The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 280 She Has Two Babies in Her Belly

Chapter 280 She Has Two Babies in Her Belly

At the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Bai Xuge stood at the door and dared not go in.

Jiang Chengen took her hand and said softly: "Xuge, if you haven't thought it through, we don't have to do it today."

Looking at Jiang Chengen's sincere face, Xuge felt very conflicted in his heart.

"I... I don't know if it's right to keep this child, it seems like it's too unfair to you." She touched her belly and said.

Jiang Chengen smiled lightly, "It's not unfair to me, Xuge, I'm single, and I'm usually lonely, but I'll be fine in the future, with you and the baby to accompany me."

"But I..."

"Xu Ge, don't worry about me, I have no problem, I can take care of you by your side, I am happy and happy."

"It's too unfair to you. Otherwise, I'd better not give up this child, before it takes shape."

"Xu Ge, what are you talking about? This is a life, can you bear it? You don't want him, you just kill him, you know? You are too cruel."

"Then I...I..."

"Xuge, trust me. I will treat your baby as my own after birth. If you fall in love with someone else in the future, we will get a divorce. If you don't believe me, I can write you a letter of guarantee."

"No... That's not what I mean. I'm afraid it will be difficult to fall in love with others in the future. I just think it's too unfair to you."

Jiang Chengen's heart suddenly ached, is it true that she won't be able to fall in love with others in the future?

"Xuge, there's nothing unfair about it. In short, I don't allow you to take away the baby in your belly. You can't kill him."

Bai Xuge's reluctance at first became even more reluctance at this time. Jiang Chengen said it so seriously, as if he really wanted to kill a life.

She lowered her head and nodded a few times, which was her acquiescence.

Jiang Chengen's troubled mind was relieved, and he helped Xu Ge into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The process of obtaining the certificate was very smooth.

Coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Xu Ge looked at the red book in her hand with a dazed expression on her face. She didn't know if it was right to do so.

She suddenly remembered the last time Xiao Leng and Xiao Leng were going to come here with their account books.Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before time passed.

Jiang Chengen noticed the worry on her face, and comforted her: "Xuge, you can completely ignore this red book, this red book is just to rectify the name of the child, you need to apply for a birth certificate when you give birth to a child, vaccinations, and schooling. There is a father's name. Don't worry, I will not interfere with your life in the future."

"I...I want to move out." Bai Xuge looked at Jiang Chengen's clear and wise eyes, and said softly.

She was afraid that her early pregnancy reaction would make her sister suspicious. Anyway, she was going to move out, so it was impossible to marry Jiang Chengen, so she should still live in her mother's house!
Jiang Chengen said with a smile: "Okay, I sold the villa next to your house and bought a villa in a slightly remote community. Because it is an existing house for decoration, I can move in anytime."

Bai Xuge nodded, and said, "Then let's move in tonight!"

"Okay, then we'll move your things there in the afternoon."


Jiang Chengen said that he would take her to the hospital for an obstetric examination.

On the way to the hospital, she told Jiang Chengen about seeing Su Muying.Jiang Chengen said that he would persuade Su Muying not to talk nonsense, and Su Muying was going back to England in a few days.

In the B-ultrasound room of the hospital, Bai Xuge looked through the screen and looked at the images on the screen that she could not understand.

After a checkup, the hospital looked at her with a smile, "Congratulations, you are pregnant with twins."

"Ah!" Bai Xuge sat up in shock when she heard the words "twins".

"Slow down, lie down first." The doctor said.

Bai Xuge lay down again, silently chanting "twins", she was overjoyed in her heart, luckily she didn't take it off, there are two babies in her belly!She was so excited that she really wanted to tell Xiao Leng the good news right away.

However, she was not qualified to tell him, nor did he have the right to know that the two babies in her womb belonged to him.

Her face became heavy again.

The doctor handed her the B bill and said that everything was normal, but she had to strengthen her nutrition, not to exercise strenuously in the first three months, and to maintain a good mood, because it was very hard to conceive twins.

After Xuge got dressed, the doctor called Jiang Chengen in.After explaining to Jiang Chengen, the doctor left.

Jiang Chengen was also very happy to hear that they were twins.

"Cheng En, I didn't expect to have two babies in my stomach." The corners of Xu Ge's eyes were a little wet, obviously too excited.

Jiang Chengen supported her and said with a smile, "Baby's father is twins, so the chances of you conceiving twins are very high. This is due to genetic factors."

Bai Xuge looked at Jiang Chengen movedly, "Thank you, Chengen, you are the one who kept this pair of babies, and you are their savior."

Jiang Chengen smiled lightly, holding Xuge's thin and slender shoulders with both hands, "Xuge, let's have a big meal to celebrate."

"En!" Bai Xuge nodded, with a happy smile on his face.

No matter how great the pain is, with the happiness given by the child, all the pain will no longer be pain.

In the restaurant, Jiang Chengen ordered more than ten dishes.

Bai Xuge looked at the table full of dishes, and then at Jiang Chengen: "Chengen, this is too wasteful."

Jiang Chengen calmly said: "Don't waste it, I'm happy today, you just have to try a little of everything, and you can't eat too much, I'm afraid you won't taste good, I ordered all the appetizers."


Jiang Chengen looked calm and gentle. He was also happy when he saw Xu Ge's smiling face that he hadn't seen for a long time. "After one and a half months, we will tell the family that you are pregnant. You can't hide this matter, but you can't say it now."

"Well, I know, thank you." Bai Xuge started to eat, it was already past noon, and she was already hungry.

Seeing that she was eating happily, Jiang Chengen started to eat too.

"It tastes really good." Bai Xuge praised.

"Yes, if you want to eat in the future, I will often bring you to eat."

"This, this is so embarrassing, it always takes up your time."

Bai Xuge's words made Jiang Chengen feel a little uncomfortable, and she was still being polite to herself.

"Xu Ge, you are not allowed to say such things in the future. We are a husband and wife. Although we are not a real husband and wife, our relationship is also extraordinary. At least, I will be the father of the child in the future, so it is my responsibility to treat you well. I am also willing. Seeing you happy makes me happy."

Hearing what Jiang Chengen said, Bai Xuge felt a little calmer.She didn't know in her heart that Jiang Chengen loved herself, but now, she had no choice but to accept his help.Now that she knew there were two babies in her belly, she would never think about getting rid of them again, so she made up her mind and decided to make herself a selfish woman.

"Don't always eat one dish, try all of them." Jiang Chengen put several other dishes in her bowl.

Bai Xuge looked at him and smiled while eating.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or what, but after knowing that there are two babies in her stomach, she feels that her taste is better.

(End of this chapter)

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