Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 221 Dismounting Your Majesty·It’s About the Same as Your Ancestor

Chapter 221 Dismounting Your Majesty·It’s About the Same as Your Ancestor
"Well, remember, we have to show off the prestige of our five-army governor's mansion, and teach him to be good if he can't scare the local leopards outside the city." Only then did the third child's guards descend the city gate tower.

Not long after Liu Laosan went down the city gate tower, the city gate of Zhengyangmen in Kyoto was pushed open by soldiers.

Seeing that the city gate had been opened, Wang Yu and his party all got off their horses calmly in order not to disturb the people. This scene made Liu Laosan, who was still a three-pointed taboo, suddenly fearless. He has never been so obedient in the rest of the time when he is riding a horse.

The 21 riders outside the gate didn't even dare to enter the capital on horseback. They must not be stubborn. It seems that the young master is going to make a fortune again. I don't know how much soup he can share with the brothers this time?
Because Hou was under the Zhengyang Gate in the middle of the night, Wang Yu and others were the first batch of people to enter the city. The city gate was opened, and Wang Yu, who was about to enter the city to make a routine report to the official department, had not had time to take a step. A loud shout was heard.

"Bold, dozens of BMWs were stolen from Dinghuaihou's mansion last night. Who stole me? It turned out to be you thieves." Dozens of soldiers from the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion surrounded Wang Yu in order to prevent Wang Yu and his party from suddenly rioting.

Looking at the sloppy little school in front of him, Wang Yu frowned: "I don't know what you're talking about, and I'm not interested in participating in your nonsense.

Three breaths of time, I will not blame the past for retreating a way, otherwise, don't blame the old man's soldiers for being too fast. "

Wang Yu, who didn't want to make a fuss at the gate of the city, persuaded him with rare kind words, and it was his words that saved the lives of Liu Laosan and other soldiers of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion.

Yan Chixia and Xia Houwu are okay to say, they have been in the rivers and lakes for many years, they finally know what restraint is, and they know what they can't do, but the eighteen personal guards are different. As Wang Yu's personal soldiers, the master humiliated his ministers They have this word in their hearts.

They came from the surrounding county and were used to being executioners outside the Great Wall, but they didn't mean to give face to these veteran soldiers in Kyoto.

If Wang Yu hadn't heard the meaning of restraint from Wang Yu's mouth, the Zhengyangmen would have been bleeding like a river.

"Hey, are you really good at pretending? You call yourself an old man in front of your third master, do you want to take advantage of your third master?" Liu Laosan, who didn't know that he and others had walked before the gate of hell Then I'm dying.

Wang Yu, who had limited patience, waved his hand behind him when he saw that people couldn't understand what he said: "Whoever makes a move, just save their lives, and the rest is up to you."

After receiving Wang Yu's order, he wanted to kill Liu Laosan and others a long time ago, so as to save face for his Lord Hou, he immediately jumped out of the guards and attacked the gatekeepers with his bare hands.

Seeing the strong man suddenly appearing in front of him and the others, Liu Laosan and the city guards were all taken aback. Before he could open his mouth to react, a fist the size of a sandbag occupied his sight.

Although the personal guards who were used to fighting the Huns outside the Great Wall obeyed Wang Yu's instructions and never killed anyone, their actions were definitely not light.

In the eyes of the common people outside the Zhengyang Gate, they were just a blink of an eye, and all the military masters who used to be high and mighty fell down.

Seeing these soldiers lying on the ground with broken tendons and bones, I'm afraid these soldiers are not seriously injured!
One after another screams sounded from the city gate hole under Zhengyang Gate, which made many generals and school of the Five Armies Commander's Mansion who were sitting on the gate tower suddenly change their eyes.

They are not deaf, and after hearing the screams, they can't tell which side suffered the crime.

The little Hou Ye who was originally calm and calm immediately changed his face: "At the foot of the emperor, at the gate of the capital, how dare they, how dare they!
Come on, follow me down the city gate, I want to see where those local leopards come from, and my five-army commander's mansion dares to provoke them. "

Before his generals could respond, several tall figures suddenly surrounded them.

When there was no trouble just now, Wang Yu and his party naturally did not deliberately pay attention to what happened around them. After all, no one's energy was brought by the strong wind.

But after meeting Liu Laosan's wave of finding faults, how could they continue to "pretend to be deaf and dumb" without ruling out possible hidden dangers. If they really wanted to do that, their group would have died outside the Great Wall long ago.

"A group of ignorant things, take them all." The guards who surrounded Dinghuaihou Xiaohou looked at these chicken-like guys in front of them with disdain.

They are all nonsense, yet they dare to stretch their paws at Lord Hou, knowing nothing about life or death.

The personal guards whose strength is generally in the Houtian realm are not the same as the chickens, and the generals can compete. Once they meet, they will follow in the footsteps of Liu Laosan and others downstairs in the city gate, and they all lie down like waste wood on the ground.

Such a big commotion in front of the gate tower immediately alarmed the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies in charge of the city defense of the capital. Dozens of heavy armored cavalry roared out of the urn city where the troops were stationed inside the Zhengyang Gate.

But before these heavy armored cavalry could make a move, Xia Houwu released his aura as a master-level master, and all the young horses that the terrifying heavy armored cavalry sat on lay down.

"My Lord Hou is the Marquis of Wanhu Chehou, General Zhenbei, and Bingzhou Mu, who were appointed by the Great Zhou Dynasty. What is the intention of your swords and soldiers facing each other? Could it be that the swords in our hands are really bad for you?" Afterwards, Xia Houwu immediately exposed Wang Yu's identity loudly.

After hearing the series of titles on Wang Yu's body, the armored soldiers who were still pouring out of the Wengcheng suddenly became at a loss.

Marquis Lingwu, General Zhenbei, and Bingzhou Mu.

In the case that the imperial court has not issued an order to confirm that the person who came here has rebelled, any one of these three titles cannot be provoked by them alone.

Just when the armored soldiers in the Wengcheng were in a dilemma, all the generals and schools on the tower were arrested in front of Wang Yu.

Looking at the generals defending the city like plague chickens, Wang Yu didn't even have the intention to ask a question: "Pass the name card and let those soldiers get out of the way. I will go directly to the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion for an explanation of today's matter.

Seeing that the sun is about to rise, the people behind us all have to go to the city to beg for a living. "

Wang Yu's voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear him clearly.

Seeing that Wang Yu gave it to the next step, the leader of the armored soldiers in the urn city took Wang Yu's name card and did not seriously hold on to it.

Respectfully holding the famous post in both hands, the leader of the armored soldiers stepped forward in small steps: "The last general Zuo Zixiong has seen Lord Hou, Lord Hou, there is a son of the Hou family of Dinghuai among the generals captured by your subordinates, in order to avoid misunderstandings Do you know if Master Hou can let him go?"

After hearing the familiar voice, the young master of Dinghuaihou, who was lying on the ground, immediately trembled: "Did you hear me, I am really the son of Dinghuaihou's mansion, you should release me quickly .

Your Marquis was only granted the title of Marquis through dogshit luck, and if you want to integrate into the noble circle in the future, you will have to rely on us Dinghuai Marquis Mansion! "

Hearing the arrogant voice of Dinghuaihou Xiaohouye, Zuo Zixiong knew: it's a bad dish.

"Let his mouth be clean, Xia Houwu, after entering the city, take my name card to Dinghuaihou's mansion, and ask this Dinghuaihou, if he has lived a peaceful life too much, and wants to go like his ancestors. The frontier fought against the Huns.

Tell him that if he wants, I can fulfill him.

The waste under his feet was immediately recruited into the Zhenbei Army after he was punished by the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies. If he is not called, he will be killed. "

After listening to Wang Yu's words, the little Marquis Dinghuai didn't know that he had kicked on the iron board, and he was so confused that he begged for forgiveness: "You can't do this, I am Dinghuaihou The young master of the mansion, everyone is honorable, and he wants to follow the rules of the honorable circle.

If you try to kill me, my father and the entire noble circle will not let you go. "

"Your father? The current Marquis of Dinghuai? Your ancestor's first Marquis of Dinghuai has a three-point face with me because of his achievements in resisting the Nanman. If necessary, I can send you to see him right now."

(End of this chapter)

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