Chapter 209 Three Years
"Huh, ha, ha, ha. Everyone obeys the order, the tiger shape turns into a crane shape, and the gun turns into a defensive posture."

At Yanmen Pass, in the Anbei Army camp, thousands of men from the frontier army were sweating in the large school grounds with their arms bare.

These soldiers who lick blood with knives still know the most superficial truth of sweating more in peacetime and bleeding less in wartime.

Besides, there is no other place in the world where Kung Fu can be taught free of charge, except for the Anbei Army Camp in Yanmen Pass. Not everyone can have the opportunity to change schools.

Inside and outside Yanmen Pass, countless pairs of eyes were staring at them, hoping that they would be expelled from the Anbei Army if they made a mistake, so as to make room for them to compete for.

Inside Yanmen Pass, at the gate of the government office built of bluestone, two people dressed as civil servants looked at the thousands of soldiers with shocked faces.

"Uncle Zhou, it's only been three years, why does Yanmen Pass seem to have undergone earth-shaking changes?
If I'm not mistaken, all the soldiers in this big school field have good martial arts skills! "Fu Qingzhu, who just came here from Kyoto, was amazed by the strength displayed by the thousands of Anbei Army soldiers.

Regarding Fu Qingzhu's surprise, Wang Yun seemed very calm. Many people have been surprised by this scene in the past three years, including himself. Wouldn't it be normal to have another Fu Qingzhu: "Qingzhu, it's just Wang Nanrong who sees these soldiers. If you don't want to take it out of the plug.

If you saw Wang Nanrong's An Beiqi and Xiliu Ying, wouldn't your jaws close.

In the past three years, Yanmen County has not been what it used to be. The Xiliu Camp, which used to be just an ordinary frontier army, does not accept non-foundation-level warriors, and the elite Anbei Cavalry, who are selected from thousands of miles, all have martial arts. of cultivation.

Relying on the three years of enslaving and plundering the Huns tribe, Wang Nanrong managed to raise an invincible iron army! "

Speaking of this, King Yun of Bingzhou Mu was full of regret and admiration.

An army of over [-] warriors would not have been able to gather such a force three years ago even if the entire Da Zhou was emptied out. As a result, Wang Nanrong took advantage of the frontier to support such an army of warriors all by himself. , it's incredible.

Originally, Fu Qingzhu, who had a very simple mind on this trip, looked at the majestic soldiers in front of him, and couldn't help but move his mind: "I heard that the exercises these soldiers practiced were all deduced by Wang Nanrong himself. As long as there is enough With blood and food, you can get started quickly.

If you practice diligently, it is extremely easy to step into the Foundation Establishment Realm, and even become a martial artist across the land. Uncle Zhou, I wonder if this rumor is true or not? "

To Fu Qingzhu's question, Wang Yun answered happily: "Qingzhu, this is not a rumor but a fact, a fact that the entire Anbei Army knows. However, there are some key points that outsiders don't know about.

In the past three years, Wang Nanrong taught Anbei Army martial arts seven times, the first time was the winter when he wiped out Yi Zhixie three years ago.

That winter, in order to prevent the soldiers under his command from having nothing to do and gambling and making troubles all day long, Wang Yu not only rewarded all the martial arts cheats he had promised to reward, but also took a piece of Xingyiquan, the exercise he had practiced himself. Come out and pass it on to those military men whose military achievements are not enough to exchange for martial arts cheats.

This first version of Xingyiquan was circulated in Yanmen County at that time. Later, as the reputation of Wang Nanrong and An Beijun grew, this exercise spread throughout Bingzhou.

However, although this technique has been widely spread, its power and effectiveness are only mediocre.

On the third day when you returned to Kyoto in spring three years ago to report on your work, Wang Nanrong released the second edition of the secret book of exercises. This version of Xingyiquan is even better than the previous Xingyiquan.

By the time of the third edition of Xingyiquan, in terms of body training, this Xingyiquan is already one of the first-class martial arts cheats. "


"In the second year, my old man, I went through countless hardships, and finally integrated all the martial arts and all kinds of martial arts in my mind, and created the second level, which is the fourth version of Xingyiquan.

By the seventh pass, the Xingyi boxing old man of Xiantian realm had already taught you without reservation, and for you and others, the way forward from acquired to Xiantian has been pointed out.

But in the past three years, only Feng He and Yang Ye have reached the peak of the Houtian Realm, half of their feet have touched the edge of the Xiantian Realm, and you have been too slack these days.

If the Huns hadn't been busy fighting for the position of Shan Yu in the past three years, they really couldn't spare their energy to fight with us. I count on you, I am afraid that I will be captured and killed by those Huns barbarians to sacrifice to heaven. "

Looking at the stern figure sitting on top of the big tent, dozens of officers in armor were as quiet as cicadas in the big tent.

If their appearance was seen by the soldiers under them, their jaws would drop in shock. These officers are not ordinary soldiers. In the past three years, it was these officers who went out of the fortress to defeat the raids from the Huns time and time again, and regained the Great Zhou Dynasty to the Yinshan Mountains. The former land of Fortress before Guan Que.

Many of them are characters used to stop children from crying in the tribes on the grassland!But in front of the person at the top of the big tent, they were no different from those children who were scared by their reputation and dared not cry. If it weren't for the men who were all bloody and hard-hearted, there might be men I'm going to hug my head and pretend to be cowardly.

"The general is brave, and the innate realm is nothing to the general, but to us, we still need to study it carefully.

I also hope that the general will relax the deadline, and the peace will be broken within this year, so that the general can take down the Yinshan pass and not teach Huma to go to Yinshan. "The only general in the army who dared to persuade Wang Yu when he was angry was Feng He, who had worked with him in Yanmen Pass in the past.

Only he can rely on Qu Xi's qualifications and affection to make Wang Yu give him a three-point favor.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the matter that annoyed Wang Yu today is not considered serious. The essence of Wang Yu's anger today is to hope that these officers in the big tent will work harder to practice, so as to save a life on the battlefield.

Wang Yu, who was just pretending to be a nun, stepped down under Feng He's persuasion.

Three years of military career did not change Wang Yu's appearance, but the experience of the party in power training troops to fight against the Xiongnu made Wang Yu's old depression disappear completely.

At this moment, he is the one who cherishes Wang Yu who is physically strong and dares to try his hand at the world.

After passing on boxing for three years, he not only deduced his own Xingyi boxing kung fu to the peak of the innate realm, but also regarded the soldiers who followed him as his successors, so he has today's admonition.

It was precisely because of Wang Yu's own attitude change that the soldiers in the big tent retreated from the mentality of being a soldier and eating food, and truly regarded themselves as a member of the Anbei Army, and regarded Wang Yu as a teacher who preached and taught art. There was nothing wrong with him.

(End of this chapter)

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