Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 264 Uncertainty on the way home · 4 wolves

chapter 264

Wang Yu's words startled Ying Ning.

Is it?

With fear and doubts in his heart, Ying Ning squinted at the right back according to Wang Yu's words, but just such a glance made Ying Ning break out in a cold sweat all over his body.

The exquisite pagoda that she never forgets is watching her from the rear right!

Even though this tower has no eyes, it gave her the feeling that it was staring at her. This tower is so weird!
As a pagoda, even if the Linglong Pagoda is the treasure of a powerful fairy god like Li Jing, the King of Tota, it is impossible to make such anthropomorphic movements.

Reminiscent of the muffled groans of gold and iron that sounded after Wang Yu's punch just now, Ying Ning found himself getting scared from the bottom of his heart.

Compared with those great gods who survived the Heavenly Court Era, what is she?
Obeying her will, Ying Ning obediently followed behind Wang Yu and stepped out of the range covered by the blood mist of the immortal evil spirit.

After getting the jade slips from the Heavenly Soldiers camp, Wang Yu was already very satisfied with the harvest of this trip.

As for the others, Wang Yu didn't think too much at the moment.

Therefore, when he got out of the range covered by the blood mist, Wang Yu summoned all the people who were still alive in the secret realm of Hangu Pass, forcibly opened the space channel before the opening time, and led everyone out of the secret realm.

Standing on the land of the circular Grand Canyon, looking at the morning star that is about to fall from the sky, everyone except Wang Yu felt a sense of rebirth.

Wang Yu, who was not interested in taking a group of ordinary people on his way slowly, brought along his willingness to give up everything to serve Zuo Zixiong, and left Taihang before the sun cleared and headed towards Youzhou and Bingzhou.

A group of five people are all monks who have cultivated themselves, and they travel on a daily basis regardless of the main roads and trails, sunrise and night. In just three days, the group of them passed the capital and arrived at the frontier of Bingzhou and Guanzhong.

Along the way, four of the five frowned, and the one who didn't frown was Ying Ning. To her, it didn't matter to her that everyone in Zhou died.

Bandits are rampant and powerful.

The government forced the people to rebel, and the smoke was everywhere.

The descriptions that could only be seen in history books before have become the real scene of Dazhou.

Although there are occasional turmoil in Dazhou, the general stability can still be guaranteed, but judging from the things encountered along the way, the world is clearly in chaos.

Should not be!

Counting from the day they left, it has only taken ten days until now. Why is this world in chaos?

With doubts in mind, Wang Yu revealed his identity at the frontier checkpoint, and watched the information collected in this small city that had become a military fortress.

After reading the information in this military stronghold at a glance, Wang Yu finally knew why the world was in chaos.

The Zhou Emperor who was still in his infancy went to Huangquan with his dead ghost father.

In just one year, three emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty died one after another, and the foundation of the Zhou royal family's rule has been shaken.

If this is the case, although the world will be chaotic, it will definitely not reach the point where there are smoldering flames everywhere.

The national teacher of the Great Zhou, the Pudu Cihang who was swallowed by the Giant God Soldiers gave a boost to this.

Using the pretext of purging his party members to stabilize the throne, this monstrous national teacher almost killed all the clan members of the Zhou Dynasty.

After the ministers in the court heard the news of the death of the current Emperor Zhou, they immediately counted five generations from the generation of Emperor Zhou who died just now, and counted three generations back, but they couldn't find a single person. The living male clan can be pulled out to inherit the great line.

A country cannot be without a king for a day, but no matter which distant clan is selected by the ministers to inherit the great rule, the remaining clans all say that this is a disorderly order and they cannot admit it.

Ever since, the central government of the Zhou Dynasty clashed with the local government.

If it's just like this, the Buddhist and Confucian sects that control the court can still be suppressed by joining forces.

But they never expected that there were too many people in the Zhou clan who wanted to be emperor, so many that before they had time to clean up the mess, someone jumped out and declared that the world was emperor.

So, after you sing, I will appear on the stage.

The entire Great Zhou Dynasty was stirred up by those wealthy and powerful clans, and it became a mess. In just a few days, there were more than a dozen emperors and dozens of regents.

Even You and Bingzhou under Wang Yu's command were no exception. It is said that there were seven or eight emperors and kings in the past two days. To gain his allegiance!
After learning about these dumbfounding situations, Wang Yu immediately rushed back to Yanmen County to preside over the overall situation.

In the lobby of Marquis Lingwu's mansion, all the bureaucrats were sitting.

Wang Yuduan sat on the head and listened to the reports of his subordinates.

The first one to report was Zhuge Wolong. As Wang Yu was not around, he acted as the prime minister and the general manager of the affairs of the two prefectures. The matters at hand were all major matters that Wang Yu could only make decisions on.

"Lord Hou, what should we do with the emperors and regents who live in our Yanmen County? Now that the governors and state shepherds who are already very ambitious today pretend to be a new emperor, they are actually divided into one side."

"Kill, I will kill all those bullshit emperors and regents. It is impossible for them not to know about my Wang Nanrong's daily behavior in the secluded state.

In the end, they still came to me at a huge risk. Such people are gamblers and ambitious, so it is not a good thing to keep them.

After the heads of these emperors and regents were removed, they sent people to the capital at high speed, as a basis for gaining trust, so that the eyes of the Great Zhou Center could be averted from us. "

"No, Lord Hou, the prestige of the Great Zhou has plummeted, and the officials who are loyal to us have also begun to be trained.

Things have come to this, should we use our confidantes to replace those officials in the territory who have a heart for Da Zhou? "

Wang Yu didn't answer Zhuge Wolong's second question right away, he closed his eyes and pondered for a while before giving an answer: "Those officials whose hearts are toward the Great Zhou cannot be generalized.

Those who are determined to follow Da Zhou will directly select the best and replace the officials we have trained.

Those who are willing to integrate with us will be assigned to their deputy to supervise and learn experience by the way.

As for those weeds?After writing down the name, catch Cunyu and fire him. "

"No..." Zhuge Wolong was very satisfied with Wang Yu's arrangement, so he nodded in agreement.

After dealing with the affairs of the civil servants, Wang Yu turned around and started dealing with the affairs of the generals.

"Lord Hou, I took a look at the military formations of the pre-Qin period and the military training methods of the Heavenly Court. I'm afraid that illiterate soldiers will not be able to practice these supernatural skills." Disappointed answer.

Immediately behind Feng He was Yang Ye: "My lord, apart from this problem, there is another problem that I discovered after studying and studying the supernatural powers of these two systems.

The times have changed, the world has changed, and everything is different from the pre-Qin era. The pre-Qin military formations and the methods of military training suitable for that era, if directly applied to our Zhenbei army, I am afraid that we will not be able to adapt to the climate. "

 Although the data is terrible, Thirteen still coded a chapter. Today, there are five chapters with ten thousand words in total. Please appreciate it.

(End of this chapter)

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