Chapter 303 Six Paths of Reincarnation (27)

Under the attention of all sentient beings in the world, Wang Yu's jade-like fist slammed on the Jiuyou Passage. In an instant, an invisible wave spread out from the broken Jiuyou Passage like ripples.

In one breath of time, this fluctuation spread to every corner of the world.

Under the cover of this wave of fluctuations, the sky and the earth seemed to freeze for an instant, the wind stopped and the clouds stopped, and the sun and the moon did not move.

"As the lord of heaven and the emperor respected by all races, I should open up a cycle of reincarnation for all beings in heaven and earth. Where is the lonely soldier?"

When all things and spirits in the world were imprisoned by the fluctuations from the shattering of the Nine Nether Channel, Wang Yu, who stood above the Nine Heavens, was not affected in any way.

After he gave an order, the heavenly luck belonging to the Tianjie Tongming Palace suddenly turned into a dragon of luck and soared into the sky.In the capital of the world, the dragon aura that shrouded the sky of the Ming Dynasty suddenly appeared in the shape of a dragon and broke through the void, and a dragon of luck broke through the sky above the underworld that had just been re-established in Jiuyouzhong.

It only took a few breaths of effort, and three earth-shattering dragon howls that shattered a large void resounded outside the nine heavens.

Hearing the roar of the dragon, Wang Yu, who knew that his back hand had arrived, stretched out his hand to grab the void where the roar of the dragon came out, and the three dragons of luck instantly entangled together, turning into a handle full of brilliance and luck The winding long sword was thrown into Wang Yu's hand.

Holding the long sword in his hand tightly, Wang Yu had nothing to worry about, only the obsession to reopen the world and reshape reincarnation.

After urging the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye with all his strength, and able to detect the dao patterns all over the world, Wang Yu swung the sword of luck in his right hand and slashed fiercely on the chaos outside the nine layers of heaven.

With a strike of the sword, the thin chaotic air in the chaos of the Nine Heavens was divided into Yang Qing Qi and Yin Muddy Qi by the sword Qi surrounded by earth, water, wind and fire.

Under the circumstances that the heaven and the earth are solid, the yang and turbid qi and the yin and turbid qi have not risen and turned into the turbid sky, and sunk and turned into the earth like Pangu opened the sky.

As soon as this kind of breath appeared, it was attracted by the existing world and incorporated into the existing world.

Standing on the nine heavens, Wang Yu turned into a gigantic giant and slashed 49 swords towards the chaos, and the heaven and earth absorbed the turbid air for 49 times.

Under the nourishment of the yang and turbid qi and the turbid qi, the heaven and the underworld, which were originally attached to the human world, officially broke away from the shackles of the human world, and each turned into a real world.

The heavenly court, which is somewhat illusory and misty, is difficult to approach without the clouds and fog.

In the underworld, the mountains, rivers, and rivers that seemed to disappear at any time as if they were shadows are re-condensed, and all kinds of treasures that are beneficial to ghosts and ghosts emerge from the land of Jiuyou one after another.

Even the human world that has not directly absorbed the qi of yang and turbidity has undergone earth-shaking changes. One after another, dragon-like mountain ranges rise from the ground, and one after another newborn dragon veins are looming. Dormant on the earth, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth is more than ten times more than that at the end of the Zhou Dynasty.

It can be foreseen that a golden world belonging to practitioners is coming.

Seeing that the three worlds of heaven, earth and man have formed a stable form under the nourishment of Yangqing Qi and Yin Qi, Wang Yu continued to reshape the reincarnation since the goal of reopening the world had been achieved.

Mobilizing the little magic power left in his body, Wang Yu struggled to insert the sword of luck in his hand towards the nine heavenly towers under his feet.

With a tearing sound, a crack was opened in the "sky" in the eyes of the world, and this crack did not stop at the Nine Heavens. Wherever the sword tip went, the sky, earth and void would be pierced by the sword tip.

The sword of luck in Wang Yu's hand pierced through the void of the three realms of heaven, earth and man in an unstoppable state, creating a passage through the three realms.

Compared with the original Nine Nether Passage, which was full of spooky aura, the passage opened by Wang Yu with the Sword of Destiny has not been contaminated with any attributes.

Only in this way can Wang Yu calmly paint on this 'blank paper'.

Seeing that the channel of reincarnation he opened up has taken shape, Wang Yu didn't hold back his hands: "All spirits listen to the orders of the solitary, good and evil stay in the world, true spirits burn reincarnation, and the channel of reincarnation is solid."

Relying on his identity as the co-lord of heaven and earth, Wang Yu used the power of the emperor of heaven to absorb a trace of the true spirit of all things in the world, attached it to the sword of luck and instilled it into the channel of reincarnation.

With the blessing of the true spirit of the world and all things, the channel of reincarnation, which was originally somewhat unstable, instantly became indestructible.

If someone wants to break the reincarnation again, they need to use the power that exceeds the sum of all things in this world.

"My soldiers are in my town, and my sword is like a loner. Reincarnation is irreversible, and those who violate it will be slashed by the sword. Edict: Bless all living beings, act impartially, reward good and punish evil, and never give up." All the power that the fruit position can mobilize has imprinted on the sword of luck the basic fairness that the land of reincarnation can guarantee.

At this point, Wang Yu's mighty and endless energy and blood were officially exhausted.

Looking down at the end of the chaotic passage, Wang Yu turned into a mighty giant with a bit of bitterness on his face. After all, his preparations were not sufficient. Although reincarnation opened, the six realms were not divided.

In this way, although all beings can be reincarnated, it cannot play the role of rewarding good and punishing evil. The more primitive and rough reincarnation can no longer adapt to this unpredictable world.

Thinking of his 99-step worship, Wang Yu gritted his teeth and burned his energy: "My fist is my will, and the six paths of reincarnation are enlightened."

The blood essence burns the fastest, and the flesh and blood of Wang Yu's ten thousand-foot giant decays and withers first. At the same time, a skinny fist hits the end of the reincarnation passage, and a passage full of the aura of heaven and man appears in the reincarnation passage.

"Heaven and human beings transformed into life, praise for the emperor of heaven." '

A voice of the Great Dao appeared in the hearts of the world, and a corresponding channel connected from the end of the channel of reincarnation to the Immortal Pond of Heaven.

After the flesh and blood decayed, the original energy in Wang Yu's body also dried up, and at the same time, another skinny fist hit the end of the reincarnation channel.

With a click, countless gaps were opened in the sky of the human world, and the human way for all living beings to reincarnate in the human world was officially opened.

'All living beings are human beings, and they are praised by the Emperor of Heaven. '

After the source was exhausted, Wang Yu's soul and will began to dissipate. After the Wanzhang Primordial Spirit wearing the emperor's robe and crown and the boundless sea of ​​consciousness disappeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, the third skinny fist hit the end of the channel of reincarnation .

A channel of reincarnation filled with blood and full of desire appeared in Jiuyou in response.

'Asura's sea of ​​blood and desires abound, praise the Heavenly Emperor. '

Seeing that he had burned his energy and spirit but only penetrated through three reincarnations, Wang Yu's already bitter face became even more ugly. The energy and spirit depended on himself. As long as he still has a breath, he can swallow the power of the sun, the moon and the stars and return to the peak .

And the next thing to pay is a treasure that will never come back if it is lost: "I will establish the heaven to be in charge of the world, all things and all spirits, and I will no longer be the Lord of the Nine Nethers. "

With a shout, two fruit positions were stripped from Wang Yu's body, each holding a fruit position with both fists. Wang Yu broke through the animal path and the hungry ghost path with both fists.

"Abandon the Lord of the Three Realms alone for the sake of all living beings, and the way of hell will open."

With the sound of "open", the silent Three Realms suddenly came alive.

(End of this chapter)

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