Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 380 Walking Between Life and Death

Chapter 380 Walking Between Life and Death

There are many visions entwined around the ancient coffin, such as the Kunpeng spreading its wings and flying ninety thousand miles high, the tail feathers of the phoenix cutting through the sky, and the real dragon roaring and the Qilin running.

The slightest movement of a plant of grass cuts down the stars!

An ant with a towering head and horns, hating the sky and the earth without a ring!

That was a part of the past repeating itself, that was the most glorious time in the world!

Knowing what this meant, Wang Yu couldn't stop throbbing in his heart!

He felt great terror!
If someone could empathize with Wang Yu's current feeling, it would be unbelievable.

Looking at the entire universe, is there any strong man who can wrestle with this human Daoist?


But there is no one who dares to say that he can easily kill Wang Yu.

If the masters of the restricted area who had cut themselves with a single knife ran into Wang Yu one-on-one, even if they were extremely sublimated as soon as they came up, most of them would still be defeated by him.

Even if Shihuang, the current emperor of the Dzogchen Holy Spirit, confronted Wang Yu, it would be difficult to get sweets!

The appearance of Wang Yu startled the three great saints who were chasing the ancient bronze coffin. They were all survivors of the dark turmoil 2000 years ago. How could they not recognize who Wang Yu was?
The name of Dao Zun of the human race (Tu) resounded throughout the world through the battle of the Big Dipper Starfield. Ordinary people will forget that battle because of the passage of time and the alternation of old and new. Their lifespan is generally thousands of years.

'It is rumored that although this Supreme is not as cruel and bloodthirsty as the Dark Supreme, he is also a bloodthirsty existence. I am afraid that it will be bad luck if I run into him today! 'There is a great sage who can't stop being afraid!
'Damn it, why did Daoist Rentu suddenly appear in the Yinghuo Starfield?If I turn around and run now, can I survive? '

The foreheads of the three great sages, whose bodies had long been tempered to the point of being spotless, were involuntarily sweating.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

This Daoist can leave such a bloodthirsty reputation in the entire starry sky, he must have some hobbies in this regard!
Feeling uneasy, the three great sages looked at each other, and finally chose the safest way, hurried forward to pay respects and sincerely offered a wave of rainbow farts.

Wang Yu didn't know about the intricate inner history of these three, and even if he knew, he would just ignore it. His current energy was focused on pulling the coffin in Nine Dragons, and he didn't have the mind to pay attention to these three strange saints at all.

So, in the eyes of the three great saints mixed with relief and unwillingness, Wang Yu boarded the shocking opportunity that the three of them had coveted for a long time, and stepped into the ancient bronze coffin pulled by nine dragons.

Looking at the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin and the Rentu Daozun who were gradually going away, the three great sages who came from Yinghuo and Lanxing had mixed feelings in their hearts.

The opportunity related to their honor was gone, but luckily their lives were saved.

Still crying?Or laugh instead?
The three great saints don't know.

Standing on the front of the ancient bronze coffin, Wang Yu hesitated for a moment as he looked closely at the resuscitated weapon in front of him.

He could feel that this ancient bronze coffin might be slightly different from the one that Ye Fan and the others boarded in later generations.

In the ancient bronze coffin that has not experienced the baptism of hundreds of thousands of years in the future, there may still be some methods left by Emperor Huangtian.

Think about that childhood black-bellied Jin Wang Yu had a toothache!

There must be an opportunity left by Shi Hao in the copper coffin of the third generation, but no one can tell what headaches will happen when this opportunity is obtained!
After a cup of tea, Wang Yu made a decision in his heart. It is not his style to give up eating because of choking.

Wang Yu, who knew that Shi Hao would not act ruthlessly by chance, chose to open the coffin, so let's suffer a little bit!

Resisting the coercion from the many visions wrapped around the ancient bronze coffin, Wang Yu stretched out his hand and pushed the ancient bronze coffin away.

As far as the eye can see, a small coffin lies horizontally inside the huge bronze coffin.

Stepping into the giant coffin, Wang Yu strode up to the small coffin, and slowly pulled off the tight coffin lid on the small coffin.

At the moment when the coffin lid of the small coffin fell to the ground, the inside of the huge bronze coffin was immediately surrounded by infinite chaotic energy, and a world full of strong immortal energy appeared in front of Wang Yu.

"It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. Daoist friends, are you interested in coming here to discuss the Tao with me?"

Just when Wang Yu was on guard and ready to meet the prank from Emperor Huangtian, a short voice suddenly floated over, which startled Wang Yu a lot!

According to the records, isn't there no living beings in this world?Could it be that there is an old immortal here who has set up a backhand to harvest the latecomers?
Should not be!

Despite the uncertainty in his heart, Wang Yu still entered the world filled with fairy energy and followed the direction where the voice came from.

At this time, Emperor Zun and the Immortal Emperor have not yet certified as the Red Dust Immortal. If they really want to meet these two old yins here, as long as it is not the situation where the old yins join hands, Wang Yu is sure to pay a certain price and get out. .

When Wang Yu followed the sound to find the person who made the sound, his original guarded demeanor was immediately forgotten, and an incredible feeling filled Wang Yu's heart.

In the world inside this small coffin, he saw a person who shouldn't have appeared, that Emperor Huangtian, who went far away from the edge of the universe and blocked the source of darkness by himself for eternity, left a clone in the copper coffin of the third generation!

When Wang Yu saw this illusory man in front of him for the first time, he recognized this Heavenly Emperor who had lived a miserable life.

It's not because of the sympathy between Qi and machine, but because of Shi Hao's unique aura.

That is an incomparably open-minded soul!

That is an invincible power that has been cultivated for many years overlooking the universe!

That is a kind of domineering momentum that dares to change the sun and the moon into a new sky!
That never-say-die majestic domineering!

That self-confident and invincible peerless demeanor!

Everyone was telling Wang Yu who the man in front of him was.

In Wang Yu's view, only the man who is honored as Huangtian Emperor can have such a demeanor in this world.

Emperor Zun can't do it, let alone the Immortal Emperor.

Compared with Emperor Huangtian, Ye Fan of later generations is three points less lonely.

In fact, if Emperor Zun's path didn't take a fork, and he always firmly believed in its way, and blatantly wiped out all enemies, he would have Shi Hao's seven-point demeanor if he followed the emperor's way.

"Fellow Daoist seems to recognize me? That's right. Fellow Daoist not only has extraordinary background, but also is extremely intelligent. It's normal to know a thing or two about me." As soon as we met, the phantom of Huangtian Emperor Shi Hao took the lead in bowing to Wang Yu .

Wang Yu's heart skipped a beat suddenly and then he calmed down again, and he bowed his hands respectfully to Shi Hao in return: "The Emperor of Heaven has praised you wonderfully, this is not enough for you to be recognized by the Emperor of Heaven at a glance, and cannot be called your talent and intelligence.

It is rumored that you, the Emperor of Heaven, left this world as early as when this universe was first established. I never thought that I would be lucky enough to meet you in person today. "

The bridal sedan chairs were carried by everyone, and Wang Yu, who already recognized Shi Hao, spoke with respectful words.

"Fellow Daoist, you are more polite, you and I are called friends of Daoist, and you don't need to bring a respectful speech when you talk.

By the way, there is one thing I want to ask you, fellow Taoist, since you came to Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

It's fine if we didn't meet each other before, but now we are face to face, I want to ask my friend, what do you think about Nine Heavens and Ten Earths? "

After listening to Shi Hao's question, Wang Yu's heart couldn't stop beating.

The question of life and death, here we come!

(End of this chapter)

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