Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 259 Purdue Cihang: 1 Everything is under control Fuck

Chapter 259 Purdue Cihang: Everything is under control Fuck (71)

I don't know how much time passed, Wang Yu and the Giant God Soldier fought farther and farther away, and gradually disappeared from the sight of Yan Chixia and Xia Houwu.

Yan Chixia and Xia Houwu, who were driving Wushuang to mow the grass, looked at each other and pretended not to know.

The battlefield of those two was too terrifying, even if it was just the aftermath, it was far beyond what the two of them could bear.

At the same time, at the gate tower in front of Hangu Pass, a queue of hundreds of people appeared out of thin air after a fluctuation in space. It was Pudu Cihang and his party.

Seeing the broken gate of Hangu Pass, Pudu Cihang tore off the disguise on his face, and laughed unscrupulously: "Hahaha, a secret realm, a pre-Qin secret realm that has never been discovered by anyone, such a chance finally came I'm on my head, hahaha..."

While laughing wildly, Pudu Cihang also did not forget to send a voice transmission to his subordinates: "Little ones, lead these mortals to camp on the spot, and then use all your strength to build the altar of seduction. The ghosts and ghosts were wiped out.

After the old monk refined all these ghosts into the bones of the Bodhisattva and the Tathagata Buddha, although the world is big, there is no one who can restrain the old monk. '

Although I feel that the national teacher Pudu Cihang seems to be a different person since he entered this secret realm, the ordinary people in this team still work together with the little monsters around them without knowing where they are. .

However, what they don't know is that the sacrifices needed for the so-called altar of seduction are their flesh and souls!
There are many people and strength, and when all the items have been prepared in advance, it didn't take a moment for the camp like a concentration camp to be built with the altar called "Ecstasy".

Now that the altar has been formed, it is time to start offering sacrifices!
Pudu Cihang waved his hand with a smile, and a burst of demon power gushed out from its hand, rolling up a somewhat old figure in the camp and sending it to the altar.

The old man who was caught on the altar didn't feel anything wrong at first. They went to the secret place where the Dragon Vein of the Great Zhou was located to sacrifice to heaven in the name of Emperor Zhou. He, a relative of the royal family, took the lead at the altar. There is nothing wrong with kneeling down to worship God.

"National teacher, you don't personally preside over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Although the relatives of the emperor kneeling on the altar were a bit useless, they had also participated in many ceremonies to sacrifice to heaven. After kneeling for a long time but not seeing Pudu Cihang stepping forward to read the sacrificial oration, he realized that something was wrong.

But before he could finish his questioning to Pudu Cihang, a piercing pain prevented him from uttering a single word.

He was like a ball of plasticine, crushed into a ball of flesh by the mana belonging to Purdue Cihang from the Ecstasy Festival.

With the special effect of the altar of ecstasy, a scent that can make demons and ghosts want to stop drifting away.

Smelling this extremely demon-attracting scent, the little demons in the queue brazenly tore off the skins they wore on their bodies and roared up to the sky.

"Ho... ho ho ho ho."

"Aww, aww..."

This scene stunned all the mortals in the queue, even the Zuo Baihu who had been specially taken care of by Pudu Cihang.

Who would have thought that the imperial teacher of the current dynasty was actually a big monster?Those monks who serve the national teacher are all monsters?
No storyteller dares to make up such nonsense!
But reality is often far worse than stories.

Amidst the hysterical screams, the Ecstasy Altar played a role. Inside the gate tower in front of Hangu Pass, a skeleton soldier walked towards the camp smelling the scent.

Not only on this side, but also on the side facing Hangu Pass, a figure with uncorrupted flesh and blood holding a sword also walked towards the camp where Pudu Cihang was.

Seeing the two skeletons walking towards the camp, Purdue Cihang nodded in satisfaction. Its calculations were correct and everything was stable now.

What it didn't know was that a ten-foot-tall figure in Hangu Pass, after feeling that the energy in his body was not enough, was also seduced by the instinct in his body to move towards this side.

Wang Yu, who had never made a truce with the giant soldier, was taken along to attack this camp.

I just don't know if the demon monk Pudu Cihang is welcome or not.

But it's no use not being welcome.

It failed to condense the appearance of the bone-boned Bodhisattva and the Tathagata Buddha, so it was not qualified to stand in front of the Giant God Soldier and Wang Yu and say no.

After successfully refining all the dozens of bone soldiers seduced by the blood sacrifice into the body of the bone Bodhisattva, Pudu Cihang grinned and opened his mouth.

This kind of secret realm is really different. As long as you find out how to use the resources, this place is a huge treasure house.

Putting it outside, even if it is the master of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is impossible for it to be as good as it is now. In less than half a day, it has found dozens of corpses with physical strength comparable to black zombies and fierce ghosts for cultivation.

If it doesn't take three to five months, trying to collect such a large number of corpses is simply wishful thinking.

As the skill progresses, so will the nature. With a wave of the monk robe of Purdue Cihang, he made a promise to the little demons under his command: "My sons, don't break the sacrifice. I promise you, the ancestor, to stay at the two gates of the ancestor." The Dharma is perfect, after you go out, the ancestors will assign people from a county to serve as rations for you, do you think it is good?"

Responding to Purdue Cihang was the "yes" from all the little monsters.

Accompanied by these cheers, all the mortals who were still alive looked at Pudu Cihang with resentful eyes.

Many of them were sending out extremely vicious curses in their hearts, hoping that Purdue Cihang would die immediately without a whole body.

As for why they dare not speak the curse?

Nonsense, who dares to babble at will at this time, it is true that Purdue Cihang will not immediately push him to the altar for blood sacrifice.

I don't know if the existence in the dark really heard the prayers of these people who are still alive, or if some of these people's ancestral graves are smoking.

Wang Yu and the Giant God Soldiers, who had been coming here while fighting, smashed through the broken black iron gate in the middle of the gate tower of Hangu Pass in front of the camp in front of everyone's horrified eyes.

Seeing the various damages caused by the aftermath of the battle between Wang Yu and the Giant God Soldiers, all the creatures in the camp were stunned.

Swinging a sword at will can cause the void to shatter tens of feet, and any spear will be accompanied by wind and thunder.

The two who are fighting are probably not land gods!

The term "land gods" literally means immortals who walk on land.

A fairy who has crossed the nine realms of cultivation and is beyond vulgarity!

Purdue Cihang, who was the most powerful, was the first to react. With the speed of recovery, Cihang immediately took out Guan Yinling from his arms, wanting to open the gap in the void and escape here immediately.

Then find a deep mountain and old forest, and wait for hundreds or thousands of years to talk about it. Anyway, it is a demon and has a long lifespan.

After this group of old monsters and freaks are dead, it won't be too late for it to come out and make waves.

That's better than always adding fuck to that grip when you think you've got everything under control.

(End of this chapter)

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