Chapter 236 Fairy Ying Ning (94)

"These giants who barely survived and survived maintained the last glory of the pre-Qin Dynasty.

But there was a time when the glorious dynasty came to an end. At that time, hundreds of schools of thought could not support Qin for a long time because of their ambitions. After one pre-Qin tycoon after another came to an end, hundreds of schools of thought promoted the transformation of dragon veins.

It was at that time that Zhou Taizu made his mark in the world. "

After listening to the dryad's grandma, Wang Yu narrowed his eyes and glanced in the direction of Kyoto.

It seems that Da Zhou doesn't want to be as simple as it appears on the surface!Since the various schools of thought were able to push down the position of the winner of the pre-Qin self-defeating war, their strength must not be underestimated.

The Great Zhou was able to establish a unified human dynasty in the hands of a hundred schools of thought, and it must not be underestimated.

When the Black Mountain old demon made troubles in Beimang, maybe Da Zhou really had all the details?

Also, the behavior style of those extraterrestrial demons always feels a little familiar?
"I agree with your news. You may not die, but you can't take root here anymore. Shrink your body and leave this place with this old man!"

Hearing that Wang Yu made her shrink her body and leave the Guanyin Temple with him, the tree demon's grandmother was very angry. Isn't this playing tricks?The reason why it would tell Wang Yu the secrets it knew was not in exchange for a chance to continue to live on this land.

But feeling the looming and fierce aura of the person around him, it didn't even dare to fart, making a choice between death and losing its freedom. It had no backbone and chose to lose its freedom.

Isn't it that he will be supervised by others in the future, and he can no longer absorb resentment unscrupulously? It endured it.

"Chixia, find a clay pot, fill it with some clean soil, and let it be transplanted in."

Just when Wang Yu instructed Yan Chixia to properly place the tree demon grandmother who had not yet been blackened in the future, the tree demon grandmother, who was shrinking in size under the pressure of the fierce aura, raised a branch and asked for opinions.

"Master Hou, although the little demon has been able to live without soil, the nature of trees still wants to be down-to-earth. The little demon is willing to exchange another piece of news for a better living environment in the future."

Looking at the tree demon grandma who was holding up a branch to negotiate terms like a primary school student, Wang Yu nodded and signaled the tree demon grandma that he agreed to the deal.

"Lord Hou, even though the Heavenly Court was breached by the pre-Qin army and the Heavenly Emperor was beheaded for public display, it is not that no one in the Heavenly Court survived the catastrophe.

Judging from the information Xiao Yao has collected over the years, there are still some remnants of the former Heavenly Court.

If there is no accident, the old Heishan demon who terrorizes the world should be a surviving person in the underworld. Otherwise, the old Heishan demon would not be able to control the dead city so easily and then embezzle the underworld.

There is also Fairy Ying Ning who caused a big disturbance in the world after all the masters of the hundred schools disappeared. She used to belong to the Yaochi like me, and was one of the weavers in the Yaochi.

Compared with the lesser demons, the two of them must have a better understanding of the inside story of the past battle against the sky and the subsequent rise of the Hundred Schools. "

The words of the dryad's grandmother made Wang Yu frowned again. The weird historical process of this world made him completely confused. If this world is the world of Liao Zhai, all the gods and Buddhas who often appear in the sky have all rushed to the street.

Let’s say that this world is a demon-reformed fairy Qin. The Qin Dynasty in this world still perishes in the second generation. The first emperor, the ancestor dragon who rebelled against the heavenly court, also perished with the heavenly emperor in the battle of defeating the heavens.

Let’s say that this world is an era when a hundred schools of thought contend. After the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Confucianism once became the dominant school. The shadows are gone.

"Fairy Yingning?" When Wang Yu frowned and collected his thoughts, Yan Chixia fell into memory chewing on the name given by the tree demon's grandmother.

Yan Chixia, who seemed to have remembered something, and Wang Yu did not interrupt rashly. After a cup of tea, Yan Chixia, who came back to his senses, responded to Wang Yu's inquiring gaze.

Clasping Yan Chixia with both fists, he said slowly: "Forgive me, Lord Hou, today I heard that the tree demon mentioned Fairy Yingning, and my subordinates thought of a secret story recorded in my Xuanxin's authentic Buddhist scripture building.

Although Fairy Yingning is called a fairy, she is neither human nor immortal. Her real body is a dragon girl in the sea. Three Jiazi ago, Fairy Yingning showed her traces in the world.

Because Fairy Yingning fell in love with a Confucian scholar and committed a taboo, the most popular Confucianism at that time had a lot of conflicts with this fairy.

At that time, it was rumored that the four major Confucian academies suffered a great loss, and the foundation of the Great Zhou royal family was also consumed a lot at that time.

However, two fists are no match for four hands. After paying such a high price, Fairy Yingning was driven out of Zhongtu by the Confucianism Sect and the Great Zhou royal family.

The Confucian scholar she fell in love with had an extremely miserable end after Fairy Yingning failed in her resistance. "

Although she didn't understand why Yan Chixia wanted to focus on the Fairy Yingning, Wang Yu didn't interrupt Yan Chixia when she paused.

After a pause, Yan Chixia continued after taking a breath: "Master Hou, the time when that Fairy Ying Ning was oppressed by the Confucian Four Schools and the Great Zhou royal family and disappeared was the time when the Xiongnu outside the Great Wall rose.

Although the totem black dragon of the Xiongnu has impure blood, it is a dragon species after all. Do you think the power behind the Xiongnu may be that Fairy Yingning?

If not, our original plan to defeat the Xiongnu will be carried out as usual, and the Xiongnu will be defeated in at most two years. If so, Lord Hou, I think we have to make more preparations, and we will be able to draw with the Confucian Four Courts and the Great Zhou in the heyday. Fairy Ning must not be underestimated! "

Hearing that Yan Chixia placed the power behind the Xiongnu on the head of Fairy Yingning, Wang Yu's first reaction was: Is Yan Chixia confused?

However, after concatenating the timeline of the rise of the Huns and their revealed strength, Wang Yu discovered that Yan Chixia's guess was really not just nonsense.

There is indeed some messy dragon's blood in the body of Xiongnu Xiong's family. This is what Xiong's family said in person when boasting of his noble blood.

However, when Wang Yu saw this record in the records of Youzhou, he thought it was because the dragon blood in the bloodline of Shuangda came from the black dragon he killed!
Unexpectedly, the dragon's blood in Shuang's body might come from another source!

As a warlord who actually formed a separatist regime, Wang Yu did not need such things as evidence. After guessing that Fairy Yingning who single-handedly resisted the Confucianism and the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is very likely It was the last support of the Shuangda clan on the Mobei grassland, and Wang Yu knew that his original plan to defeat the Xiongnu was abolished.

In this world where individual strength is unpredictable, if he can't restrain the high-level combat power of the Xiongnu, even if he wins the Xiongnu with his troops, he will only be like the pre-Qin who defeated the sky, and he will not even be able to win by a narrow margin.

(End of this chapter)

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