Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 226 Laoshan Taoist Priest Terrible

Chapter 226 Laoshan Taoist Priest Terrible
Kyoto, Nancheng, Tianxianglou.

This Tianxiang Building located on Baihua Avenue is the only property left to the Yan family sisters by their father, and it is precisely because of this well-known restaurant in Kyoto that the Yan family sisters can survive from the capital. .

Everyone in the old Nancheng knows that the Tianxiang Building on Baihua Street has three beauties: the beauty of people, the beauty of wine, and the beauty of food.

This Renmei is talking about Yanxia, ​​the female shopkeeper who is in charge of Tianxiang Tower, she is really more beautiful than Huajiao, she looks like a fairy, and there was a famous artist whose taste was not inferior to Meng Yunyan, the oiran of Kyoto.

The wine beauty is talking about the Qingquanyin wine unique to Tianxianglou. This Qingquanyin is soft in the mouth and enters the throat. The taste is light and not drunk. It is really a first-class wine.

But the strange thing is that the brewing method of Qingquanyin is not unique, and it can even be said that there is not much difference in the brewing of other wines. The sisters of the Yan family even disclosed the brewing method of Qingquanyin in the past in order to preserve Tianxianglou.

However, although there are many scholars, there is no wine brewed by a restaurant that can compare with Qingquanyin.

After talking about the beauty of the people and the beauty of the wine, let’s talk about the beauty of the food. Although most of the food in Tianxianglou are ordinary dishes in restaurants, under the cooking of the chefs in Tianxianglou, there are always some special flavors, which are better than other restaurants. The restaurant is the best.

Relying on this unique three beauties, among the many restaurants in the capital, Tianxianglou has never lost its popularity.

In the private room on the third floor of Tianxiang Building, Wang Yu, who was drinking by himself with a glass of wine, can guarantee that the slang handed down from Nancheng is quite accurate.

Early this morning, Wang Yu, who wanted to use Yan Hanxue as bait, left the post station, led Yan Chixia and two personal guards, followed the sisters of the Yan family and the grandparents of the E family to Tianxiang Tower and began to wait for the rabbit.

In order not to startle the snake, the sisters of the Yan family and the grandparents of the E family returned to their old lives under Yan Chixia's urging.

The shopkeeper, Yanxia, ​​greeted her, and the chef and winemaker, Yan Hanxue, continued to work in the back kitchen.

Seeing Yan Chixia with a serious face, as if she was about to draw her sword to kill the stone demon, Wang Yu reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Chixia, why are you so serious?

Today, since we are sitting in this private room, we are serious guests. Have you ever seen the guest who came to the restaurant without stretching his chopsticks, staring at all the people entering and leaving the restaurant from the window with a cold face? . "

Yan Chixia, who was about to use her eyesight to identify the identities of everyone in the Tianxiang Tower, was startled and immediately lost her previous state: "Master Hou, that stone demon's method of concealing its breath is amazing.

If Beizhi didn't use the eyesight honed over the years to conduct a preliminary screening in Tianxiang Tower, I'm afraid that when the stone demon bypassed our defenses and approached the sisters of the Yan family quietly, Beizhi would not be able to find it. "

"Chixia is too worried. Although the stone demon is powerful, it is not strong enough to hide the old man's perception. As long as the stone demon sets foot in Tianxianglou, the old man will definitely be able to perceive its traces.

Come, come, come, this day, the wine and dishes in Xianglou have been inadvertently contaminated with a little spiritual energy in the Ding Haishen Pearl because of the hands of Miss Yan Hanxue. What a pity! "

After hearing Wang Yu's assurance, Yan Chixia breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he and the sisters of the Yan family just met by chance, the sense of justice in his heart prevents him from doing things that disregard other people's lives: "Master Hou, do you think that stone demon will take the bait?"

Glancing at Yan Chixia who had calmed down and was asking himself a question, Wang Yu replied confidently: "I dare say that the stone demon will not only take the bait, but will even take the bait today."

"Master Hou, why?"

"It's a very simple reason. The reason why the stone demon wants to absorb the yin energy contained in the girls of Yinnian, Yinyue, and Yinri is because his own strength is not enough, and he has no choice but to attract attention from crooked ways.

But now, the Dinghai Lingzhu that was hidden in Yan Hanxue's body has been taken out by me and placed on Yan Hanxue's body. The huge amount of heaven and earth vitality in this Lingzhu is for the stone demon, but it is sent to the door to break through best treasure.

Such a treasure is a well-deserved piece of cake in a place like Kyoto where fish and dragons are mixed together.

He, the stone demon, wants to grab this sweet pastry from many reckless hands, so what if he doesn't hurry up.Well, here we come. "

Not long after Wang Yu finished speaking, the waiter at the entrance of the first floor of Tianxiang Building sang his promise loudly: "Mr. Jie Sulang is here."

Yan Chixia's IQ is not a problem, so combined with Wang Yu's words and Xiao Er's singing just now, he immediately realized that this man named Jiesu Lang was probably the thousand-year-old man he planned for yesterday. stone demon.

"Master Hou, excuse me for asking, how sure is this person's identity, Master Hou? If you are sure about this person, then you can take him down. If you still have doubts, then you will wait until there is no one around." Taking it down."

The mature and prudent Yan Chixia did not act like the impulsive Xia Houwu, who immediately ignored the three sevens and twenty ones, but turned her attention to Wang Yu who was in charge of the matter.

Wang Yu, who was not in the mood to play chat with a stone demon under the Heishan Laoyao seat, directly ordered: "Chixia don't have to worry about it, as long as you don't burn this capital when you make a move, there is nothing you can do in this capital." scruples."

Although Wang Yu didn't get a very clear answer, Yan Chixia already had a bottom line in her heart: "The humble position is overstepped. The two generals Qin Guoge and Wen Hu obeyed the order. After a certain fight with the stone demon, you will take action to protect the Tianxiang Tower." The safety of the guests, you don't need to intervene in the matter of capturing the stone demon and bringing it to justice."

The two personal guards who heard Yan Chixia's order did not take the order directly, but turned their attention to Wang Yu. Chixia was mobilized, but as Wang Yu's personal soldiers, they would not obey anyone's order unless Wang Yu's order had been issued, even if this person was the Great Zhou Renhuang sitting high on the dragon chair.

After nodding his head slightly, signaling to the soldiers behind him to listen, Wang Yu sat in the private room on the third floor, surrounded the Tianxiang Building with his spiritual consciousness, and waited for Yan Chixia's performance.

Yan Chixia did not disappoint Wang Yu either, as soon as she made a move, a shocking sword energy pierced through the two floors of Tianxiang Building, and rushed towards the stone demon Jie Sulang in human skin.

Facing the sudden sword energy, Jie Sulang, who was greedily looking towards the back kitchen of Tianxiang Building, was caught off guard.

Before it reached out and grabbed the waiter in front of him as a meat shield to block the gun, Yan Chixia's sword energy pierced through the floor and attacked it in front of its eyes.

Seeing the terrifying sword energy so close at hand, and thinking about the massive amount of spiritual energy just on his lips, the thousand-year-old stone demon Jiesu Lang blatantly tore through his usual disguise, revealing his true colors, using the tough stone under the human skin to reveal his true colors. The demon body resisted Yan Chixia's sword.

E Zichuan, who was on the first floor, looked at the sword energy falling from the sky, and at Shi Yao Jiesulang, who was resisting the sword energy with a fist, he involuntarily gasped: "Hiss..."

(End of this chapter)

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