Chapter 203

Turning around, drawing his sword out of its sheath, Wang Yu eagerly looked at the person coming. He was no stranger to fighting with cold weapons, but this was the first time he encountered such fighting on the battlefield.

It is said that Neijiaquan is a style of fighting derived from the battlefield. Today, Wang Yu wants to see how different this Neijiaquan is from the fighting skills on the battlefield.

The visitor who was sitting on top of the strange beast and began to accelerate looked at Zhou Ren who had drawn a knife in front of him and dared to stand in front of him to stop him, opened his big mouth full of yellow teeth and laughed ferociously: "Zhou Ren As expected of Zhou people, he is really good at playing and teasing, if it is not on the battlefield, I really want to give him a way to survive, and take him into the tent as a joy to raise."

The wolf soldiers who followed behind the visitor all echoed and laughed after hearing the words: "The leader is right, this Zhou man is really a lot of fun, haha."

The Hun who charged on the strange beast was Hu Hanxie, the leader of the wolf soldiers under Yi Zhixie's command. As a branch of the Hun Shuang clan, he was of noble status and would have a lot of subordinates to flatter him no matter what he said.

"Boss, that Zhou man's identity seems to be quite high? There is a weak Zhou man who turned around and stood behind him, ready to fight side by side with him!"

Without the reminder from the wolf soldiers behind him, Hu Hanxie himself saw the scene of Zhou soldiers gathering behind Wang Yu, but instead of scaring Hu Hanxie, it made him laugh even louder: "The people of Zhou are In this way, when encountering an irresistible force, they like to hold together and wait for death with their hands tied.

My sons and daughters, the Zhou people who invaded my great Xiongnu in front of us are already waiting to be killed. Hold your scimitars firmly for me. Remember, find the Zhou people's necks and cut them. "

Hearing Hu Hanxie's words, the eight hundred elite wolf soldiers who followed behind him all drew out the scimitars around their waists.

The distance of hundreds of steps is nothing to these wolf soldiers. None of the beast wind wolves under them have entered a full-scale outbreak state, and the eight hundred wolf soldiers are almost in front of Wang Yu.

Looking at the Xiongnu wolf soldiers who were close to him and others, the guards who turned around and stood behind Wang Yu all nervously clenched their knives and guns.

This is the most elite soldier of the Huns!What the hell is going on in my county sheriff, that he wants to face the wolf soldiers head-on in the wild to die?

But as personal guards, if they didn't die before Wang Yu, I'm afraid they won't be able to please them when they go back to Yanmen Pass.

When the lord was alive, they were the most trusted soldiers in Yanmen County. Once the lord is gone, let alone the money they made a few days ago, Feng He would be happy if his life was not used by Feng He, the school captain, to appease the people. up.

Wang Yu didn't know the broken thoughts in the hearts of the people behind him, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much. At this moment, he was looking at the 'big fish' that turned into a black wind and hit him.

Seeing that he was only a foot away from Wang Yu, Hu Hanxie picked up the halberd blade in his hand.

Judging from his many years of experience, it didn't take a breath, and the Zhou man who was the first to resist their Hun wolf soldiers in front of him would be stabbed in the chest by him, lifted high and hung on the painting halberd in his hand.

But to his surprise, when he drove the alien beast under his seat, when the halberd blade pierced the body of Zhou Ren in front of him when he charged with all his strength, he didn't feel the slightest rebound force.

This shouldn't be, even if my halberd technique has reached its peak, even if my skill is three points stronger than before, I should still be able to feel a little power barrier.

Just when Hu Hanxie was carelessly preparing to distance himself and make another attack, he suddenly realized that he was a little dizzy with the man, and he was still a man from the Zhou Dynasty.

Hu Hanxie was dizzy for a while, and Hu Hanxie almost vomited. Who is this so heartless...?
With the mist on one end, as Hu Hanxie's perception disappeared, Wang Yu easily picked off a good head of six suns.

The death of Hu Hanxie made the wolf soldiers who were originally as powerful as a rainbow suddenly at a loss. That was their leader, a master of the Xiantian realm, how could he be beheaded like this? ? ?

Just when the wolf soldiers behind Hu Hanxie were hesitating, the wolf soldiers who ran in the front had already fought against Wang Yu and the guards behind him.

There are no horses, no formation of big spears.

Although Wang Yu's soldiers were considered to be the best among the best, they still looked a bit unbearable in the face of the Huns' embarrassing impact.

Just when the eight hundred wolf soldiers were about to encircle and take down Wang Yu and his soldiers, Wang Yu, who had just left a double shadow on the spot because of his too fast movement, suddenly erupted.

In an instant, the horizontal knife in his hand swung about ten times.

The wolf soldiers rushing to the front didn't even react, and the wolf soldiers under them lost their lives.

Like dominoes, some of the fastest wolf soldiers couldn't react, and were instantly tripped by their comrades in front of them.

The fall of the dominoes did not stop the remaining Hun wolf soldiers, but he won a respite for the soldiers behind him, as long as they could overcome their fear of the Huns Regrouping, under the leadership of Wang Yu, they may not have much loss.

As for those soldiers who are running away, if some of them are willing to fight back, Wang Yu, who is still in control of the situation, doesn't mind taking care of him. Yu also followed him.

His energy is not unlimited, and only those worthy of training are worthy of his attention.

The fast charge made the Xiongnu wolf soldiers come and go like the wind, and at the same time, they also carried a huge impact force. When this impact force acts on the human body, even if the person who is hit is wearing three layers of heavy armor, he can't resist it. .

However, once the object of impact becomes the earth, even though these Xiongnu wolf soldiers have martial arts, they still have to die.

With one blow, Wang Yu took the lives of nearly a hundred wolf soldiers. At the same time, those Hun wolf soldiers who stopped and managed to recover their lives also lost their greatest support, their unparalleled speed.

Above the attacking wind wolves, they were the invincible wolf soldiers under Yi Zhixie's command. On the land, the soldiers who had killed them well a few days ago were not afraid of them at all.

In an instant, a counterattack appeared on the battlefield.

With Wang Yu as the vanguard, the foot combat coordination was extremely tacit, and under the leadership of Wang Yu, the personal soldiers quickly expanded the results of the battle like tigers entering a herd of sheep.

Seeing this, some old soldiers from the Xiliu camp who were at the rear when they fled and had never been too far away from the battlefield immediately drew their swords and joined the battlefield in groups.

Those who have fought old battles know that if the current Yanmen Pass does not have their own face to face with the county guard, they will not open and close the gate until dawn.

Instead of staying under the wall and being frightened, it is better to charge once with this daring sheriff.

After the backup force joined, even with the support of the wind wolf, the [-] wolf soldiers who were used to cavalry were no match for the veterans of the elite Xiliu battalion of the surrounding army.

Although there was no one-sided killing, the eight hundred wolf soldiers were severely injured by the soldiers led by Wang Yu in a short period of time.

At the end of the fight, dozens of wolf soldiers turned their wolf heads and ran towards the Huns camp full of noise when they saw that the situation was not good.

Some of the red-eyed personal soldiers and the old soldiers of Xiliuying were even ready to chase them with their legs. If these murderous people were not held back by Wang Yu, who was covered in reddish-brown blood, they would have died. I'm afraid I'm going to go all the way to the Huns camp to give away the head.

Wang Yu, who was reluctant to let these bloody embryo killers go to die in vain, saw that the overall situation had been settled, and immediately commanded the soldiers who were still alive under him to go towards Yanmen Pass.

When the embryo killers who had fought with the Xiongnu wolf soldiers for a while joined the counselors trapped at the Yanmen Pass, Wang Yu's eyes, which were originally shining like stars, dimmed three points after a sweep of his consciousness.

The 550 soldiers who followed him out of the pass lost one-seventh of their number in the infantry battle with the wolf soldiers.

Because the Xiongnu camp was close at hand, Wang Yu couldn't bring back all the bones of the five hundred or so soldiers.

After a few breaths, Wang Yu, who had come out of the gloom, returned to normal. He is not in charge of soldiers, and now he is not qualified to cry like a cat: "Captain Feng, I know you must be on the wall at this moment. Before the Huns can react, prepare to open and close the door!
A group of Huns had already fled back to the Huns camp. Yi Zhixie, the chieftain of the bandits, would inevitably send people to take revenge later. While opening and closing the door, he closed all the bed crossbows and rewound them all ready to shoot. "

The close distance and Wang Yu's thoughtful arrangement allowed Feng He to confirm that there should be no problem with Wang Yu and the group of people under Guandi. I don’t know where the Xiongnu’s camp was burned, but the flames actually illuminate Yanmen Pass, and there is a feeling of bright lights here.

Yanmen Pass was closed not long ago and was quickly opened under Feng He's signal. Wang Yu's undefeated and scattered soldiers entered Yanmen Pass one after another in an orderly manner.

When only Wang Yu and his not-so-severely injured soldiers were left and were about to enter the Yanmen Pass, there was a team rushing desperately towards Wang Yu with a scimitar.

Faced with the large number of revenge teams that were shut down, Feng He directly waved his hands to make people prepare to cover Wang Yu and others with bows and crossbows.

Although the power of the bed crossbow concentrated fire is the same for the master, but the power displayed on the battlefield is not bad.

The Xiongnu cavalry who had just come towards me, under the pressure of all the crossbows closed at Yanmen Pass, could only watch helplessly as Wang Yu and others entered Yanmen Pass, then closed the door and locked it, giving the Huns a feather in the camp.

Looking at Wang Yu who came back with all his beard and tail, Feng He was full of incredulity: "My lord is indeed worthy of being a lord. After this battle, I'm afraid your lord will become famous far and wide!"

(End of this chapter)

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