Chapter 135

Ling Yuxuan had engaged a marriage in another place, and he was eager to go back to meet them, so he first brought Xiao Wenqing into his "nobility" protection.He didn't want to waste time in the capital, but as the son of a big family, engagement is still very important, so Prime Minister Ling took his wife and son together to put Xiao Wenqing's geng post and the Xiao family's marriage letter in his ancestral hall, and then ordered his wife Choose a good day close by, and call all the daughters and sons-in-law home to drink the youngest brother's engagement and wedding banquet.As for some of his old friends in the officialdom, this time his family will not be called, and when his family's son-in-law gets married, everyone will not return home until they are drunk.

This time, the prime minister's wife was very cooperative with her husband-in-law and son, and she agreed. After returning to the room, she checked the almanac to confirm the time, and then wrote letters to each of the six daughters, asking them to bring their husband-in-law and children back to their natal homes on the second day of July to celebrate the younger brother's engagement.

After sending out the letter, she immediately sent someone to call all the chief managers, second managers and third managers of the prime minister's mansion, the stewards at all levels and the stewards' wives, and began to assign tasks.

The marriage of the prime minister's son-in-law is a rare event in the capital. It is estimated that all civil and military officials will come to celebrate, so the prime minister's mansion must be run in a decent manner.

The prime minister's wife knew that the marriage of her youngest son this time was definitely the key to reversing the ice-cold relationship between her and his youngest son, so she couldn't be careless.She temporarily transferred Ling Yuxuan to live in the Qiulan Waterside Pavilion, recruited craftsmen to repair the Fushou Garden, rearranged the entire interior, and added many decorations that are rarely seen in ordinary times.

Regarding his mother's enthusiasm this time, Ling Yuxuan felt that his mother finally realized a fact after being persuaded by the eldest sister: her father is old, and the future of the Ling family depends on him, and the eldest sister and her daughter need his help; after a hundred years, she will enshrine The only one who sacrificed to her was him.

On June 21st, Ling Yuxuan went to the palace to resume his post, to deal with the official affairs left for him, and to report in front of the emperor.

"Yuxuan, what's the situation in Xiling? How do the people there look like, can they live and work in peace and contentment?" In the royal study of the palace, the gray-haired Emperor Daqing, who was over [-] years old, put down the cinnabar red pen in his hand and asked, keeping three sentences in line.

"Reporting to the emperor, from the capital all the way to Xiling in the southwest, the towns and villages we pass through are basically stable and peaceful, and most of the people are rich and healthy. Although there are beggars in the city, the number is within a reasonable range." Ling Yuxuan replied, because he was on a hurry, so he When passing through market towns and villages, I also took a quick look at the flowers.Looking at the people depends on their complexion. The people he saw are rarely yellow, skinny and ragged, which shows that the weather in those places is good and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

"That's good. The southwest region is too far away from the capital, and the local officials cover the sky with their hands, and I can't reach it." The emperor stroked his gray beard and said, with a hint of satisfaction in his long and narrow Danfeng eyes.As long as there are no natural disasters and man-made disasters are under control, the people will not rebel, and his rule will be as stable as a rock.

"The emperor is wise and the people are blessed." Ling Yuxuan cupped his hands and said solemnly.The emperor has nine princes and eleven princesses.After the Yuan Dynasty, four princesses and two princes were born, followed by six princesses and seven princes.The present prince is the second prince.The seventh prince born to the crown prince and the current empress... The emperor has the emperor's thoughts, and he only hopes that the infighting in the court will not bring harm to the innocent.

"Yuxuan, if you send the orphan of the late magistrate of Changxing back home, you can marry her family smoothly." The emperor asked.He knew that he was determined to marry an orphan girl from a down-and-out small official family, and he was not satisfied at first, but because of his stubbornness, he still gave him a pair of golden geese as a bride price.

"Thanks to the great blessing of the emperor, my minister's marriage has gone well, and I have decided to go to Xiling to welcome my relatives on August 26." Ling Yuxuan replied.

"Yuxuan, after you return to the capital, can Prime Minister Ling tell the girl from the Xiao family about her marriage?" the emperor asked.

Ling Yuxuan replied very calmly: "Your Majesty, my father has already told Weichen. It was Weichen who married Miss Xiao in Zhao's house. Your Majesty, at that time Weichen was pretending to be the guard of Zhao Mingtang to investigate the former censor He Changqing's dereliction of duty. "

"I know about this matter, and Prime Minister Ling also knows about it, so I didn't object to you marrying a girl from the Xiao family." The emperor stroked his beard and asked, "Prime Minister Ling said that the follow-up of this matter will be left to you, what are you going to do?" Do? A stupid woman in the back house is nothing more than causing trouble, and the father and son of the He family are at most a crime of lax family management." Because he wanted to avoid the love of the two princesses Jing Ning and Jing Jing for him, Ling Yuxuan commanded his colleagues She ran out to do an undercover investigation and did not enter the palace for more than three months.

"Don't worry, your majesty, I will handle it properly." Ling Yuxuan cupped his hands.The emperor still needs the He family for the time being, he won't move, he will only let them...

The emperor nodded and said, "It's good that you understand."

"August 26 this year, you are going to Xiling to welcome your relatives? Yuxuan, you are too eager." The emperor shook his head and said, "The capital of Xiling is thousands of miles away. You have an important official position, so you should send an envoy to welcome your relatives." , he looked at Ling Yuxuan with a kind smile on his face.He had grown up with this child since he was a child.I haven't seen him in the past three months. Although the child's skin has been tanned a lot and his figure has lost weight, he looks more mature and stable.

"Your Majesty, the marriage ceremony is a very important event in a man's life, and I don't want to ask others to do it for me." Ling Yuxuan said, "The capital city of Xiling is thousands of miles away, so I don't want my fiancée to travel safely."

(End of this chapter)

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