison: "Dad, Mom."

Bai Bowen and Lu Huiming also responded in unison.

The two sisters greeted Master Shanyuan again.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer, you slept so late last night." Lu Huiming said distressedly.

"Mom, we can't sleep, we wake up when the rooster crows." Bai Xuge said with a smile, there was no trace of gloom on her face, and her face was full of joy, as if her lovelorn never existed.

One after another, Xiao Leng, Su Suo, and Jiang Chengen also came to the yard.

Xiao Leng glanced at Xu Ge secretly, but Xu Ge dodged them intentionally or unintentionally.She was trying to pretend she didn't know him well.

Xiao Leng looked at Xu Ge, his heart still ached, and the pain became deeper and deeper.But he also tried his best to hide himself.

He walked to Bai Lan's side, put his arms around her waist, and smiled at Bai Lan.Smiling, as if they hadn't been separated for a year, as if they had always been this good.

Master Yunlian asked the nuns in the temple to arrange breakfast.

The breakfast is very rich. The vegetables grown by myself, as well as wild vegetables in the mountains, and fruits are all on the round table.The staple food is porridge.

Master Yunlian looked at the breakfast table and said modestly to them: "I'm really sorry everyone, the food in the mountains is simple, and there is nothing good to greet everyone."

Bai Bowen said: "Master Yunlian is too polite. The table is full of delicious food that we can't usually enjoy in the city. It is real organic food."

Lu Huiming also said: "Yes! These dishes are not available even if you have money."

"Then you can come and live here when you have vacations. We welcome you at any time. Besides, I am very reluctant to part with Qinglan. I like this child very much, but I can't force her to stay here just because I like it, so Qinglan, you should visit us often when you are free." Master Yunlian said the last words to Bailan, Qingxin also echoed and said to Bailan: "Yes! Qinglan, come back and live when you are free. Look at us sisters."

Bai Lan smiled and said: "Well, I will definitely come back to see you when I have free time. Thank you master and sisters for taking care of you for more than a year. In fact, I also miss you very much." Bai Lan said, her face really sank. What I said was true. I have lived in this temple for more than a year, and I usually get along well with each other, so I left after shouting to leave. Naturally, I feel a little bit reluctant.

"Come, come, come, let's eat." Master Yunlian yelled to disperse everyone's parting worries.

"Come, eat, eat more."

Xiao Leng helped Bailan put some vegetables in her bowl, and at the same time, he also took a look at Xuge, seeing Jiang Chengen taking care of Xuge beside him, his heart felt like a knife was piercing.

(End of this chapter)

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