Chapter 278 Have Fun Tonight
"Hello there!"

At the door, Suso looked at Hala who looked embarrassed, greeted him, and left the door.

Su Muying chased to the door, frowned and shouted: "Suo..."

She watched Su Suo disappear at the elevator entrance, and the melancholy and irritability in her heart made her very annoyed.

She glanced at Hala who was standing blankly at the door, turned around and walked angrily to the sofa in the room, and then sat down heavily on the sofa.

Hala entered the door, he was in a complicated mood, the man's natural possessiveness made him very jealous, but he also knew that Su Muying cared about Suso very much.

He entered the door, closed it, and then walked to the seat next to Su Muying and sat down.

He saw the wine bottle and two clean glasses on the coffee table, and he knew that Su Muying liked to flirt with red wine.

It seems that this Su Suo doesn't like her.

He looked at the angry Su Muying, poured red wine into two empty glasses, and handed one to Su Muying.

"Come on baby, don't be angry."

Su Muying took the wine glass and poured it all down her throat with her head raised. There was no elegance at all. She was really angry.

She placed the empty wine glass heavily on the marble coffee table.The sound of glass hitting marble was so loud that it seemed that the glass was about to be shattered.But fortunately, she has a good grasp of the strength, and it hasn't broken yet.

Hala poured another drink into her glass, his own still untouched.

He handed the wine glass to Su Muying again, and said submissively: "Muying, don't you call me and tell me, don't you usually come to see you at this time?"

Su Muying was discouraged all of a sudden, thinking it was all her own fault, Hala was right, he usually came at this time, she should have called him in advance.

Su Muying raised her head again and drank the red wine in the glass.

After two glasses of wine, she drank another sip, her head was a little dizzy, and her anger gradually subsided.

Hala patted Su Muying's back obsequiously, and coaxed her in a friendly voice: "Baby, drink slowly, don't choke."

Su Muying put the wine glass on the tea table again, and then said amiably, "From now on, there will be no possibility for me and Su Suo, and there will be no room for maneuver."

"You'll meet someone better than her in the future."

Su Muying snorted, then shook her head, "It's impossible to touch me again. Do you know how good Su Suo is? He is talented, good-looking, and most importantly, he has a good personality. He has tolerated me for so many years. "

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't he tolerate you now? If he tolerated you, why would he break up with you?"

"That's different. I hurt his family, and he tolerated me. No matter how generous a man is, he can't tolerate a cheating woman. If he hadn't seen the box of condoms, he wouldn't have acted like this Ruthlessly wanted to break up with me. I thought we might get back together tonight, but I didn't expect him to see you again."

"Fate is destined, which means that you and him are not destined."

Su Muying sighed, filled a glass of wine for herself, and took a sip slowly.

Seeing that her anger had almost subsided, Hala took out a small cardboard box from her pocket.

Su Muying took a look, "What is this?"

Hala smiled evilly and said, "This is a mood spray. I heard it works well. Let's have a good time tonight."

With a spring smile on Su Muying's face, she said, "You are the only one who has many tricks."

Hala hugged her, put her lips close to her ear, bit her earlobe lightly, and then whispered in her ear: "Don't you like it!"

"Go to you!" Su Muying said coquettishly, and kissed him passionately.

Hala held her on top of her and slowly undressed her.

Su Muying took his hand and said softly, "Go take a shower first."

"Okay, baby, let's go flush together, and try this thing after flushing." He looked at the small box on the coffee table jokingly.

Su Muying smiled charmingly. At this moment, she didn't feel the pain of Su Suo leaving at all.

In a small tea room near the entrance of this community, Su Suo was chatting with a woman.

"I'm really sorry! I thought you were Mr. Xiao, but you look exactly the same."

"It's okay, you know my brother, so we can be regarded as friends, I don't know what's the matter with you calling me?"

After the woman bowed her head in silence for a while, she looked up at Su Suo and said, "What does that Su Muying have to do with you?"

Su Suo was taken aback, is this matter important to her?But he replied truthfully, "She's my ex-girlfriend."

The woman looked at the handsome face in front of her, which was enough to win the hearts of thousands of girls, and said in disbelief: "You are so outstanding, she is willing to break up with you."

Suso smiled wryly and remained silent.

The woman asked again: "Did you meet a man in your ex-girlfriend's room when you just came out?"

Suso nodded.

The woman also smiled wryly, "I am that man's wife, and my name is Mi Yu. My husband used to be the marketing director of your brother's company."

Su Suo was surprised. What surprised him was not that this woman knew about her husband's cheating, but that she was so calm after knowing about it.

"What are you going to do?"

Mi Yu said, "I don't know, we have a daughter, I don't know what to do?"

Su Suo shrugged, and said in a helpless tone: "I can't help you with this kind of thing, maybe, you should see how to get back your husband's heart."

Mi Yu smiled and said: "Take it back, hum! I tried it, but it didn't work. His bad habits are deeply ingrained, and there is no way to change it."

Su Suo said, "Are you going to divorce him?"

Mi Yu: "It's possible."

"What about your daughter? Are you going to raise her in a single-parent household?"

Mi Yu's face changed slightly, but she recovered in an instant. It seemed that she was very strong.

Su Suo added: "Su Muying will return to England in a few days, and she will have little time to return to China in the future."

Mi Yu snorted coldly, "If one Su Muying leaves, there will be another Su Muying. I know that the problems between me and my husband are not entirely due to Su Muying, but let me tell you the truth, this Su Muying is really cheap. You It's good luck to break up with her, otherwise if you get married in the future, it's inevitable that she will often give you a cuckold."

Hearing what Mi Yu said, Su Suo felt a little sad, sad for himself, and also for Su Muying.

Is Su Muying really that miserable?

Seeing that Su Suo was silent, Mi Yu smiled easily, "I'm sorry for making you stressed, thank you for giving me this opportunity to sit and chat together, and now I feel better. Actually, until now, only you know My husband cheated on me."

Su Suo looked dignified: "You are very strong and calm."

Mi Yu smiled sadly: "You are wrong, in fact, I am not calm at all, maybe I do something out of line."

Su Suo heard her overtones, and couldn't help feeling worried. He asked, "What are you planning to do out of the ordinary?"

Mi Yu looked at ease, "I don't know, I didn't think about it." After finishing speaking, she picked up the exquisite bag in her hand and got up gracefully, then went to the bar to buy the bill, and then, she opened the door of the tea room, Walk out without looking back.

Su Suo watched her steady steps through the glass door, feeling up and down for some reason.

(End of this chapter)

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