Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 337 Undoing the Second Bondage

Chapter 337 Undoing the Second Bondage

Thinking of the prince and princess, the Blue Blood Heavenly King suddenly thought of a question, why are there so many monsters born in the human race these years?Could it be that the human race is about to become an emperor?

No, it's impossible.

The human race is just the most humble blood-eating race, they can eat raw and delicious meat just like pigs.

How could such a wasteful race give birth to the supreme emperor.

The distracting thoughts that flashed through his mind did not affect the fighting consciousness of the Blue Blood Heavenly King. Without hesitation, he gave up the idea of ​​spending his divine power to reunite the Blood Spear, and poured all his divine power into the quasi-emperor's battle suit on his body.

Called by the divine power of the blue-blooded heavenly king, most of the gods in the quasi-emperor's battle suit draped on it revived in an instant, and the emperor's air shook the whole Big Dipper.

Although the quasi-emperor can't compare with the real emperor, his morals are also amazing. If the battle suit of a quasi-emperor is fully recovered, there are few people in the world who can beat it.

But Wang Yu is not among them. Although Zhundi is strong and his morals are high, Wang Yu, who has dominated a world and mastered a world, is really not afraid.

If it weren't for the shortcomings in the world of Liaozhai, as the supreme emperor who controls the three realms and six realms, his dao karma and fruit status would definitely not be carried by a golden immortal dao fruit.

Facing the incomparably powerful Wang Yu, the Blue Blood Heavenly King spared no expense to fully recover the gods in the quasi-emperor's battle suit.

Under the blessing of the god in the battle suit, the blue-blooded king standing in the void is like an immortal god that lasts forever.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the will of this immortal god is recovering, and the endless killing intent enough to shake the void envelopes the entire Big Dipper, and the stars in the sky are bowing their heads in worship!
The blue-blooded king who turned into a giant made the whole Beidou silent. At this moment, he had the combat power to cross the border and kill the great sage.

Facing the blue-blooded heavenly king who revealed all his hole cards and made a bet completely alone, Wang Yu did not hold back and released the dharma form he formed in his previous life's qi-transferring residence.

A group of vast palaces standing on the endless starry sky appeared behind Wang Yu. In the center of the endless palace, there was a large hall standing in the center of the universe. eyes.

At that moment, the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth stopped running.

At that moment, the universe sang in harmony.

At that moment, all living beings in the world bowed their heads in worship.

"The Immortal King is at the Nine Heavens? No, isn't it the vision of the Immortal King at the Nine Heavens?"

"If the vision of the Immortal King coming to the Nine Heavens is displayed, it should be an invincible Immortal King standing on the Nine Heavens and looking down on the world. The vision displayed by the Great Sage of the Human Race has many other things in it!"

Just as the kings of the Big Dipper were discussing, the heavenly emperor sitting high above the nine heavens reached out to the blue-blooded heavenly king who had turned into a god-man.

Facing Wang Yu's unique and invincible celestial emperor's dharma, the blue-blooded celestial king transformed into an ancient god, the bearer of the quasi-emperor, struggled violently.

Wuken's quasi-emperor's coercion instantly crushed the great mountains and rivers on the ground where the Blue Blood Heavenly King and Wang Yu stood.

However, all this is useless.

Going all out, although the power Wang Yu can exert is still not enough to compare with the days when the Emperor of Heaven was in charge of the sun, moon, latitude and longitude, and the cycle of life and death, it must not be underestimated.

The giant palm condensed by Faxiang turned the blue-blooded heavenly king into an ancient god and pinched it all in his hands. The heavenly calamity surged, and the endless thunder left Wang Yu's body and smashed into Faxiang's palm.

Even though he was protected by quasi-imperial soldiers, the Blue Blood Heavenly King was struck to death by the Chaos God's lightning without meeting face to face like those ancestor kings in the past, but he still suffered the most unstoppable disaster in history?

Although most of the power of the Chaos Divine Thunder that was powerful enough to kill the Great Sage was neutralized by the unknown Zhunhuang battle suit, the remaining power should not be underestimated.

After ten lightning strikes, the ancient god transformed into by the blue-blooded heavenly king began to bleed blood, and after a hundred lightning strikes, the blue-blooded heavenly king's flesh and bones comparable to divine gold turned into a puddle of mud.

After forcibly resisting seven hundred Chaos Divine Thunders, only a pair of unwilling eyes remained in the Zhunhuang's battle suit.

"The breath of the blue-blooded king has disappeared?"

"Among the thunder, the figure of the blue-blooded king has been gone for a while? Could it lose to a human race again?"

"It's hard to say, although the blue-blooded king is protected by the quasi-emperor's battle suit, but if he is struck by a hundred lightnings from the Chaos God, he may not die but will also be crippled."


Voices of doubt and discussion began to spread one after another on the ancient star of Beidou.

But only one voice disappeared on this ancient star.

The shouts and shouts from the heavens and all races seemed to have never existed!
The death of a heavenly king made the kings on the ancient Big Dipper understand one thing. In the absence of a living quasi-emperor himself, it is better not to provoke that man.

Seeing that there were no ancestor kings who dared to stab at Beidou, Wang Yu suppressed the killing intent that had been vented in his heart. His original intention today was to complete the secret realm of dragon transformation, and killing all the kings could only be said to be a matter of convenience.

With a flick of your fingertips, a dozen thunder dragons poked their heads out from the thunder clouds, and a dozen panicked pure lands on earth were instantly breached by those thunder dragons to protect the formation.

After killing all the creatures in the pure land with the posture of destroying the world, in order not to waste the power of the dragon veins, Wang Yu opened his mouth, and all the dragon veins hidden deep in the pure land were swallowed by Wang Yu.

With the help of these dragon veins, the spine joints behind Wang Yu really climbed up like a big dragon.

Although the method of cultivating the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm recorded in the Xuangui Jing consumed a lot, the dragon veins filled in by Wang Yu quickly met the needs of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm cultivation.

"Anganganghou..." At the moment when Wang Yuhua completed his training in the Dragon Realm, a huge dragon surrounded by chaos instantly broke through the thunder that was madly striking in the sky and roared towards the endless starry sky.

After a long time, the chaotic dragon dispersed and returned to Wang Yu's spine.

Feeling the perfection of the body and limbs, Wang Yu's awe of Emperor Huang Tian became more and more profound.

The method of covering the sky is indeed tyrannical!
Amidst the awe, an idea of ​​not admitting defeat gradually rose in Wang Yu's heart.

What Emperor Huangtian can do, Wang Yu will naturally be able to do it in the future.

Compared with Huang Tiandi's long life, Wang Yu's lifespan is not even a fraction of his age!
After strengthening his belief, Wang Yu immediately used his Taoism to force the second chain of Taoism rooted in his body.

'Clang clang clang'

The sky above the Big Dipper, which was about to disappear in smoke, was shrouded in endless darkness again, and a golden chain of green light dazzled everyone's eyes.

"The ancient emperor's exclusive treasure material for casting soldiers, fairy tears green gold! How is it possible? Even if the ancient emperor is alive, he can't find so many treasure materials!"

(End of this chapter)

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