Chapter 373: Dark Turmoil
The demise of an ancient star creature shocked the entire universe in an instant. Many forces with a long history immediately understood what happened. The capable masters immediately fled to the void with their families and their mouths. The emperor Shihuang.

The Golden World has just come to an end, and there are many masters in the universe, but facing the two hungry and thirsty Supremes, no one dares to take the lead at this time.

"Heaven, please open your eyes and see if there is still a way to survive on this land? People are devastated, corpses and blood are everywhere, what hope is there?" In a secret territory, a white-haired old man looked up to the sky and cried out. Vertically and horizontally, at its feet are several children trembling with fear.

There are many corpses on the ground, their relatives and their clansmen are all dead!
When the Niujiao Supreme passed by here, he opened his mouth and sucked in the billions of living beings in this secret territory, and they exploded to the ground. .

Except for this old man and a few young people, this former pure land, which was indifferent to the world, has turned into a Shura purgatory.

If it is not considered to kill them, the life inheritance of this secret realm will be completely cut off, there is no way to sustain development, and there will be no living creatures in this secret realm.

The Niujiao Supreme only stayed in this secret place for a cup of tea, and a small world that evolved from the quasi-emperor's cave was not enough to fit his teeth.

After leaving this secret realm, it went to those famous main stars in the universe, where the creatures were the main meals.

Ancient star Ziwei, who was as famous as ancient star Gouchen, was favored by Supreme Scaled Armor, even though an ancient emperor was born here, and the Holy Spirit of Dzogchen appeared, and was once extremely brilliant.

But in front of the Supreme Scaled Armor, she still looks like an undefended little girl. Except for the forces that have been out of the extreme way, this ancient star has no other living beings after the Supreme Scaled Armor left.

As an ancient supreme who has lived for tens of thousands of years, the scaled supreme has an extremely cold heart.The creatures it loved have passed away for hundreds of thousands of years, and those who worshiped it, revered it, and regarded it as a god have long since turned into dry bones.

In its eyes, the creatures of today's world are nothing more than a plate of blood food it has prepared long ago.

After devouring all the creatures of the Ziwei ancient star, the twilight energy on the scale armor supreme dissipated to only a little bit. This ancient star that once became the center of the universe far surpassed other life ancient stars in terms of quality and quantity of creatures.

Swallowing one star is worth swallowing three or four ancient stars of miscellaneous brands.

If it continues like this, if it swallows three or two ancient life stars of the same quality, its foraging for food will end ahead of schedule, and the old neighbor will probably have to spend some more time.

In the past, in order to compete for the human-shaped elixir, the old neighbor once broke Kaishenyuan and fought with the existence of the same extreme.

In order to continue its life after the war, it devoured the source of life of all living beings once.

Now, if it wants to continue its life, it can only devour more creatures to win by quantity, otherwise it will not have the slightest effect.

This is like taking the elixir of immortality, the effect of the medicine will inevitably decrease sharply after one dose, and only ten times or a hundred times of consumption can continue to prolong life.

If calculated based on his own needs, the number of souls that the old neighbor needs in this life is really astonishing, at least it must be measured in trillions!
The universe is huge, with endless galaxies.

But there is always a limit to the number of ancient life stars, and there are even fewer main stars like Gouchen and Ziwei star field.

Counting those asteroids and the mysteries of life opened up by many powerful people, the number of living beings is at most a few trillion.

This time, its old neighbor is only afraid that it will have to eat a third of it to barely 'get full'.

Fortunately, the blood food in this world dies once and there will be another crop, as long as the roots are not cut off, it will be regenerated endlessly, otherwise, other people of the same kind will have opinions.

At this moment, blood and water flooded the sky in the starry sky, and thousands of creatures mourned and trembled.

"Flowers are similar every year, and people are different every year. I have been to Eternity several times, but every time I feel different." Seeing the almost extinct Eternal Ancient Star Niujiao Supreme with satisfaction, this is a As the main star, the quality of blood food is very satisfying.

"Devil, go die..." An ancestor king rushed out of the void with a weapon in his hand, wanting to avenge his clansmen who died in vain.

For this kind of people who are overwhelmed, the Ox Horn Supreme will shatter them into the void with a single look.

Anyone who dares to offend this supreme being deserves to be killed.After the Stone Emperor got out of the way, this universe has no power to stop the ancient supreme from coming out to look for food.

From the famous and powerful ancestor king in the starry sky to the enslaved servants, they are all being hunted.

The strong ones are the first choice of the supreme beings, because the essence of life matter contained in them is countless times more than ordinary creatures.

Among them, the great sage and the quasi-emperor who are full of energy and blood are the most favored by the two supreme beings.

Outside an ancient planet of life, the scale armor supreme felt the breath of life that had suddenly weakened a lot, and frowned involuntarily: "There are only two or three ancestor kings on an ancient planet of life, is it a fool to think that this deity is?"

Spiritual thoughts swept away, and every inch of space in this star field was scoured by the scale armor supreme in one breath.

Sensing the movement of those little mice, the Scale Supreme soared into the sky and entered the starry sky. In the depths of the starry sky, many strong men turned into blood rain before they had time to react.

After killing those little mice who were not willing to sacrifice their lives for it, the Scaled Armored Supreme was in a clear mood: "Fortunately, you ants, I will only eat [-]% of you today, and leave more seeds for you to harvest later." .”

As soon as the words fell, [-]% of the creatures on the eternal ancient star exploded into blood mist, and the essence of life was emptied.

On this day, all beings are mourning, and the whole universe is mourning!
The end of darkness has arrived, and no one can stop it!

In the era when the great emperors of the human race were not born, this kind of turmoil throughout the universe occurred from time to time.

Except for the Holy Spirit ancient emperor like Shihuang, the remaining ancient emperors who were proving the Dao didn't pay much attention to the creatures other than their own clan.

Although it is not like these supreme beings who launched the dark turmoil, they will not eat the holy spirits of foreign races as blood, but they will not deliberately fight against the old immortals in the restricted area for them.

The ancient emperors who have proved the Tao several times in this universe, at present, the Nirvana Tianzun and the Xuangui Ancient Emperor once prevented the self-killing supreme being from being born.

Fighting east and west, fighting bloody battles, the Void Emperor, who fought until the last drop of blood was shed, will not be born until 10 years later!
There is not even a shadow of the Wushi Great Emperor who suppressed the nine heavens and ten places and beat all living beings to bow their heads to the Supreme!
Even the era of the two holy emperors of the lunar yin and the sun will not come until tens of thousands of years later.

This is a doomed dark age!

In the timeline before Wang Yu came, there were two idiots who bit the bullet and stood up when the Supreme stared at the ancient Big Dipper.

In order to protect the human race in the Northern Territory, and to defend the disciples in the Taoist lineage behind them, two human races who were unknown in the universe in the past did a shocking event.

Declare war on the ancient supremes who once ruled the world.

(End of this chapter)

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