Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 274 The army is like a strong wind, and the anti-king is like a fallen leaf

Chapter 274 The army is like a strong wind, and the anti-king is like a fallen leaf (56)

The lord of Jinyang City who got the news immediately set off to the city gate tower. Although he saw Li Lingguang with his own eyes, the lord of Jinyang City still did not open the gate without authorization.

Standing in front of the gate tower, the lord of Jinyang City cupped his hands against Li Lingguang who was standing below the gate tower and said apologetically, "Forgive me, General Li. During the war, everything should be cautious. Although I have confirmed your identity, General Li, I still dare not open the city gate indiscriminately.

General Li is the most powerful in the world. This general can provide some footholds on the city wall for General Li to rely on. If possible, General Li can also go to Jinyang City by himself. "

As the guard of the same side, the status of the city lord of Jinyang City is no worse than that of the parachutist Li Lingguang.

Therefore, considering the current situation, he proposed the most cautious method to let Li Lingguang climb the city wall by himself. This move is not too difficult for the mighty Li Lingguang.

But Li Lingguang really wanted to do it, but it was a bit embarrassing, so the city lord of Jinyang City was going to talk kindly to each other, and told Li Lingguang his difficulties for a little understanding.

Unexpectedly, before he opened his mouth to say something, Li Lingguang, who loves face, jumped up and rushed to the city wall.

Li Lingguang's sudden jump startled the city lord stationed in Jinyang City.

Reminiscent of Li Lingguang's fiery temper, the city lord of Jinyang City subconsciously thought that it was because Li Lingguang couldn't stand this kind of grievance, so he jumped up and prepared to draw his sword against him.

But he never expected that Li Lingguang, who was known as a bull-tempered man in the army, not only did not draw his sword at him after he climbed the city wall, but instead bowed his hands to him in a dazed way, to show that he did not intend to offend.

Does the sun come out from the west?
Although he was muttering in his heart, the lord of Jinyang City did not reveal the slightest flaw on his face: "General Li must have come all the way on a single horse and must have important military information to tell me. Please sit in the gate tower for a while. Yes, the general will tell me the situation."

Li Lingguang, who already had this intention, did not refuse, and immediately followed behind the Lord of Jinyang City and entered the gate tower.

As soon as the two parties sat down, Li Lingguang quickly explained his intentions: "General Zhao, I will come to Jinyang soon and have three things to tell you.

First, the troops of the Zhenbei Army have reached the Xizhou area. Starting today, Jinyang City must be put under martial law, no entry or exit is allowed, and a curfew policy is implemented.

The dark clouds brought about by the war will hang over Jinyang City within three days at most.

Second, no matter how provocative the Zhenbei Army is or what kind of flaws it reveals, the soldiers and horses in Jinyang City are not allowed to go out of the city to fight.

The Zhenbei army is unparalleled in riding and shooting. If we fight head-on, we have no chance of winning. The [-] forward troops in my hand lost a clean battle because of their overconfidence.

Third, even if we wait to defend the city, we need to make more preparations, especially prepare the crossbows to defend against the blows from the sky.

Today's Zhenbei Army has a trace of the ability of the pre-Qin army and even the heavenly soldiers. In the general sense, they can't hold out for long outside the city of Xiongguanjian.

After the defeat of the Xuanfeng army, I led the remnant troops to retreat to Hufengkou, but you may not believe it. As soon as I entered Hufengkou with my front foot, the Zhenbei army attacked from the sky with my back foot, and almost killed me. Catch a turtle in an urn. "

At the end, Li Lingguang was still full of horror.

As a veteran general, he is also a battle-tested existence. Before meeting the Zhenbei Army, he led his troops to attack the anti-kings and princes in the northern border, and it can be said that he has never been defeated.

Although the defeat of the Xuanfeng Army caused him to suffer an unimaginable blow, it also allowed him to see the reality of the Zhenbei Army. If he can use the strength of the Northern Territory to gather the talents of the Fourth Academy, he will be given a few more years.

He is sure to train an elite army of [-] to [-], which is enough to catch up with the Zhenbei Army. Building a strong army with massive resources and countless heroes is not a clever way of training troops.

But how the Zhenbei Army broke through the Hufeng Pass is still unclear to him. He only knows that he entered the Hufeng Pass the day before yesterday. .

The words "Shen Bing Tian Jiang" are not metaphors but adjectives.

To this day, Li Lingguang can still recall the shock in his heart when he saw the Zhenbei Army falling from the sky.

Wang Nanrong had spent ten years outside the Great Wall, and he had really raised an army comparable to pre-Qin warriors!

Zhao Wuji, who was seated in the main seat, frowned at Li Lingguang's words. What exactly did he want to express with the incoherent words?
That's right, Zhao Wou-ki really failed to get something useful from Li Lingguang's words just now.

Everyone knows that the Xuanfeng Army lost to the Zhenbei Army. In the past, when the Zhenbei Army ran across the northern border, there was no sign of the Xuanfeng Army?Only a tough guy like you would think of using [-] draft troops to go head-to-head with the Zhenbei Army and ask for trouble.

If it weren't for the time of war, you couldn't kill the border general without authorization, you, Tie Hanhan, would have been dragged out and beheaded long ago.

Also, things like martial law in the whole city require you, Li Lingguang, to call me, so I, Zhao Wuji, can't afford to lick blood on the edge of a knife to earn a future.

Didn't you, Li Lingguang, lose a little face just because of the order of martial law in the whole city?Even Li Lingguang, who has a tough temper and a naive personality, broke the rules of the martial law in front of me. Isn't the martial law in this city not strict enough?
"General Li, I have ordered the generals under my command to implement the martial law in the whole city. If there is anything wrong with it, you can also make a comprehensive inspection with me later to fill in the gaps.

Now, could I trouble you to tell me the details of how Hufengkou fell?Early this morning, after the city received the news of the fall of Hufengkou through the formation, there was no news about Hufengkou. General Li, you were the first to return from Hufengkou. "

Ignoring Li Lingguang's incoherent words, Zao Wou-ki asked Li Lingguang what he was most concerned about.

Looking at Zhao Wuji puzzledly, Li Lingguang frowned: Didn't I just tell him the reason why Hufengkou fell?Why did he ask again?
Is it?

Zhao Wuji has a problem with his brain?Can't understand human language?
Or maybe what he said was a bit brief, Zhao Wou-ki's imagination is limited, and he couldn't imagine the scene when Hufengkou fell?

Recalling the descriptions I just said, and thinking about it, this Zhao Wuji is no less than my own status.

Li Lingguang thinks that the reason why Zao Wou-ki needs him to say it again should belong to the latter?Bar?
"As I said earlier, Wang Nanrong's Beibei Army already has some of the abilities of the legendary pre-Qin army and heavenly soldiers.

Although the Zhenbei Army can't soar through the clouds like those two armies, it can still send troops in the air to carry out high-altitude strikes.

The defense of Hufengkou is aimed at the enemies on the ground. Therefore, in the face of the Zhenbei Army that can launch large-scale high-altitude strikes, Hufengkou is like a tortoise shell that has been lifted, and it cannot even dodge. "

(End of this chapter)

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