The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 276 The Ghost in the Fitting Room

Chapter 276 The Ghost in the Fitting Room

After all the guests left, the Bai family villa looked empty.But even though it was quieter, it was more lively than usual.

Both Bai Bowen and Lu Huiming were very happy, and their two daughters were by their side. For parents, this is the greatest family happiness.

The humble love between Xu Ge and Xiao Leng gradually made them feel less important.

There will always be times when people are sad. Perhaps, one must truly experience sadness in order to grow.

Xu Ge's being able to be with Jiang Chengen in the future can be regarded as a worry for Bai Bowen and Lu Huiming.

The two sisters Bai Lan and Xu Ge helped the nanny clean up the house.Bai Lan said that she was used to working, and felt very uncomfortable when she was idle.

Xu Ge said that she is also more diligent than before, and she can cook a few side dishes. She said that tomorrow she will cook boiled fish for her parents and sister to try.

Bai Lan really found it unbelievable that Xu Ge, who never did housework, even went into the kitchen.

Xuge laughed at Bailan, she said sister, didn't you never do housework before?

After cleaning up the house, the sisters took a nap for a while, because they slept late last night and got up early today.

Xu Ge slept in her sister's room, and when her sister came back, Xu Ge liked it very much.

After waking up, Xu Ge wanted to vomit several times, but he just kept holding back.Seeing that her face was ugly, Bai Lan asked her, "Xu Ge, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

Bai Xuge said indifferently: "I'm fine, sister, maybe I ate too much at noon, my throat is not feeling well recently, and my stomach is not very good."

Bai Lan seemed a little anxious, with a worried expression on her face, "Then should I go to see a doctor?"

Bai Xuge shook his head, "No need, I took the medicine and it will be fine in two days, the weather is unstable these days, it's hot and cold, it's easy to have these little problems, sister, you should pay attention to your health .”

Bai Lan nodded, still looking at her worriedly.

"Sister, don't tell your parents about this, or they will worry again. I'm fine."

Bai Lan replied, "Okay, I won't say anything."

Bai Xuge looked at her sister's closet, and thought that her sister didn't have any clothes to wear, so she said, "Sister, shall we go shopping?"

Bai Lan looked at her closet and said with a smile, "No need, the clothes in my closet can still be worn."

Bai Xuge walked to the closet, opened the closet door, pointed to the clothes that had lost their color and said, "Sister, how old are these styles? Let's go, I'll take you to buy them, don't you still want to find a job?" Is it? So you must dress up nicely."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Bai Lan nodded.

The two sisters greeted Bai Bowen and Lu Huiming and went out. Lu Huiming arranged for a driver to take them there.

The variety of colors in the shopping mall makes Bailan feel like a lifetime away.She stayed in the mountains for more than a year, except for flowers and fruits, the colors she saw were either green or gray.

When Xu Ge passed a store, her heart stopped, and she suddenly remembered that when Xiao Leng took her to visit this store, she bought almost all the clothes in it.

"What's the matter? Xuge, don't you want to go in and take a look?" Bai Lan saw the strange color on Xuge's face.

Xu Ge shook his head, "The clothes of this store are not good-looking, let's look at other stores."

"Okay." Bai Lan hasn't been shopping in the mall for a long time, and now she is not sensitive to fashion at all, so she just let Xu Ge drag her along.

Xuge helped Bailan choose clothes.

Bai Lan has a good figure, and she finds any clothes look good on her, so she bought a lot without knowing it.

"Sister, that dress must look good on you." Bai Xuge pointed to a bright red woolen dress. She knew that her sister liked red.

Bailan is Yizheng, red, the color she once loved so much.She shook her head at Xuge, "I don't like red now, let's look at something else!"

Bai Xuge probably understood what her sister meant, so she didn't force her. She handed a white skirt to Bai Lan.

"Yo! Isn't this Xuge?"

A sweet female voice sounded, and Bai Xuge was taken aback. When she looked sideways, it turned out to be Su Muying.

Bai Lan was trying on clothes in the room at this time, and she seemed to have heard a familiar voice, and just before she started changing, she opened the door of the fitting room.

Bai Xuge panicked when she saw Su Muying. She wanted to pull Su Muying away, but she didn't expect her sister to come out, and she saw her surprised eyes.

"Su Muying!"

At this time, Su Muying turned her eyes and saw Bai Lan, she was so frightened that she threw all the clothes in her hands on the ground.

"Wow, hell!"

When Su Muying turned around to dodge, she accidentally tripped over the prosthetic model beside her and fell heavily to the ground.

Several salespersons ran over one after another, and one of them came up to support the shivering Su Muying.

Su Muying was frightened and kept saying, "Ghost, ghost, ghost."

Bai Xuge's mind turned sharply, and she took advantage of the chaos to flee the scene with her sister.

When he reached the elevator entrance, Bai Xuge hurriedly pressed the elevator.

"Xuge, what's the matter? Do you know Su Muying too?"

Under the influence of the Buddhist scriptures, Bai Lan no longer harbored any resentment toward Su Muying. She originally wanted to say hello to Su Muying, but she never thought that Su Muying thought she was a ghost.

But why did Xuge know Su Muying?Seeing that Xiao Leng and Xu Ge also know each other, they must have learned about it from Xiao Leng and Su Suo!But why did Xuge pull herself away in such a hurry!She doesn't understand.

The elevator finally opened, and Xu Ge pulled Bai Lan into it.

Bai Xuge looked at the doubts on Bai Lan's face, she collected herself, cleared her throat, and then said calmly: "Sister, I was afraid that you would mind her, if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have been separated from us for more than a year time."

Bai Lan's doubts were resolved, and she smiled lightly: "Actually, I don't blame her for a long time. Su Suo told me that she did it because her adoptive father instructed her to do it, so she can't be blamed entirely."

Bai Xuge looked at Bailan and smiled, and they went straight down to the parking lot, the driver was waiting in the car, Xuge looked at the elevator door with lingering fear, and let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately, he didn't meet Su Muying again.

They left the mall and drove straight home.

Su Muying, who was scared out of her wits in the shopping mall, slowly calmed down under the persuasion of the salesperson.

"Miss, you must have read it wrong. That lady bought a lot of clothes in our store! We all saw the truth, it's not a ghost. How can a ghost wear clothes?"

Su Muying kept replaying the salesperson's words in her mind.

That was obviously Bai Lan, she must have read it right, and she was with Bai Xuge.A person who looks like Bai Lan is with Bai Xuge, who is it if it's not Bai Lan?

She was full of questions.

By the way, didn't Suso go to Qingfengya?She found a secluded place and called Suso.

"Mu Ying."

"Suo, are you still at Qingfengya?"

"I'm back in the city."

"Suo, I want to meet you, okay?"

On the phone, Su Suo hesitated for a while, then agreed to her.

Su Muying made an appointment to meet at a cafe near the shopping mall.

(End of this chapter)

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