Chapter 323

"Lianhua is dead, and Likong is also dead. This is the catastrophe of my ancient flower through the ages. At this moment, I hope that all the branches in the dynasty will work together to tide over the difficulties.

If there is anyone who doesn't know what is good and who is still playing the trick of listening to the tune and not listening to the announcement at this time, don't blame me for being sympathetic, I will send him to see the ancestors first. "

In the royal capital of the ancient Hua Dynasty, on the throne of the former king, the stern words of a middle-aged man in black shrouded in endless darkness resounded in the hall.

This person is the last king among the three kings of Guhua, the dark king who dominated the invincible Northern Territory in the past.

"The dynasty is facing a catastrophe, we should all work together, and please rest assured the Dark King."

"Yes! Please rest assured, the Dark King, we will work together, and please show us how we should deal with the culprit."

Seeing that the juniors in front of him were fairly knowledgeable, the Dark King nodded and said, "I order that all the remaining core personnel of the eight major towns be withdrawn to the capital.

That strongman can destroy such important towns as Suolongxia with Lianhua and Liekong sitting in it, and the remaining important towns are just a dish in his eyes. There is no need to continue sacrificing the elite of my ancient Hua Dynasty to help that strongman make a name for himself.

In addition, order the major affiliated sects under his command to make all of them show their full background and be loyal to the king's capital.

Those who don't come and those who play sloppy eyes will initiate a big liquidation after my Guhua Dynasty has nothing to do in the future. The protection of my Guhua Dynasty has a price.

In addition, inform Yuanlao Pavilion to get them ready. I, Gu Hua, can't afford to lose this battle. It would be better if I don't have those backgrounds on the blade. "

The Dark King, who also sat on the Holy Master's seat thousands of years ago, arranged it in an orderly manner, and in a short time, he gathered the existing power of the Guhua Dynasty.

"Dark Patriarch, I have a piece of news. I don't know if I can help the sect. A group of people came from the southern region. The leader is the little prince of the Ziguang royal family. It is rumored that it has the trump card left by the Ziguang ancestor king." .

If we can find a way to make it conflict with that strong man, and even solve the hatred of life and death, my ancient Hua Dynasty will have more powerful foreign aid like the Ziguang royal family out of thin air. "

Regarding the suggestion from the disciples in the palace, the Dark King frowned and thought for a while: "As a holy land, compared with the Ziguang royal family with the Ziguang ancestor king alive, my Guhua Dynasty is still a bit inferior after all.

In the past, when the well water did not interfere with the river water, although our ancient Hua dynasty needed a little humility in front of the Ziguang ancestor king, its status was still equal. If the relationship is in place, it might not be possible to use its power to meet the enemy.

Now, my ancient Hua dynasty has already fallen into a disadvantage against that strong man. If we turn to Ziguang Zuwang for help in a calculated way, I am afraid that we will chase the wolf at the front door and meet the tiger at the back door afterwards! "

Fearing that Ziguang Patriarch King would have too much appetite, the Dark King rejected the disciple's proposal again and again.

Both belong to the holy land level, and he does not believe that Ziguang ancestor king and Ziguang royal family have no idea of ​​expanding their power.

After confirming that the strong man is not a first-class ancestral king or sage, he would rather consume some of the sect's heritage than lure wolves into the house.

There is another one, the Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory is the basic foundation laid down for the human race by generations of strong people without fear of hardship. The main forces here are mainly human races. The Northern Territory, I'm afraid it will be eradicated by the holy places and aristocratic families of the Northern Territory in a few days.

The Eastern Wilderness and the Northern Territory are the pure land of the human race, and all races are not allowed to come here to intervene and gain a foothold.

It only took half a day for the Guhua Dynasty, which was fully operational, to complete all the things arranged by the Dark King. However, Wang Yu destroyed another important town of Guhua in just such a long time.

Because there is not even a decent master in the city, Wang Yu even broke the rule that when he comes out, there will be a catastrophe, and he directly slaps that important town into the ground.

After obtaining the order from the Dark King in the mind of the person in charge of the ancient Hua Dynasty in that important town, Wang Yu stopped rushing to the next important town.

"Gathering all the power in the capital is forcing me to fight a decisive battle!" Squinting a pair of star eyes, Wang Yu saw clearly the plan of the Dark King.

However, he didn't change his original intention, and he didn't feel any embarrassment. Regardless of whether the Dark King gave these orders or not, he would still kill the Ancient Hua King Capital one day.

However, this time I can't continue to be reckless.

It's a pity that he dared to go around recklessly because he concluded that the Guhua Dynasty could not come up with people or things that could threaten his life outside the capital.

Since life is guaranteed, it doesn't matter if it's a wave.

Now, if he goes to Guhua Wangdu to fight away, he dare not pat his chest and say that the Guhua Dynasty has no foundation that can threaten him.

As a holy place that has been passed down for 2 years and is still becoming more and more prosperous, it would not be surprising if someone told Wang Yu that there were living sages in the Guhua Dynasty who lived in seclusion.

Of course, a sage of average strength would not be able to endanger Wang Yu's life, but if he rushed forward without any preparation, he might return in disgrace.

Calculating Wang Yu quietly disappeared from the sight of the media.

Three months, three full months have passed since Wang Yu last took action to destroy one of the eight major towns, and three months and one day have passed since the Guhua Dynasty issued the summoning order.

In the capital of Guhua King, a restless atmosphere began to spread.

Those sects affiliated to the Guhua Dynasty, obeying the summoning orders of the Guhua Dynasty, and bringing their sect background to act as cannon fodder for the thugs, complained more and more during the three months of 'safe and sound'.

Because of the threatening orders issued by the Dark King, all the high-level and elite members of the sects came from the corresponding summoning orders, and the sects without the support of these high-level and elite sects came.In the past three months, chickens and dogs have jumped all over the place.

If it weren't for the fear of the power accumulated by the ancient Hua Dynasty for 2 years and the unfathomable strength of the Dark King, many people from the affiliated sects would have long since given up serving them.

In fact, not only the people from the affiliated sect who came in response to the summoning order were a little impatient, but the Guhua Dynasty was also a little unstable.

If it weren't for the lives of those brothers and sisters in the eight major towns to remind them brightly that there is a sharp knife hanging above their heads all the time, many disciples of the ancient Hua Dynasty would have already raised their voices.

In the conference hall, the Dark King, who was sitting on the main seat, looked at the embarrassing contemporary king in front of him, and asked in a stern and hoarse voice: "Why, even you are impatient?"

Facing the questioning from the Dark King, Lord Guhua quickly replied: "Master, others don't know about your grandson's character, but can you still not?
The noise of the affiliated sects is nothing to my grandson. The imperial court didn’t dare to say anything weird because of your old man’s suppression. Those gossips in the capital didn’t affect my grandson at all.

What Sun'er was really worried about was that strong man and big murderer. He must be preparing for something if he didn't show up for three months.

But no matter how many resources my grandson spent, I still couldn't get any news from the wind media. This situation makes me very uneasy for my grandson! "

It turns out that the relationship between the Dark King and the contemporary Guhua King is the relationship between the master and his disciple. No wonder Guy Ye has enough strength (peak power) and good status (husband of Lianhua King), but he still failed to sit on the throne of the Guhua Dynasty. It turns out that The person sitting on this throne is not only not inferior to Guye in terms of strength and status, but even stronger than him by three points.

"Uneasy? Grandson, you don't need to be uneasy. If the king's guess is not wrong, within a few days at the latest, the strongman will definitely attack me, Gu Hua.

Over the past few days, I have noticed something amiss through the large formation protecting the mountain in the capital, but that strong man is too slippery, and I haven't been able to confirm the identity and location of that man.

However, I have a hunch that if the strongman really dares to do something, it must be in the next few days. Originally, I wanted to send a message to inform you to prepare, but I didn't expect you to come here uninvited. "

Hearing that the Dark King concluded that the strong man and murderer had arrived near the capital of Guhua King, the Lord Guhua's heart tensed at first, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the rumors he said in the capital are nothing to him, but only he knows the real situation.

To be able to confirm that the day of the strong man and murderer's attack is only a few days away, and he has settled his mind!
As for the outcome of this battle, Lord Guhua is not worried at all.

As the lord, he knows the details of his own sect and is not afraid of the so-called strongman.

Just when Lord Guhua was about to bid farewell to the Dark King and prepare for the war, the hall where the two of them stood suddenly shook.

There is no need to play the game of looking at each other, the Lord Guhua and the Dark King will know that the strong man and the murderer are coming.

"Wu that boy, you dare to run wild in the capital of my ancient Hua king. If I don't take you down today and make a wick to worship my ancient Hua sons, I will have no face to meet the patriarchs." The powerful Diablo Wang immediately confirmed that the person who caused the earthquake in Guhua Wangdu was Wang Yu.

After a pair of black hole-like pupils confirmed Wang Yu's identity, endless black mist burst out of the Dark King's body in an instant, turning into a sharp arrow and shooting towards the void where Wang Yu was outside the capital.

The black mist is a kind of ancestral-level poison that the Dark King has practiced for thousands of years. In terms of the poison of resentment that is far more powerful than the ancestor-level level, even an ancestor like Ziguang King surrounded by black mist will definitely not be acceptable. to good.

But before the black smog sharp arrow practiced by the Dark King reached its destination, Wang Yu's figure disappeared, and at the same time, the capital of Guhua King was shaken again.

"The earth dragon turning over? Something wrong? My Guhua Dynasty is located on the ground, and the foundation is protected by the patriarch's formation. It shouldn't happen that the earth dragon turns over!
No, that culprit used despicable methods on the ground veins of the capital. Damn it, how did he quietly affect the underground dragon veins of the capital. "

The contemporary king, who is familiar with the situation of the ancient Hua Dynasty, instantly judged why the capital of the ancient Hua Dynasty was shaken.

"Don't blame yourself in the hall. The reason why this person wants to influence the leylines must be to target the large formations built on the leylines in my Guhua King's Capital. As the king, you should help the disciples at this time and command Disciple of the door.

Try your best to calm them down and listen to your command and dispatch, and try your best to minimize the impact of the changes in the leylines.

I went to meet the enemy with the background information in the No. [-] warehouse. Whether the king can withstand the oppression of the strong man and survive is up to you. "

After the explanation, the Dark King broke through the void and came outside the ancient capital of the king, and looked at a void outside the capital of the king: "Come here, what are the people who hide their heads and show their tails?
Aren't you so heroic that you can face the catastrophe and kill your opponents?Why didn't I see you attracting thunder today?I really want to see if your Thunder Tribulation can strike this old man? "

In the void where the Dark King was staring, seeing the Dark King who was unscrupulously exposed in front of his eyes, Wang Yu decided to hold back for the time being after careful consideration.

The thunder calamity brewing in the bullying formation he arranged in the void was not ferocious enough. If he rashly started to startle the snake, it is very likely that the old fox, the Dark King, would find a chance to escape directly.

Everyone didn't know that in the past, after killing King Liekong, Wang Yu had a brief confrontation with the old silver coin that was hidden in the crack of the void and watched King Liekong die in his hand the whole time.

That time, Wang Yu, who failed to attract Lei Jie in time to mobilize the mighty power of heaven and earth, and the old thing, the Dark King, each suffered a secret loss from the other.

The reason why Wang Yu didn't meet face to face for three consecutive months was due to the reasons for consolidating his Dao Palace realm and the means he used to prepare for the decisive battle.

Among them, most of the methods he prepared were aimed at the old fox, the Dark King.

'Damn it, why didn't that little bastard fall for it?It was the same last time, the bad old man spent a lot of money to get the bullying pattern wasted, God bless, don't be like last time this time. '

Seeing that his provocative method did not provoke Wang Yu, the Dark King couldn't help feeling distressed.

As a great monk who has lived for more than 3000 years, the Dark King knows a lot of things.

After confirming that Wang Yu would carry the unsolvable punishment of Heavenly Tribulation every time he appeared on the stage, and after personally observing the whole set of scenes of the defeat of King Liekong, this old guy figured out something.

When the catastrophe came, Wang Yu, the enemy, was a culprit that even he could easily kill.

When there is no Heavenly Tribulation, the enemy Wang Yu is just an ordinary strong man worthy of his attention.

As for why Wang Yu's strength seems to be only perfect in the Dao Palace realm?The Dark King doesn't care at all, there are many such blindfolds in the scripture library of the ancient Hua Dynasty. Of course, if he is killed, he probably wouldn't have thought that the perfection of the Taoist palace is Wang Yu's real state.

After confirming that Wang Yu's strength was completely different when there was a thunder catastrophe and when there was no thunder catastrophe, the Dark King turned his attention to the exclusive formation pattern of the mythical supreme and ancient emperors - the bullying pattern.

His plan is very good, he can't beat Wang Yu who is in the state of attracting thunder, but he only needs to find a way to bless Wang Yu with the effect of the bullying pattern on him when he is attracting thunder, so that Wang Yu has no lightning to attract. The great power of the Holy Master level combat power is not just letting him pinch and flatten it.

But today is not like the ancient times of the later generations. Not everyone has the opportunity and luck to carefully observe the orthodoxy and inheritance of the supreme and ancient emperors.

Naturally, not everyone can draw the bullying pattern that is exclusive to the Supreme and the Ancient Emperor.

When Wang Yu was ambushed last time, the two one-time bullying array disks he used were bought at a high price from a prince of the Qitian Dynasty in Zhongzhou, and the result... Alas!

(End of this chapter)

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