The Big Family's Endless Love: The Chief's Happy Enemy

Chapter 68 Su Muying's Tenderness and Sweetness

Chapter 68 Su Muying's Tenderness and Sweetness
On the driving road, Nan Jingtian asked: "Qianqian, who is that person you saw in the mall?"

Ye Qianqian looked perplexed: "I just think it looks like Xiao Leng, but I didn't see the front, only the profile and the back."

Nan Jingtian glanced at her sideways: "If you don't see the front, you can be sure that it is Xiao Leng! How can there be such a coincidence, there are too many people who look alike in this world, especially in foreign countries, when you see Chinese people think they look like so-and-so people. Also, foreigners think Chinese people look the same, just like we Chinese people think foreigners look the same.”

Ye Qianqian said in a deep voice: "It makes sense, it's just a silhouette. How can such a coincidence happen? It's rare to encounter it in City B, let alone this is England."

Nan Jingtian nodded.

Ye Qianqian stopped talking and just flipped through the photo in the camera to look at it.Looking closely, I think it really looks like it, but the appearance in the camera in the hoodie and slacks really doesn't match the last time I saw Xiao Leng in the shirt and trousers. Is this the same person?Maybe it's just that they look alike, not to mention that as Sedum said, they didn't see the front!Forget it, don't care about it, it made Nan Jingtian cry.Thinking of this, Ye Qianqian laughed again, still loudly.

Nan Jingtian frowned inexplicably: "What's wrong? Qianqian, what are you laughing at?"

Ye Qianqian held her belly and said, "I think of you crying again, hahaha! You are so cute, Sedum. How can you be so cute? What kind of tumbler! Don't say it, I think it's really scary. Or Hurry up and turn on international roaming on your phone!"

Nan Jingtian gave her a good look, but it's a pity that it's not convenient to park on this road, otherwise she would have to punish her, obviously she was crying because of her, but she even laughed at me.

"Let me tell you, it's not uncommon for such a thing to happen. Look at those people who had their kidneys secretly cut off, and a movie I watched last time. It was about an American couple traveling in Africa, and then they were killed by a professional Kidnapped by the underworld organization for organ trading, almost got his heart taken away. Although this is just a movie, it is possible for such a thing to happen in real life. So when you come out to play, you must pay attention to safety, don’t run around, don’t trust Others, don't strike up a conversation with others casually..."

"Sedum, don't say any more, it makes me get goosebumps all over my body."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, just remember."

"Yeah, remember, I'd like to listen to Sedum's words."


"Mu Ying, I've found the necklace you asked me to buy for you in Liverpool, and I'll send it to you later."

A deep and sexy male voice came from Su Muying's cell phone.

"Okay, So, thank you. How are you in England?"

"Okay, I just miss you a little bit."

"Well, after your art exhibition is over, come here and play for a few days!"

"alright, bye!"

At this time, in City B, it was just past nine o'clock at night.Just as Su Muying hung up the phone, she heard the doorbell ring. She knew it was Hala.

This is the first time Hala has come to her apartment.A few days ago, Su Muying always rejected him on the grounds that she was unwell.Tonight, after she drank some wine, the feeling of loneliness hit her heart, and she couldn't help but think of Hala.

Hala hugged her as soon as she entered the door, "Mu Ying, I miss you so much."

Su Muying gently pushed him away, she was wearing a beige silk night/belt night skirt, short and see-through, with nothing inside.Her half-pushed and shy look greatly stimulated Hala's body.

He wanted to hold Su Muying, but she dodged him cleverly. This is a very charming flirting and teasing.

"Let's take a shower first!" Su Muying gave Hala a sweet smile, which almost melted his heart.

"Okay, wait for me, baby."

After a while, the sound of "squeaking" water came from the bathroom of the apartment.

Hala came out wrapped in a bath towel, her hair was still a little wet, and her whole body exuded a fresh air.These are somewhat attractive to Su Muying.

She accidentally discovered that Hala seemed to be getting more and more handsome, maybe it was because of the nourishment of love.It seems that not only women need nourishment, but men also need it.

Su Muying handed him a glass of red wine, and he picked up the glass and touched Su Muying's glass, then drank the wine in one gulp, it seemed that he was a little impatient.

He put down the wine glass, hugged her soft body, kissed her, his lips fell on her ear, whispered, one sentence after another, making her almost drunk, she enjoyed his kiss/ Kiss, breathing slowly becomes rapid...

This apartment is filled with the smell of love.

Xiwan, Bai Xuge and Xiao Leng were enjoying the cool air on the roof again. After swimming, they lay back on the recliner and looked at the stars.

Their shows are few, and for those who are in love, everywhere is a date spot.

Bai Xuge suddenly thought of Liying's business, and taking advantage of Xiao Leng's unstressed state, she said to him: "Leng, let Su Muying and I handle that Liying's business together! Last time she went with me, she thought She is quite capable, so she can help me share some of it."

Xiao Leng looked at her with deep black eyes like a pool, and smiled slightly: "Yes, that's what I mean too."

Bai Xuge said with a smile: "Thank you!" Saying this thank you was not happy, but only pressure followed.Because she couldn't figure out Su Muying's background, she didn't know if there would be any bad consequences for handing Liying to Su Muying.But she wanted to know Su Muying's plan too much, and she felt more and more that Su Muying's plan was not entirely about getting Xiao Leng, there must be something else in it, this was a kind of intuition, and she always believed in her intuition.

Seeing her frowning, Xiao Leng was very lovable.He got up, moved the recliner to her side, and they were close together, and then lay down again, holding her hand tightly.

Because of the temperature in his hands, Bai Xuge let her depressed mood relax a little, and she smiled at him.

Xiao Leng responded to her touching smile, and said softly: "Xuge, sleep in my room tonight, okay?"

Bai Xuge withdrew her hand and shook her head: "No, no, I..."

The first time last time, it caused her a lot of pain, and made her feel that this was not enjoyment, but torture, and she was terrified.

Xiao Leng hugged her sideways and pulled her into his arms.

"Okay, don't come to my room tonight, when you're ready, we'll..."

Bai Xuge blushed, she didn't know when she would be ready.

Xiao Leng's kiss fell gently on her lips.But at this moment, she didn't respond, because she was still thinking about those stinging shadows, or maybe it was Su Muying's matter in her heart, which affected the sweetness at this moment.

Seeing that she was thinking, Xiao Leng didn't force her, but hugged her tightly, not wanting to separate.

(End of this chapter)

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