Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 280 Arrival of the 2:0 Era of Fuzhen

Chapter 280 Arrival of the 50 Era of Rune Matrix ([-])

"There is not much time, let's stop gossiping, Qingfeng, in order to ensure the continuation of my Fu family's blood, I want you to do three things.

First, send someone to guard the gate of the city. The moment Wang Nanrong enters the city, you will take the initiative to open the palace gate and surrender to the Northern Army.

Second, do everything possible to meet that guy Wang Nanrong and hand him the letter in my hand.

The letter contains the deployment of all the hidden forces of my Jin Kingdom and two marriage letters. The hidden power is the dowry prepared by my father for you and Yuechi. With Wang Nanrong's arrogant character and the last bit of affection between me and him, he After reading this letter, I will definitely accept you and Yuechi.

Third, I want you and Yuechi to forget all hatred, whether Wang Nanrong accepts you sisters or ignores you sisters, you sisters must not harbor hatred towards him.

Once it is known that your sisters have a heart of resentment towards Wang Nanrong, Wang Nanrong is so big that he can tolerate you, and those civil servants and generals under him will not tolerate you. If you want to save your life, you must not show threats. "

Looking at the picture of Fu Qingzhu who confessed his last words, how could Fu Qingfeng know what his father meant?At the cost of sacrificing his own life, he wanted to awaken the little sympathy left in that Lingwuhou's heart when he cherished working together.

His eyes were weeping, and he sobbed.Fu Qingfeng cried and said with a smile: "Father, there is no need for this, Yuechi and I are not people who are greedy for life and fear of death. Ever since you took the road of fighting for the world for the ambition in your heart, Yuechi and I have already had something in our hearts. get ready.

You left with your life in exchange for your life, what face will Yuechi and I have to live in the world then?Moreover, even if we are alive, we will inevitably live a life that is worse than death. Instead of that, it would be better for the three of us, father and daughter, to go to hell together today. "

Looking at his eldest daughter who wanted to accompany him to the west, people like Fu Qingzhu who had experienced countless storms couldn't help crying. The wind knows the strength of the grass, and Lu Yao knows the horsepower. Only family members can be caring in this world!
However, the daughters still have a good time and haven't enjoyed it, how can they really let their old bones go!

Just when Fu Qingzhu wiped away the tears from his face and was about to continue persuading, a burst of applause came to the ears of the father and daughter.

'Crack, crack, crack. '

"What a pure and filial daughter, what a father who loves her like a mountain, it's not in vain for me to rush to Kyoto day and night for the past two days!
Qingzhu, can your daughter be a grand-daughter-in-law for this old man? Of course, due to the special circumstances of our two families, the main wife and your daughter can't do it, but it's okay to be a side concubine. "

Seeing the tall figure clapping in from the entrance of the main hall, Fu Qingzhu and Fu Qingfeng, father and daughter, couldn't help being stunned.

Marquis Lingwu Wang Nanrong, why is he at the entrance of the hall?

Looking at the surprised faces of the father and daughter in front of him, Wang Yu explained to the father and daughter: "My grandson has been in the city for so long, if he hasn't penetrated the power into the capital, then he will It also failed too much in terms of doing things.

Although your eldest daughter has some tricks, she still doesn't know the dangers of people's hearts. If it weren't for my grandson who was unwilling to step into the capital before me to show respect for me, I'm afraid your eldest daughter would have been sold for a long time. money.

Also, Qingzhu, since you know my temper, you should be able to guess that your life or death is actually not important to me, Wang. Old friends mean. "

"Yes, I know that you, Wang Lingwu, have no intention of killing me, Fu Qingzhu. I also know that as long as I want to, as long as I am willing, I, Fu Qingzhu, can even live in luxury.

However, having tasted the taste of power, I don't want to live on like this. You, Wang Lingwu, have the ambition to calm the world, and I, Fu Qingzhu, never did not.

Winner and loser, if you lose, you lose more easily! "

Looking at Fu Qingzhu with a resolute appearance, Wang Yu knew that this old friend really wanted to die. Although he felt pity in his heart, Wang Yu didn't persuade him anymore. For a person who is determined to die, no matter what He can't listen to what you say.

"Forget it, Qingzhu, you have your own ideas, and I don't need to force my will to override your head. Allow me one thing, after three days, your son-in-law will straighten out the capital and end it on your own! I It can guarantee that your two daughters will not suffer any grievances after they get married."

Regarding the deal proposed by Wang Yu, Fu Qingzhu nodded and agreed after thinking for a while.

A pair of daughters was what he was most worried about before he died, but now Wang Nanrong is willing to make a promise, so it doesn't matter if he dies a few days later!

After seeing Fu Qingzhu and one of his future granddaughter-in-laws, Wang Yu turned and left.

Although Zhenbei Army is very proficient in what to do after taking over the territory, some things still require him, the leader, to make a decision after looking at it and using the seal.

For example, changing the dynasty and setting the name of the country, such as the honorary title used by the king, and then such as the establishment of a son, there are all kinds of things, after taking the northern border, there are still many things that need to be dealt with by him.

Because the reform of the education system in the territory has been completed, the Zhenbei Army, which has a double dividend of population and talent, has taken over the northern border far faster than anyone imagined.

In just one month, the Zhenbei Army has established a township regime in the northern border. Although the regime has never entered the village like the old land, it has also shocked a group of people's attention.

With a regime that can reach the villages and towns directly, the northern land in the pass has not missed the autumn harvest. This year's autumn harvest is not good but not bad. They can eat enough. The people with the largest base in the northern border do not ask who is sitting in the world today Known as a widow in Kyoto.

After passing this year smoothly, the Zhenbei Army has established a firm foothold in the northern land.

Now that you have your own foundation, you don’t have to worry too much. The various reforms that were implemented in You, Bing, Monan, Mobei, Liaodong, Liaoxi and other places began to appear on the northern land. .

It's just that, compared to the old land when he was bound to bow himself, Wang Yu gradually delegated power to the cheap grandson who had already married and established a business. Based on the lessons learned from the past, the cheap grandson Wang Yu did not make any major mistakes under the gourd.

In just three years, the land in the north, which had suffered from the melee of warlords in the past few years, recovered its vitality, and with the blessing of the geographical advantage, it chased the six leaders outside the Great Wall at a fast speed.

With the vast territory of the northern border and the participation of the people, the development of the Zhenbei Army has once again entered the fast lane.

Under the collision of the sparks of thinking, the Dao of Rune Array, which had been so happy to run, has gained new gains.

Without Wang Yu himself being aware of it, the technology he proposed, the 'fu array', has entered the era of [-].

(End of this chapter)

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