Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 300 Ascending to the 9th Heaven, Turning the Human Emperor into the Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 300 Ascending to Nine Heavens, Turning Human Emperor into Heavenly Emperor (30)

In the first month of the first year of the Ming Dynasty, the Holy Emperor ascended the throne.

In the same year, the Holy Emperor entered the Netherworld to sweep the Jiuyou and set up the Dragon Court.

On the second day of February in the second year of the Ming Dynasty, the Holy Emperor broke through the realm and ascended to immortality, becoming an earthly immortal.

In September of the sixth year of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese Japanese slaves seized and invaded the sea, and the Holy Emperor sent the emperor's grandson to the sea.

In the first month of the seventh year of the Ming Dynasty, the King of Ryukyu wrote a letter requesting enclosing, and the Holy Emperor decreed to allow the enclosing of Ryukyu, and changed the title of King Ryukyu to Linghou.

In April of the same year, the Xianbei regime's Goguryeo failed to invade the northern border. The Holy Emperor was furious and ordered the frontier troops to leave the fortress.In July, the Xianbei regime in Goguryeo was destroyed.

In the ten years of the Ming Dynasty, the 36 countries in the Western Regions either surrendered or perished in the wind and sand, and the Silk Road was reopened.

In the 13th year of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor's grandson went to Nanyang alone. The Nanyang tribes all admired the grandson's appearance and sent envoys to the court to meet Tianyan.

The Holy Emperor ordered civil and military officials to grandly receive the envoys of the Nanyang tribes. During the banquet, the tribal envoys jointly wrote a letter to the Holy Emperor, and all the tribes requested to enclose it.

Because the envoy's heart was very firm, and he even did not hesitate to force him to die, the Holy Emperor had no choice but to let the emperor's grandson take over the matter.

In August, the 48 tribes of Nanyang included Daming, and Nanyang entered the era of Fuzhen.

In the 17th year of the Ming Dynasty, Ma Sanbao, the sea inspector, traveled around the world and discovered the New World according to the sea chart provided by Xu Baiyue, the dean of the Imperial Fuzhen Academy.

In the same year, the Holy Emperor decreed to restore the clan seal system and officially launched the grand immigration plan.

In the 20th year of the Ming Dynasty, Kyushu Talisman Array technology was introduced by Xu Baiyue, Dean of the Imperial Talisman Array Academy, to surpass the level of the pre-Qin era in an all-round way.

In September of the same year, the Holy Emperor offered sacrifices to the heavens on Mount Tai and enshrined Zen. The heavens were impressed by the achievements of the Holy Emperor, and descended to receive the fairy light to welcome the Holy Emperor and his officials to the Heavenly Court and enter the Lord's Heavenly Palace.

The Holy Emperor was ordered by the heavens, but he felt that his virtue was not enough and dared not ascend to the heavens to proclaim himself emperor. His ministers persuaded him three times, but the Holy Emperor had no choice but to ascend the throne and proclaim himself the emperor in the Tongming Hall of the Heavenly Court—named the Emperor of Heaven.

So far, the Ming Dynasty has ascended to the immortals and turned the dragons in the world into the fairy towers in the sky. The Ming Dynasty calendar ends today.

Minister, Ming Taishi Ling, Sima Qidun pen.

Wolves live in Xu Mountain, Fairy Palace, Guanhai Pavilion.

There are two immortals who are discussing Taoism in black and white.

After a long time, the female fairy who held the black chess gave up and said, "I never thought that in just 30 years, your Taoism would have advanced to such a level? Is the Heavenly Court and the Heavenly Emperor really so powerful?"

The female fairy who spoke was none other than Fairy Yingning, the owner of the Fairy Palace in Langjuxu Mountain.

At the beginning, because he did not agree with Wang Yuhua's act of turning the Son of Heaven into the Emperor of Heaven, although he did not rebel against the Ming Dynasty, he also faded out of the power circle of today's court.

The person who played chess with him was his good friend, Xu Baiyue, the former dean of the Imperial Fuzhen Academy, and now the master craftsman of Tianting Tiangong.

Xu Baiyue turned a blind eye to the complaints hidden in his old friend's words, so he couldn't go to the fairy official in charge of the law to report his old friend: "The methods of the Emperor of Heaven are really unpredictable.

Relying on the system formulated by the Emperor of Heaven, the orthodox status of the Heavenly Court has once again taken root in the land of Kyushu, and this situation is still spreading outward at a rapid speed.

The Dragon Court of Jiuyou has officially turned into the underworld and began to reward the good and punish the evil. All kinds of gods, big and small, are now all over the territory of the former Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, the Heavenly Court and the Underworld have not cut off the promotion channels for the talents of the world, and all the gods in the Heavenly Court are in a state of striving hard. My entry into the realm in this way can only be ranked in the upper middle of the Heavenly Court. "

Xu Baiyue's words shocked Fairy Yingning completely: "How is it possible? In just 30 years, you have crossed the gap between immortals and reached the peak of earth immortals? You can't even be ranked among the ministers of the heavenly court for such an entry." forefront?

If it is really as you said, wouldn't that Heavenly Emperor almost be worthy of his name?I don't believe it a hundred times. If Daoxing is so easy to grow, how could the original Heavenly Court lose to the pre-Qin? "

Looking at the old friend who had shock and remorse in his eyes but was stubborn, Xu Baiyue sighed, his old friend probably believed it in his heart, and also felt regretful.

That's right, although she was at the periphery of Daming's power back then, she was definitely considered an important minister. When the Heavenly Court was established to reward meritorious deeds, if she hadn't faded out of the Heavenly Court, the power and luck she can obtain now will definitely not compare to her own. Poor, with the authority and luck of the heavenly court, she shouldn't be stuck at the ninth level no matter what her cultivation level is.

After sighing with emotion, Xu Baiyue reached into his bosom and took out a jade bottle lingering with immortal energy, and said: "The Emperor of Heaven for 20 years, the Emperor of Heaven for 30 years, the one in the Tongming Palace has long been true, although it is impossible for the fairy to bow her head now Restoring the authority of Xiangxi, but it is definitely possible to easily accumulate the accumulation of funds to break through the fairyland, the good or bad of which is still up to the fairy to consider carefully.

In the old Ming Dynasty, the emperor's grandson was just an ordinary person, but after 20 years since he tidied up the underworld on behalf of the heavenly emperor, the emperor's grandson has already accumulated enough capital to survive the storm and become a god. overtake me.

In addition, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has already given up his authority in the world in order to reduce karma. Although it has not been extreme, the communication between immortals and mortals will gradually decrease in the future. I will send you the life-prolonging elixir for the fairy again! "

After finishing speaking, Xu Baiyue turned around and left. With one step, he was already above the sea of ​​clouds outside Guanhai Pavilion.

Looking at the back of Xu Baiyue who was about to disappear from sight, Fairy Yingning asked the last question in her heart: "Emperor, how many catastrophes has he survived?"

Xu Baiyue, who had his back turned to Fairy Yingning, didn't answer Fairy Yingning's question. How could the strength of the superior be revealed at will.

Besides, whether there is anyone in the entire Heavenly Court who knows the strength of the Heavenly Emperor is a problem.

Looking at Xu Baiyue's disappearing back, Yingning Fairy was not disappointed. Whether the superior is strong or not is not something Xu Baiyue can care about. He didn't even think about Xu Baiyue's Taoism carefully.

Lowering her white-haired pretty head, Fairy Yingning, who was about to take the life-prolonging elixir, looked at the blank space on the chessboard, and the word that was disappearing with the wind showed a smile she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Thunder! Is the power of the heaven really so powerful? How long has he survived the wind disaster, fire disaster, and thunder calamity! He is only one step away from becoming the Golden Immortal, who is the same as those great gods and emperors in the heaven in the past. In general, to live the same life as the sky and the earth, and to live the same age as the sun and the moon!

It seems that the original old body was indeed wrong, and all the past should be let go with the wind.Why bother clinging to the identity of pity for some complicated emotions in my heart. "In front of Sui Yue, Fairy Ying Ning lost completely, but in front of Shou Yuan, Fairy Ying Ning chose to bow her head.

(End of this chapter)

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