Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 335 The Tribulation of the Patriarch, Falling Like Rain

Chapter 335 The Tribulation of the Patriarch, Falling Like Rain

"There has already been a human demon in the human race, and some lessons should be learned. Fellow Daoists, is there someone who is willing to fight with the old man to kill this bloody beast." When the ancestors of the clans connected with each other, there was a rotten body lingering together. The angry old king stood up and took the lead, trying to twist many ancestor kings into one rope.

In the Holy City of the Northern Territory, Qing Cang, the human guardian who has been paying attention to the movement of the Big Dipper since Wang Yu left, looked at the old king who issued the summoning order, and his face became ugly: "The blue-blooded king, the blue-blooded king! , damn it, wasn’t this old thing killed by Dongfang Taiyi across three small realms?”

There is a strict hierarchy among the heavens and all races. The monks in the fourth realm of Xiantai can be called ancestor kings. However, the ancestor kings of this level usually add the word ancestor king after their own names to show their respect.

Only the monks of the ancient tribe in the fifth realm of Xiantai can put the name of the tribe in their titles. The Ziguang Patriarch King is an exception, but there is a reason why he can hold this title firmly. The background is relatively strong, and in addition to its incomplete ancient emperor's scripture "Xuangui Jing", its combat power can barely match the ancestor king of the fifth realm of Xiantai, so it can be recognized by other ancient ancestor kings as Ziguang ancestor king. respectful title.

However, the title of Heavenly King is completely different from the previous two honorific titles. Only the top patriarch king who is only one step away from reaching the top of the Fifth Realm and can set foot on the Great Sacred Realm can be recognized after killing a strong man of the same level. Ten thousand races are honored as heavenly kings.

The peak saint Wang killed by it as a stepping stone was not a strong man of another race, but the guardian of the previous generation of the human race.

After Qingcang took over the holy city, if he hadn't relied on the many backhands left by the sages of the human race in the holy city, he might have followed the footsteps of the previous generation of guardians and died at the hands of the blue blood king.

Hearing that someone took the lead to kill him, Wang Yu raised his head and searched through the void to find the figure of that person, huh?A dragon head ancestor king standing on the top of the saint king.

After seeing clearly the figure of the leader and the dragon vein hidden in the sacred mountain behind it, Wang Yu frowned. After all, he was also an ancient ancestor king at the level of a heavenly king, and the dragon vein he occupied was the same as that of the purple scale It's almost trash, not enough to swallow!

Today Wang Yu wanted to kill someone whose blood flowed like a river, so as to release the depression caused by being struck by lightning every day, so naturally he wouldn't stop after killing the Ziguang clan.

The sky darkened again, and feeling the extremely active power of heaven and earth within the area covered by the catastrophe, Wang Yu showed a kind smile to those ancestors on the Big Dipper who released killing intent on him.

'Thank you for your kind sponsorship of the dragon veins to help me practice the secret realm of transforming dragons. In order to express my gratitude, I am willing to send you to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. '

After silently thanking the ancestors and kings in his heart, Wang Yu began to take the initiative to attack. Those who had already figured out the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm had already stood in the third small realm of the Dragon Transformation Realm when they stepped into the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.

Without forcibly breaking through the first realm of Sendai, he can go through another six catastrophes at the moment. He has already used an opportunity to destroy the Purple Light Clan just now, and the next one cannot be wasted.

As soon as he took a step, Wang Yu broke through the air and came to a pure land in the Eastern Desolation and Southern Region, and slapped the pure land with his hands.

In the eyes of the ancient creatures in the pure land, a big hand descending from the sky that covers the sky can photograph their ancestral land and holy land in an instant.
The powder, their ancestor, the invincible ancestor who ruled the world, was blasted to scum before he could even make a counterattack.

A darkness struck, and the creatures in that pure land lost consciousness.

After killing a bug with a slap, Wang Yu pulled out the dragon veins belonging to the bug group. With the golden light shining, a ferocious four-clawed virtual golden dragon was taken into the palm of Wang Yu's hand.

The ball squeezed together, and Wang Yu threw the dragon vein that looked like a virtual four-clawed golden dragon into his mouth.

The kings of the Big Dipper who witnessed this scene were suddenly furious. How dare this blood eater take the lead in attacking them?

A dozen holy soldiers of different styles pierced through the air and attacked Wang Yu in an instant, and dozens of stalwart figures that could shake the world followed the holy soldiers and used powerful means to attack Wang Yu.

Thousands of miles of mountains and seas turned into chaos, if it weren't for the fact that the ancient Big Dipper was really amazing, with the Supreme Sermon and the protection of the ancient emperor's Daoyun, I'm afraid it would have exploded into a big firework at this moment.

Indistinctly, a multicolored boundless formation flickered for a moment, making the coercion of many ancestor kings of the ancient clans never really crush Beidou.

Sensing the robbery of more than a dozen ancestor kings, the scope and power of the catastrophe increased dozens of times in an instant.

Looking at the surroundings as if he had eaten Jin Kela, the Chaos God Lei Wang Yu was a little speechless.Knowing that Ya Zhe Tianfa is a little excited because he seized the opportunity, but he shouldn't be so excited!

The chaotic god thunder that the great sage would only face when he set foot on the quasi-emperor has come out, and the cheating is too blatant!
Among those ancestor kings who used the supreme secret method to attack Wang Yu, there were a few weak and unlucky ghosts who hadn't even finished their ultimate moves before being wiped to death by the Chaos God Thunder.

Seeing with his own eyes that the acquaintances around him were annihilated by the Chaos God Thunder as soon as they met each other. The surviving ancestors were all terrified, and the intelligent people directly gave up the idea of ​​conquering Wang Yu, and turned their heads to rush out of the thunder.

Some ancestor king who hadn't recovered from his senses subconsciously yelled at Wang Yu after launching the forbidden technique, "Damn it, who are you? Why are you so weird?"

Facing the ancestors with different thoughts in Lei Jiezhong, Wang Yu's answer was his sandbag-sized fist.

In front of the ancestor kings who were attacking Wang Yu with supreme means, a white jade-like fist easily broke through their attacking skills, and bombarded the bodies of the ancestor kings they were proud of in the past. their flesh
The powder churned their souls into ashes.

In front of those extremely clever ancestor kings, a big hand covering the sky opened like a net, waiting for many ancestor kings to throw themselves into the net.

Several tyrannical impacts erupted from the bodies of these clever ancestor kings, but no matter how they struggled, being crushed into a pulp was their only fate.

Just when Wang Yu exhausted all the ancestors who bared their teeth at him, a blue ray of light flashed from behind him, intending to pierce through the back of Wang Yu's head, crush his primordial spirit, and annihilate his immortal platform.

This blue ray of light was really hard to find under the cloud of robbery where the Chaos Divine Thunder exploded everywhere.

At the very least, Qingcang, the guardian of the human race who has been paying attention to the eastern and southern regions, and the saint of the barbarians in the southern region have not found the slightest trace of the blue light.

But others can't notice the abnormality, it doesn't mean that Wang Yu really doesn't notice anything.

The outstretched right hand turned back to the back of the head, and a blue pointed cone was clamped tightly by his right hand.

"The ancestor king who is only half a step away from stepping into the Great Sage Realm, you deserve some attention." Wang Yu, who knew who was coming, paid so much attention to the ancestor king of the ancient clan for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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