Chapter 284

Stretching out his right hand, Wang Yu cut through the void in front of him with one finger.

Looking at the tiny space crack at Wang Yu's fingertips, both Xu Baiyue and Fairy Yingning couldn't figure out the situation. Does it have anything to do with the heaven and the underworld?

Looking at the duo with puzzled faces, Wang Yu explained: "Heaven and hell are essentially no different from the space fragments in front of you, they are also space fragments with hidden spaces.

And as the owner who opened up this space fragment, as long as your strength is strong enough to fill the mana, the rules in this space fragment will be written by you, and even, as long as your strength is strong enough to control the rules, you It is not impossible for the mighty power of the sky to change the rules of the outside world and make space debris last forever.

Compared with the space fragments in front of you that will return to chaos and restore peace at any time, the space fragments where the heavens and the underworld are located are just one more mighty power.

At its root, they are all alien spaces that can only exist in the human world. It's just that someone has transformed them from ordinary space fragments step by step into the heaven and hell in the world's impression with great skill and perseverance. "

Faced with the explanation given by Wang Yu, the expressions of the two people in Qianyang Hall were different.

Fairy Yingning looked sarcastically at Wang Yu who was sitting at the head. Having experienced the most glorious era of Heavenly Court, she would not doubt Heavenly Court, a great force that once suppressed heaven and earth, just because of Wang Yu's few words.

Xu Baiyue's expression was exactly the opposite of Fairy Yingning's. As the first dreamer to 'travel' around the world, after listening to Wang Yu's answer, some puzzles in his mind suddenly cleared up. .

When traveling around the world, he had come into contact with many strange things outside Kyushu, and entered many ancient and unknown secret places.

In terms of scale alone, those secret realms are far inferior to the heavenly courts that once hung high above the sky and the underworld that encompassed the Nine Nethers. In ancient times, it was the court of those barbarian gods.

It is true that those barbarian gods cannot be compared with the Heavenly Emperor, and the scale of the fallen gods is far smaller than that of the Heavenly Court, but in essence, they are not different from each other.

Don’t the remnants of the heavenly court that was breached by the pre-Qin look the same as the secret realm of the fairy family now: “So? The reason why people can’t survive in the heavenly court and the underworld for a long time is purely because the heavenly court and the underworld have been opened up from the void. Had the powers of the underworld ever set such rules?

Why?If the heavens and the underworld are really space fragments, why would those powerful beings restrict ordinary humans from entering the heavens and the underworld when they created the world?After all, the main body of the world is the human race from the beginning to the end? "

Regarding Xu Baiyue's question, Wang Yu actually thought about it, but due to the incomplete information in hand, the answer he gave may be somewhat one-sided: "Because the underworld involves reincarnation and other monstrous karma, although I have guesses in my heart, But I can't talk to you.

As for the Heavenly Court, if I guessed correctly, the reason why the Heavenly Emperor established the Heavenly Court and restricted ordinary human races from setting foot in the Heavenly Court was to create a class.

Everyone has been the leader of a faction. I think you don’t need me to say how much convenience the setting of class can provide for the work of leader management. "

Wang Yu's explanation made Xu Baiyue suddenly realize: that's how it is!The Emperor of Heaven's heart is also dirty, bah!
After satisfying her thirst for knowledge, Xu Baiyue did not continue to ask, but bowed and solemnly proposed to Wang Yu the internal plan.

Wang Yu didn't ask too much about Xu Baiyue's desire to lead Nanzhao's attached Great Yan. Since he delegated power to his cheap grandson, he would never intervene indiscriminately.

Under the friendly negotiation between Wang Yu and Xu Baiyue, Nanzhao did not show signs of wanting to attach Dayan.

At present, the territories of Dayan and Nanzhao are not bordering each other, and they rashly expressed their attitude of wanting to integrate and unify. Nanzhao, which is not dominant in strength, may be attacked by Chen Shicheng and Ning Caichen immediately.

Rather than just pushing Nanzhao Kingdom into a dangerous position, it is better to let Nanzhao Kingdom stand behind Chen Shicheng and Ning Caichen, give a backstab at a critical moment, and complete the great cause of the unification of the world in a way of internal cooperation and external cooperation.

Time is like passing water, and it never returns.

Counting from the year when Xu Baiyue entered Beijing, it has been two springs and autumns now, and it has been five years since the establishment of the Yan Kingdom. On the outside of the Great Wall.

In front of Jianmen Pass, Xia Houwu and Yan Chixia led an army of [-] to the south, looking at Jianmen Pass, a dangerous and imposing pass, with excitement and excitement in their eyes.

After cultivating 'internal strength' for such a long time, they have been waiting impatiently for the general of the Yan army.

As a general in the army, what's the point of staying in the martial arts field all day long to train soldiers?

To the world, Jianmen Pass, which is like the gate of heaven, is no different from flat ground to the Zhenbei Army who has mastered the floating talisman array?Without the barriers such as Jianmen Pass, Chuan Shu was placed in front of the civil and military forces of Yan State like undefended beauties.

Against this undefended beauty, both Yan Chixia and Xiahouwu are sure to win in one battle.

However, Wang Yu, who has assisted the government for many years, considered that Nanzhao Kingdom, which had been attached to it in the past two years but had not returned to its heart, had faint signs of being rejected because it had not made contributions to the Zhenbei Army system.

Therefore, I specially gave instructions to Yan Chixia and Xia Houwu who led the army: "Two generals, if possible, my grandfather and I hope to win the meritorious service of Sichuan and Shu, and Nanzhao Kingdom takes the first place." .

Although Nanzhao has been attached, the only person who really wants to integrate into us from top to bottom is Baiyue Guoshi, which is very bad.

If we can't use the conquest of Sichuan and Shu to break the barrier between us, then Nanzhao don't want them to return to their hearts if they don't have two or three generations in the future.

This is what grandfather doesn't want to see, and it's also what Yu doesn't want to see!In the whole world, is it the land of the king, and the soldiers who lead the land are the ministers of the king.Dominating a land is not just about bringing the territory into the sphere of influence. "

For Wang Yu's words, Yan Chixia and Xia Houwu, two smart people, could understand, so even if the army under their command stopped for three days before Jianmen Pass, the two of them still had no intention of going to war.

Otherwise, even if the Jianmen Pass is towering into the sky and the walls are slippery, it looks extremely easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it will not be able to stop those iron-blooded men in the army who are so eager for military achievements that they are eager to scream.

(End of this chapter)

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