Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 340 Looking around, the whole world is an enemy

Chapter 340 Looking around, the whole world is an enemy

In the past 30 years, he has traveled hundreds of millions of miles in the depths of the starry sky. Even though he has amazing physical skills, he has suffered a lot.

Just for Beidou, there are almost three digits of strong men behind him who want to take his origin openly and secretly.

Among them, there are three great sages, and six heavenly kings who have backhands like blue-blooded heavenly kings.

The quasi-imperial soldiers, the incomplete polar array patterns, and the quasi-imperial secret treasures that reproduce the perfect imperial soldiers, Wang Yu has experienced them one by one. He has also weighed a lot of extreme secret methods and supreme killing techniques. He has fought one or two successors of the Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secret Technique.

The most dangerous time, those ancestor kings from Beidou linked up with their clansmen in Gouchen ancient star, and joined forces to surround and kill him.

Hundreds of ancestor kings teamed up to block the starry sky. Eighteen heavenly king-level masters held quasi-emperor-level military armor secret treasures to form a battle formation to surround him.

In that battle, Wang Yu was unable to break through even if he went crazy and tried his best. After fighting to death most of the ancestor kings, dozens of heavenly kings, and three great saints, he was blasted to ashes by the remaining ancestor kings.

If it hadn't been for the day before that battle, when he was accidentally injured and dripped some blood when fighting a killer from the Heavenly Court of the Killer Dynasty, which gave him a chance to be reborn from a drop of blood, Wang Yu might really have passed away that time. nothingness!

After surviving that catastrophe, Wang Yu spent a full year of cultivation before fully recovering.

Standing on the endless starry sky, looking at the two big stars shining among the distant stars, Wang Yu showed murderous intent.

However, feeling the shackles of the Five Dao Gods, Jin Dao Ze, who was still restraining him in his body, he concealed his killing intent again.

Now he has not yet returned to his peak, and the means to meet the enemy are too single, and he can only mobilize the power of heaven and earth for his own use, which is too restrictive.

Based on the current state alone, although he can snipe across the planetary sky to kill the great sage, and slaughter the ancestors of heavenly kings like pigs and dogs, but if he encounters the situation last time, he really has only a dead end.

Although the combat power at the Zhunhuang level cannot seriously injure him, it can still hurt him, let alone those at the extreme level. With Wang Yu's current physique and combat power, he would be seriously injured.

On the Big Dipper ancient star, those patriarchs and great sages despised him, so they never thought of asking the imperial soldiers to kill him.

When fighting in the depths of the starry sky, those royal families were afraid that the imperial soldiers would lose the support of the extreme array, and that they might be taken away by the strong (Stone Emperor) to peep and suppress them, so they flatly rejected the request of the close ancestors to borrow soldiers.

Therefore, although Wang Yu has also encountered extreme power when he moved to the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles, he has never really faced the perfect extreme power.

If he rushed to kill Gouchen and Beidou right now, he might laugh his opponents out of their mouths.

In Gou Chen Zai Beidou, they don't have to pay the price of blood to fight Wang Yu. A great sage can go to any royal family to borrow a complete imperial soldier, and they can easily kill Wang Yu, who is invincible in the great sage realm. .

In an area covered by a black hole, Wang Yu, who was covered in dark wounds, plunged headlong into a giant white dwarf star being pulled by the black hole's gravity.

Let go of the breath, and in the dark area where the eternal capital has never been illuminated by light, strands of thunder begin to flicker.

The emptiness of the dark region began to tremble slightly in the endless thunder, and this trembling lasted for three full years before it subsided.

After the entire dark starry sky calmed down, the super-large black hole that once pulled and devoured giant white dwarfs was like a risk, and it was destroyed by Wang Yu during the battle with those young supreme phantoms in Tianjie. The vast energy hidden in the depths of the black hole, It was also taken by Wang Yudu after the robbery.

After setting foot in this world for a full 35 years, Wang Yu finally recovered his Taoism and re-condensed the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit in the world of shrouding the sky with the method of shrouding the sky.

After devouring all the energy contained in a super-large black hole, Wang Yu's origin and physique were replenished to the best condition.

Moving his body like a god's gold, Wang Yuwei looked at the starry sky and warned himself that if you can't bear it, you will make troubles and schemes like three years ago. Now that he has recovered to his peak state, he has the confidence to sweep away all opponents in front of him.

Gou Chen ancient star, Baimai Shenshan.

Hundreds of mountain and river giant dragons rising from the sky gathered together to form this supreme place that traces ancient stars.

This place used to be the ashram of an ancient supreme being, and now, the supreme being born before the age of mythology still has a lineage passed down from this supreme god.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

"Fellow Daoist Tuogu, has that fist mark on your chest relapsed?" The person who spoke and greeted was the Lord of Baimai God Mountain, a great sage standing on the fifth step of the seventh realm of Xiantai. .

It is not a simple thing to be worthy of its cold and warm. The Great Sage Tuogu was one of the two great sages who escaped from Wang Yu's hands and ascended to heaven during the siege. Whether it's its own combat power or its status among all races, it is worthy of its peers.

"Thank you, God Lord, for your concern. Although Rentu's fist marks are sharp, but the powerful bull demon body of this deity is not given in vain. In another three to five years, this deity will be able to erase the marks left by him, and the injury will inevitably die at that time. Heal."

Hearing what the great sage Tuogu said, the Lord Baimai didn't go into it carefully. The existence of the same level as the great sage didn't want to fight against the great sage Tuogu unless there was a dispute of Dao.

Although Baimai Shenshan is the supreme Taoist lineage and has extreme imperial soldiers to suppress luck, it is still a star and a half behind those royal families who have only produced emperors in modern times.

After all, neither the end of the Age of Mythology nor the beginning of the Era of Primordial Era was very peaceful. Although the heritage of the Hundred Meridian Mountains had not been exhausted in those two eras, it was not much better.

"First a human demon was born, and then a human slaughter came. Fellow Daoist Tuogu, what crimes do you think the compatriots of all races on Beidou have committed?" The Lord Baimai was puzzled by this.

"Yeah, I don't know what the brains of those fellow Taoists on Beidou are?
Knowing that Rentu is likely to be an ancient supreme being reborn in the second life, he dared to hit him with the idea! "The Great Sage Tuogu was even more puzzled by this point.

Knowing that he has a profound background, you still rush to offend him and give away his head. You must be out of your mind!
Regarding this conclusion, the Great Sage Tuogu still has some evidence to prove this point: after the defeat in the battle, there is no way to restrain and deal with Rentu, the first thought of the ancestors of Beidou was to plunder the origin of Rentu instead of going all out. Go all out to kill the massacre!

How deep must this brain be to make such a choice?Are the pig teammates so stupid?

Don't they know that using all means to cut grass and roots is the most correct way to deal with the enemy?

(End of this chapter)

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