Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 239 Capture the old man alive

Chapter 239 Capture the old man alive (91)

"Wind, strong wind."

Accompanied by the order, the army of Zhenbei Army, who was riding horses and attacking, shot the arrows in their hands.

After many years of long-term training, the [-] Zhenbei Army who went out of the fortress did not lose a single bit to the Huns in riding and shooting, and the performance of the armored bows and crossbows equipped by the Zhenbei Army was superior to that of the Huns.

At this moment, a one-sided massacre is being staged on the grassland. Countless Hun warriors fell on their proud cavalry. Dead end!
As for the totems enshrined by the various tribes of the Huns, the Northern Army of [-] towns, not to mention the totems fed by blood sacrifices and evil sacrifices, even the serious gods have to avoid three points.

Looking at the many subordinates who fell down and failed to stand up like pastures crushed by the strong wind, the old man was furious at the moment: "How is this possible? This is impossible? When will the people of Zhou be able to come up with [-] yuan?" String control?
How could my warriors of the Huns lose to the Zhou people in riding and shooting?Rise up, my wolf cubs, rise up to me, all my warriors. "

During the call, the high-spirited old man when he first stepped into Monan went away with the wind as if he had been hit by the wind and rain, and a wave of depression quietly climbed onto his shoulders.

Today is the second day since he set foot in Monan from Liao land. He thought that he could defeat Wang Yu with a hundred thousand string control men, and now he feels a lot of regret in his heart.

After resting for a day at the junction of Monan and Liao, he took the initiative to attack, intending to take advantage of Wang Yu's Zhenbei army scattered on the Monan grassland to defeat them one by one, and then join the troops brought by Maodun. In one fell swoop, they counterattacked Yanmen and restored the former fierceness of the Xiongnu.

But he never expected that Wang Nanrong had already led an army of [-] people waiting for him on the way when he had just set off from camp on the second day.

The battlefield chosen by Wang Nanrong, who is as fine as a ghost, is more than half a day's journey away from the place where he camped yesterday, and he just avoided the scouting horses that the old man scattered at the beginning.

When the old man received the news from the second wave of scouts, confirming that Wang Nanrong's Zhenbei army had approached, the distance between the two armies was less than twenty miles.

In the normal world, it is not uncommon for a horse to run at full speed for twenty miles and foam at the mouth, but in the world of Liaozhai, twenty miles is not a long distance at all.

With one charge and two rounds of volleys, the veteran's cards were completely lost.

"As the order continues, the backbone of the Northern Huns has been severed, and it's time for the servants hiding behind us to clean up the mess.

Tell them, I don't want the voice of the Huns in Monan to be heard before the arrival of Modu, and those who have made outstanding achievements in this battle can leave the Huns and join us. "

For the conditions given by Wang Yu, there are many servants in the army who are tempted. People go to high places and water flows to low places. Empire is three points behind.

"Take orders."

"As ordered..."

"Kill... the slave!"

Under the lure of interests, most of the [-] servants of the Huns yearned for the incarnation of the god of Xi, the eldest son of the Shuangda clan-the old Shang Shanyu, brandishing the scimitar in his hand.

Despite the superior strength, he still felt the pain of exhaustion under the exhaustion of [-] servants.

Seeing the traitors getting closer and closer to him, the old man's eyes were full of hatred.

He is the eldest son of the Shuangda family, the Chanyu of the Xiongnu royal family!It is very likely to fall into the hands of those untouchables under his command?How does this make him deal with himself in the future?
Those untouchables are even more hateful and damned. The moment they lost to the Zhou people, the untouchables should have swung their knives and cut their own necks.

Looking at the old man who was besieged in the middle of the army like a trapped beast, Wang Yu, who was sitting in the middle army of the Zhenbei Army, nodded towards Feng He and Xia Houwu beside him, signaling that the two would join hands to take down There is always room for a comeback, and a huge military exploit was picked up in vain.

After receiving Wang Yu's order, Feng He and Xia Houwu immediately drove forward to Laoshang's surroundings.

Looking not far away at the old man who was extremely exhausted from fighting in person, the two showed joy.

Whether it is Lao Shang's current status as the Shanyu of the Northern Huns, or his former status as the Zuoxian King of the Huns, it is enough to bring a lot of credit to the two of them.

Even if this credit is somewhat discounted due to the special nature of the Zhenbei Army, it will definitely make the two of them feel full.

"General Feng, the brute strength of the old man, which is enough to kill the dragon, is handed over to this subordinate. I hope the general will take pity on me and take down the old man as soon as possible."

Pulling out the horse-cutting sword hanging on the horse's back, Xia Houwu took the lead in rushing towards the old man.

Xia Houwu took the initiative to take on the task of containing the old man positively, which made Feng He very surprised but somewhat clear.

The surprise is: Even if the old man is about to exhaust himself, he is definitely the top master of the world. In a head-to-head confrontation with a master of this level, anything is possible, even if Xia Houwu is a long-standing martial arts master, it is also possible. Die at the hands of the old master.

What is clear is: Although Xia Houwu has made a lot of contributions in this Northern Expedition because of the strength of the martial arts master over the years, in terms of qualifications and status in the Zhenbei Army, Xia Houwu is far from being comparable to him six years ago. Just put the generals under Lord Hou's command to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Looking at the back of Xia Houwu's charge, Feng He also pulled out the long spear on his horse's back, and like a predatory python, he walked around the old man's body, waiting for the fatal blow.

As the former Xiongnu Zuoxian King and today's Northern Xiongnu Shanyu, Lao Shang's strength is not bad. When fighting one-on-one, Xia Houwu, who is used to fighting in the world, unexpectedly couldn't take him down for a while.

If it weren't for Feng He's containment on the periphery, I'm afraid the old man would be able to fight Xia Houwu inextricably.

But all this is just if.

In the case of being distracted, even if Lao Shang is as mysterious as Xia Houwu in every swing in battle, he still gradually appears defeated.

The place where the three fought each other became ravines and ravines due to the collision of the power of the three when they shot. The several feet long sword lights and lance shadows scratched the ground and easily drew deep grooves.

Under the smoke and dust, at the moment when the battle was at its most intense, the battle circle formed by Xia Houwu suddenly became silent, which made all the soldiers present a little confused?

However, this kind of movement failed to hide from Wang Yu, who was not inferior to Wang Yu, who had the same martial arts and celestial eyes.

Feng He seized the opportunity and stabbed the mount under the crotch of the old Shang Shanyu. Losing the impact brought by the short-distance charge of the mount, the old Shang was no match for Xia Houwu in an instant.

Seizing the opportunity of Lao Shang's loss of his crotch mount, Xia Houwu slashed out a sword light that could only be offset by head-to-head confrontation. When Lao Shang had no choice but to face head-to-head, he laid the foundation for victory in one fell swoop and captured Lao Shangbuk alive. leveled the road.

(End of this chapter)

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