Chapter 219

Compared with the first child who chose to study literature and become an official, the second child chose to take up arms to fight against the alien race because of the deep border.

The general dies in a hundred battles, and the strong man returns after ten years, but how can the children of Yiyi County be like the general, who survived a hundred battles and returned with honor.

The peach blossoms at the entrance of the alley bloom and fall, fall and bloom again.

The wind and snow in Bianjun came and went, and went back and forth.

The girl who laughed for him and worried about him in the past put on a red dress and married someone else.

The old lady who was blinded by crying because of him going to the battlefield was crying alone in her old house.

A handful of loess from his hometown outside the Great Wall is the only thing he has to do with his hometown.

I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times!
In the third life, Wang Yu's senses became more hazy when he saw the baby who had just croaked to the ground. In this life, the baby's identity was that of a farmer.

Adhering to the mentality of being a little rich and being safe, he never took a step outside his hometown in his life, and his family spent his life in harmony and beauty.

The third world ends and the fourth world begins.

He is the son of a businessman, busy all his life, only end up with a yard in the county town and a hundred acres of fertile land in the countryside.

In the fifth life, he was born noble, he was the son of the emperor, but there were no holidays, and he died of illness before reaching adulthood. In the palace, the temptation of being a great treasure within easy reach made him unhappy until his death.

Life after life, Wang Yu's originally clear consciousness began to become blurred, as if he had really lived countless lives like that child after another.

Until, when he turned into a naive child again, his mind was no longer aloof.

Opening his eyes, Wang Yu's eyes were a little blurred when he saw the extremely noisy procession in front of him, which seemed to be a welcoming procession.

The sound of blowing the trumpet and setting off firecrackers is just in my ears. What about the bridegroom officer, who should ride a tall horse and walk in front of the bridegroom officer in high spirits?
Looking around, seeing the scene of loud voices and the unstoppable blowing of trumpets, he couldn't help but feel joy rising in his heart.

At the same time, he came to a realization, knowing where did the bridegroom go?
It turns out that the groom is himself!

In a trance, Wang Yu thought about the lovely wife and beautiful family he was about to marry, and suddenly he was very proud. He only felt that his life had never surpassed this time.

After stepping into Yue's mansion, after a lot of frolic, the lovely wife and beautiful family members finally entered the gate of his royal family.

Entering the hall, kowtow three times and bow three times. From this point, the two will become husband and wife forever.

At night, when the flowers and candles are shining brightly, the husband and wife look at each other and smile, and a deep love is born between the husband and wife.

Extinguish the candles, a moment is worth a thousand dollars.

When the sky is bright, the bride sits in front of the mahogany dressing table and rolls up her makeup in front of the mirror. Her eyes are blurred. Through the mirror, the two look at each other and smile, and they will never be separated from each other.

Reading poems and books at night, adding fragrance to the red sleeves, and the next year Wang Yu became a Jinshi and ranked first, and became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

After becoming successful and famous, the family is full of wealth and honor, which is nothing more beautiful.

But the years are fleeting, and the good times don't last long.

Not long after the marriage, Wang Yu offended the imperial teacher of the dynasty and was sent to a bitter and cold place in the frontier.

Because of his book business, Wang Yu lost his son first and his wife the next year in the bitter cold of the border, and lived alone in the world.

Just when he almost gave up hope in life and was about to resign from office and retire to not care about world affairs, Yidi closed the frontier, with the mentality of killing one to make money but not killing the other, Wang Yu actually led the army and civilians to beat Yidi away.

The times are changing and the wind is surging.

With the continuous occurrence of natural disasters and man-made disasters, Wang Yu, who ignored all kinds of rules and acted as he wanted, unexpectedly rose to the status of a prince step by step.

After plunged headlong into the troubled times, with the support of his subordinates, he actually took his place and ascended to the ninth fifth position.

Sitting on the dragon chair, looking at the former national teacher who was pressed down to the front, Wang Yu's heart was suddenly filled with resentment. It was the monk in front of him who ruined his family, separated his wife, Make him become a loner.

"Do you think it's better for the widow to cut you into pieces, or to cut off your head with a sword?" Sitting on the dragon chair, he watched the only person whom he held a grudge in his heart knelt down and knelt down. Waiting for his own trial, Wang Yu's heart is not to mention how comfortable it is.

"Amitabha, benefactor, you have lost your mind.

In the past, the old monk planted the cause, and today the benefactor is honored as the Ninth Five-Year Results. The benefactor doesn’t say thank you to the old monk. Why does he want to take the old monk’s life?

The benefactor wants to take the old monk's life, that's all, why after so many springs and autumns, benefactor, you still can't look away from the world of mortals!
Although there are joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows in this chaotic world of mortals, but in the end, it is not all in vain. Donor, you are crowned the Great Treasure today, is it true?

Is there a caring person to serve you when you are sick or tired?When you drive the crane to the west, will any relatives mourn for you?

You idiot, wake up soon. "

At the end, the old monk with his hands bound suddenly roared like a lion, trying to use the Buddhist lion's roar to transform Wang Yu, who was holding an iron sword, into enlightenment, and he put down the butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately.

Wang Yu, who was awakened by the old monk, looked at the extravagant but empty hall beside him, and suddenly started laughing.

That's right, so what if he won the [-]th Five-Year Plan, in the end he has nothing left, so what's the use of him clinging to that bit of hatred?
Holding the iron sword in his hand, Wang Yu got off the dragon chair and came to the old monk's side. He stretched out his hand and pulled the rope on the old monk's body. Wang Yu, who felt that he could not tear it, stood up and swung the long sword in his hand.

After raising the long sword above his head, looking at the smooth top of the old monk's head, he resolutely swung the sword in his hand.

The sword light flashed, and the rope broke.

The corner of the old monk's mouth traced a hint of appreciation, finally, someone realized again!
Seeing the floor tiles getting closer and closer to him, the happy old monk suddenly felt something was wrong, could it be because he had been kneeling for a long time?How could I fall to the floor tiles?

Before the old monk could continue to think about it, a voice from next to his ear resolved his doubts: "This old man has dreamed a thousand times just to wait for you to take the bait, trying to wipe out the will of this old man with illusions, you must have underestimated this old man!

In the old man's dream, you died, but in the real world, you are still dead.

Don't say that the old man doesn't take care of you, in order to let you know where you fell, the old man swung the sword in his hand at the fastest speed in his life.

The blood and sense organs in your body have been deceived at the extreme speed and have never burst into blood directly. Feel the panic before dying! "

A long time after the old monk's head fell to the ground, strands of red blood gushed out from the old monk's headless corpse.

Correspondingly, when the head of the old monk in Wang Yu's dream fell to the ground, in the wing room with the flashing Buddha's light in the backyard of the ruined temple, the flashing Buddha's light suddenly went out.

Strands of golden Buddha blood flowed from the neck of the person sitting in the side room, feeling the vitality gradually disappearing in the body, the person sitting upright opened his mouth but said nothing.

After the monk who was blooming with Buddha's light lost his vitality, the hall where Wang Yu stood suddenly became gloomy and cold, and wisps of wind began to blow at some unknown time.

(End of this chapter)

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