Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 270 Xiqin Overlord Xue Ju

Chapter 270 Xiqin Overlord Xue Ju (60)

In early summer, the heat rises.

Wang Yu, who was visiting Mobei to avoid the summer heat, received a unique memorial.

Someone has led a crowd to attack the Zhenbei Army!

This news made Wang Yu laugh for a long time before he was relieved.

It's fine if he doesn't go out and provoke others, but there are still people who dare to come to him to stroke the tiger's beard, it's unbelievable!

"Your Majesty, the intruder is named Xue Ju, and he calls himself the Overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty. He was originally a powerful man in Longxi. He took all of Longxi.

Two months ago, he defeated Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Longyou Taiping Army who was used by the Daoist sect to control him. The army was once approaching the capital and was invincible. Fu Qingzhu, who occupied the capital, was so frightened that he almost left the city.

However, the overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty unexpectedly did not attack the capital, but returned to Longyou with an excuse of feeling unwell? "

The person who answered in front of Wang Yu was Yang Yanzhao, the general of the Seventh Army. Due to his young age and high ability, he grew up under Wang Yu's nose. This monkey is sometimes more monkey than his cheap grandson Wang Yu in front of Wang Yu.

Wang Yu, the skinny monkey who always jumps up and down, is also much more tolerant: "I'm not feeling well? This can also scare ghosts. If I guess correctly, it should be the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

However, to be able to recover his life under the hands of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, this Western Qin overlord still seems to have something!

He just lacked a bit of background, otherwise, the city walls of those state capitals in the northern part of the pass might really have to change the king's banner.

I don't know what he was thinking, but he came to gnaw on our steel gun if he couldn't gnaw on it. It seems that the achievements of the Seventh Army when they went out of the fortress last year are still forgotten!

Yu'er and Yan Zhao, I'll give you two a mission to take down the overlord of Western Qin who came to attack us. I want him to start with the surname Wang in the land of Longxi. "

Wang Yu, who has been with Wang Yu since the end of the year, was so excited that he couldn't control himself when he heard that his grandfather had finally started to let him get in touch with military affairs.

Yang Yanzhao, who was assigned to carry out missions with Wang Yu, was also very happy. His father was Lord Hou's family general. He grew up in the Hou Mansion since he was a child, and Wang Yu, the young Lord Hou, was the general's best friend.

Now, seeing that this friend who has been playing since he was a child has finally been recognized by the person he cares about the most, how can he be unhappy, Yang Yanzhao!

"The subordinates will live up to Lord Hou's entrustment."

"The grandson will definitely capture Xue Ju and let him bow his head in front of his grandfather."

With the will to make progress, the cheap grandson Wang Yu and the monkey Yang Yanzhao ran away.

After watching the two little ones leave the station, Wang Yu gave a faint order to an empty dark place in the lobby: "Send some good hands to follow the young master, and guard against the old immortals of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism."

There was no answer, and the space in the dark corner only emitted a slight to almost imperceptible fluctuation, and then there was no movement.

Wang Yu, who was able to look away, knew that there were at least dozens of Wu Zong who were proficient in protection and assassination skills, as well as several powerful Wu Zun who had just ridden out of the station's cheap grandson.

In addition, among his entourage, there must be some leftist monks whose combat power has reached the level of the true king of the Taoist sect, and a totem warrior comparable to the heavenly master of the Taoist sect.

This was originally the protection power secretly cultivated and recruited by the shadow guards for Wang Yu. With this configuration of protection power, as long as there is no great monk who is about to ascend to the ninth level to invade, Wang Yu's safety is absolutely safe.

However, considering that the total number of monks in the world might not be enough to punch him with one fist, Wang Yu rejected the shadow guard's kindness, and instead gave the protection power of this configuration to his cheap grandson.

The Overlord Xue of the Western Qin Dynasty was indeed a talent. When the Seventh Army led by Wang Yu and Yang Yanzhao had not rushed to the battlefield, the reserve and militia regiments near Longxi were defeated by him with a "magnificent array". Can defend a lonely city and wait for reinforcements.

Well, the words 'Dignified Formation' refer to the ratio of 60 to [-].

Regarding the defeat of the [-] reserve and militia regiments, Wang Yu expressed his understanding.

After all, the 60 army of the Overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty was not claimed. Excluding the civilian husbands in charge of logistics and the old, weak, sick and disabled, his battleable army was 38.

Facing the Western Qin army, which was more than ten times larger in number than itself, the [-] reserve soldiers and militia regiments were not ashamed to lose.

However, relying on the crushing numbers, the Overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty might be able to defeat the reserve and militia of the Zhenbei Army with an 'imposing formation'.

However, once he ran into the seven field armies that were formally formed into the Zhenbei Army, even the seventh army at the bottom would be defeated.

Once the seven field armies, all composed of warriors, use all kinds of newly developed rune battle formations, they will be able to fight head-to-head even if they encounter an unreasonable army like the pre-Qin Dynasty.

Xue Ju's 60 Longxi army, which was a mixture of dragons and snakes, was completely powerless to fight back against this kind of army beyond this era.

The facts were exactly as Wang Yu expected. Xue Bawang, who was so glorious in the early stage of the invasion, was quickly dispelled after meeting the Seventh Army.When his 60 Longxi army "dignifiedly" oppressed the Seventh Army with only [-] people to face the enemy, it was easily pierced by the Seventh Army.

Eager to do meritorious service, Wang Yu, the cheap grandson who didn't want to cooperate with Bawang Xue's performance, pierced Bawang Xue's encirclement, and almost captured the Bawang of Western Qin alive on the spot, and let him have a heart-warming blow.

Seeing that his army of 60 was beaten by the Seventh Army of the Zhenbei Army to the point where he had no strength to fight back, the Overlord of Western Qin immediately wanted to return to Longxi and continue to be his local emperor.

But he had promised in front of Wang Yu that he would capture him to Wang Yu, the cheap grandson who bowed his head in front of Wang Yu, so Ken let Bawang Xue escape so easily.

After chasing and killing all the way, Sun Zi directly led his troops across the border and entered Longxi, fulfilling Wang Yu's second request to him.

After a year, the Seventh Army of the Zhenbei Army came out again, and like last year, it still made achievements that shocked the world.

The overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty who once made the princes in the entire northern region tremble, has fallen!

The anti-kings in the north who have been closely following the development of this matter, when they first heard that Xue Ju had failed, they all felt that a big stone was finally lifted from their hearts.

But when they heard that Xue Ju's defeat was so miserable, all the anti-kings in the Northern Territory prepared all kinds of gifts with concern, and prepared to congratulate Wang Yu on his fiftieth birthday, happy and prosperous.

To be honest, even Wang Yu, who has inherited part of the memory of his predecessor, can't remember what year he was from. He didn't expect that those sycophants like the rebellious king of the Northern Realm would find out and offer gifts.

The desire to survive of these anti-kings in the north is a bit overwhelming!

 Temporary business, today only this chapter, I'm sorry readers, grandpa, sorry?????????????
(End of this chapter)

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