Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 266 The World Is Troubled, But I Close the Door and Practice Hardly

Chapter 266 The World Is Troubled, But I Close the Door and Practice Hardly (64)

"Fifth, there must be enough teachers to run a college. Although our Zhenbei Army has a reserve of talents, it is far from enough!

Sixth, my subordinate would like to ask all my colleagues in this hall to ask Lord Hou if you have given up your desire to become the Supreme Being.

According to your arrangement just now, even if the finances of our Zhenbei Army can support this policy, there will be no power to go south. Moreover, according to the system you set, it will take at least ten years for our Zhenbei Army to reap the rewards. The first batch of talents trained.

The world is in the midst of a battle for the dragon, and the situation changes in an instant. If you miss it, you will really miss it.

Moreover, quite a few of my colleagues present have already passed their lifespans. Lord Marquis, do you think they can afford to wait? "

Six questions.

Zhuge Wolong deserves to be called the most wise man in the world, and all these six questions have been answered.

If Wang Yu could not give a solution to these six questions, he would never agree to implement the policy of broadening the wisdom of the people.

Looking at a picture of Zhuge Wolong that you don’t give me an explanation, I’m going to criticize your whimsical ideas, Wang Yu didn’t care about his current behavior of disrupting the situation, but rationalized his thoughts, and resolved what he had thought about a long time ago. Ways to come out one by one.

As the leader of a faction, how could Zhuge Wolong not be aware of the questions that Zhuge Wolong could think of: "Zhuge asked six questions, and I also have six answers.

One, school-age children, including girls, boys and girls, are all subjects under my command and should be treated equally.

Moreover, as those who have been here, you all know that it is not a good thing for girls to marry and have babies prematurely. Every year, how many little girls who give birth to their first babies lose their lives because their bodies are not yet fully grown.

Second, the construction of colleges will not be successful overnight. For example, primary schools, county schools, and even prefectural schools cannot be opened without students of the right age.

Therefore, the construction of the college can be planned and constructed in several steps. In addition, we can train a craftsman for the construction of the college. The professional work is handed over to professional people, which will definitely be faster, better and cheaper.

In addition, all the colleges will pursue a simple and plain construction style, and no extravagance and waste will be allowed.

The gold and silver treasures obtained from the conquest of the Huns don't need to be put into the private treasury of the Marquis Mansion. If they are all taken out, they should be enough for the initial use.

The students only need to collect some textbook fees for their training. The elementary school is close to home, and the Zhenbei Army is not responsible for the basic necessities of life. Primary schools and county schools provide accommodation and basic meals that can fill their stomachs.

As for the desks, chairs and beds used by the students, the finances are a bit difficult, let's bear it together!In addition, food waste and man-made destruction of tables, chairs and beds should be explicitly prohibited. Once such situations are discovered, fines should be fined, and people should be persuaded to quit.

Another thing is that on weekdays, the township and county governments can also delegate some less important affairs and some simple tasks to the colleges as tasks.

After the students complete the tasks according to the quality and quantity, the township and county government can reward the students with the money that they are going to spend on this matter, and provide the students with a work-study program.

Third, the dissemination of knowledge does not require special control. Even if those sectarian academies send people to absorb the knowledge disseminated by academies at all levels, do you think they can pass it on without reservation like us?
Even if they pass it on to their disciples without reservation, do you think there will be more talents after their poor disciples complete their studies than us?

Fourth, if there are any opponents of the aristocratic families under our command, let them go, as if the knives in the hands of our Zhenbei Army are not sharp enough.

Anyone who dares to make troubles should be arrested, and should be sentenced to prison, and should be beheaded.

Fifth, the teaching staff of the college can be transferred from the army and those veterans in the early stage. After so many years of silent work by Lieutenant General Wu Tang, I think the teaching staff of elementary schools and primary schools should not be a problem.

In addition, tell these brothers who are born and died with us, teach well, work hard, and if you teach well, you may not be able to rise up.

The village chiefs and pavilion chiefs elected in those places are reliable with these brothers who have been with us through life and death.

After they rely on the teaching profession to figure out the intricate local situation, we can order them to replace those village chiefs and pavilion chiefs, so that our Zhenbei Army can control the territory under its command to the extreme.

If among the brothers there is really a hidden pearl covered by dust, I, Wang Yu, would be stingy to add a seat for him in this lobby. "

After listening to the fifth answer given by my Lord Hou, all the military generals present were overwhelmed with excitement.

It is hard for outsiders to imagine how a good general has feelings for the soldiers under his command. They can become colonels, generals and the like, although they have their own efforts, but the role of the soldiers under their command should not be underestimated.

Without these soldiers desperately carrying out the orders they gave, they would have died on the battlefield long ago, or they are not farts now.

After hearing that Wang Yu was willing to give those veterans a way out, one or two generals who were more emotional even shed tears.

"Sixth, I, Wang Nanrong, have never changed my ambition of fighting for the dragon.

However, the dynasty I want to build is by no means like the current Zhou Dynasty. In the heyday of the dynasty, the people under his command can only have a bite of hot food.

If my ambition only stops here, to put it in a bad way, neither the Zhou family in Kyoto nor the dozen or so sects of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism will be my opponents.

Calling you lonely is not about whether those people are willing or not, but whether the old man wants to. "

Wang Yu's domineering tone shocked all the people in the hall, but after carefully considering the current strength of the Zhenbei Army, they had to admit that what Wang Yu said was not wrong.

In the past, the Great Zhou Dynasty, which could be defeated by the Huns, was in danger of subjugating the country and genocide. How could the Zhenbei Army that destroyed the Huns not be able to do so.

Thinking of this, a sense of pride quietly rose in many people's hearts. The Zhenbei Army can develop to this point, and they are indispensable!
When the world is fighting for the dragon, what about the changing situation?Whoever dares to take the lead or has a tendency to take the lead will defeat him.

If I don't speak first when Chunlai comes, that worm dares to squeak.

Seeing that everyone's emotions had been mobilized, Wang Yu released the last chip he had prepared: "Also, Wolong thinks that some of you are lucky enough to conquer the world, but you don't want to enjoy the opportunity to sit in the world with me.

On this point, I can tell you exactly, you should worry too much.

I have reached a cooperation with Fairy Yingning who provided the preliminary information for this trip to Hangu Pass.

She provided the address of a secret realm where there may be a life-extending elixir. People from our Northern Army will go hunting for treasures with her. Except for the life-extending elixir that belongs to Fairy Yingning, the rest will be distributed to you according to your respective contributions. .

As long as you go the same way with Wang Yu to the end, I, Wang Yu, will not let you shed blood and tears, and your hands will be empty in the end. "

 Today's Chapter 2, I am considering whether to code Chapter 3 to keep the three and watch the four or go out with friends. Readers, grandpas, tell me what I should do.

(End of this chapter)

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