Chapter 395

Not long after Wang Yu's words fell, the small world in Zhongzhou with the Beidou ancestors rose into the sky, and was embedded in the sky above the holy city by immeasurable power.

Regarding Wang Yu's tyrannical act, many ancient clans based in the Zhongzhou Continent of the ancient Beidou star neither dared to be angry, nor dared to speak out.

The human emperor's butcher knife, the creatures of other ancient life planets have only heard about it, but they, the ancient tribes who lived on the ancient star of Big Dipper, have personally experienced it.

The time when he was killed until he was innocent did not even reach 2 years!

It is said that Wang Yu really contributed a great deal to the prosperity of the Northern Territory human race. If he hadn't killed all the races on the Big Dipper to the point of invincibility, and then set foot on the emperor's way, if the Beidou people in its heyday joined hands, Even if just handing the small shoes to the people of the Northern Territory, they would be able to toss the Human Race of the Northern Territory back to life.

With one step, Wang Yu turned the space from the endless starry sky to the Holy City of the Northern Territory.

Wang Yu, who didn't want to bring too much trouble to the holy city, didn't take a second look at the holy city, and directly stepped into the small world above the holy city.

Based on the dojo he had chosen, Wang Yu touched his chin and began to think, how should the dojo be arranged?
Thinking about his original goal, recalling all kinds of knowledge about architecture in his life, Wang Yu gradually had an idea.

First of all, there should be a formation or device on the ground below the holy city that can transport creatures, so that the creatures of the world can come to this small world. Among them, devices with certain spiritual intelligence or judgment ability are the first choice.

After all, since he, Wang Yu, said that he welcomes all living beings in the world, he shouldn't set up a threshold to stop those low-strength monks and even ordinary people.

Ok?After thinking about it, Wang Yu really figured out that he could serve as a tool for this important task.

Uh, it can also be called a tool turtle.

Xuanwu, who was defeated by him in the Chaos Immortal Land, has not died yet.

That is to say, he, Wang Yu, has a kind heart and doesn't want to commit more crimes. Only in this way can he tolerate this old tortoise shrinking in the imperial soldier's black tortoise shell, so that he can proclaim himself the immortal source night in the black tortoise shell.

Well, don’t say that other people don’t believe the above words, even Wang Yu himself doesn’t believe it. If there is no other reason, how can it be impossible for an old turtle to be under the hands of a man from a big foodie empire for so many years?

Doesn't it really taste like old turtle soup?

In the final analysis, there are only two words: forget.

Speaking of this, Wang Yu suddenly felt a little strange.

When one has practiced to a certain level, it is the most basic instinct to have a photographic memory. No matter how unbearable he is, Wang Yu won't even have this ability?

There's definitely something quirky about it.

He made a judgment in his heart, and with Wang Yu's ability, he easily discovered the problem.

The black tortoise shell, the ancient imperial soldier of the ancient emperor, the black tortoise shell, has influenced his will, unknowingly making him subconsciously ignore the black tortoise shell and the Xuanwu hidden in the tortoise shell!

After figuring out the reason, even with Wang Yu's physique, he couldn't help but sweat all over his back.

Careless, he still underestimated the people of the world after all.

There is really no one who can prove the Tao and become the emperor!

After realizing that his thinking had been affected, Wang Yu immediately made a coping mechanism in the sea of ​​consciousness to prevent this situation from happening next time.

After setting up countermeasures on the Xiantai in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Wang Yu took out the black tortoise shell that he had sealed for nearly 2 years, and the old black tortoise hiding in the black tortoise shell from the edge of the sea of ​​bitterness.

Stretching out his hand to transmit his idea of ​​designing the tool tortoise into Xuanwu's head, Wang Yu threw his Xuanwu, who was still shrinking in the fairy source and staring at him with a pair of tortoise eyes, to the ground below the holy city.

He wasn't afraid that something would happen to Xuanwu.

Under his nose, Xuanwu has no other choice but to honestly work for him as a tool tortoise.

Back then when he had not proclaimed the Dao and proclaimed himself emperor, the Xuanwu wearing the black tortoise armor could not make Wang Yu fall. Now that he has proclaimed the Dao and proclaimed himself the emperor, after living out his second life, Xuanwu will not even be able to stir up trouble.

After finishing the tool tortoise, Wang Yu set his sights on the black tortoise shell that had blinded him for almost 2 years.

Stretching out his index finger and pointing the surface of the tortoise shell, Wang Yu said with a smirk: "Come out and show your face, I know you understand, I don't want to worry too much about the past, if you are willing to be the tortoise in my mind Functional wisdom allows me to let the past go.

If you don't want to, I think Jagged Battle Banner shouldn't mind smashing your tortoise shell and destroying your spirituality, and including you, who doesn't know why, into the ranks of supplements. "

Not long after Wang Yuman's threatening remarks, the guy who had been hiding in the black tortoise shell for many years chose to take the lead.

A big green king eight emerged from the mysterious tortoise shell, and stood quietly in front of Wang Yu, waiting for orders.

"Using the body as a weapon to turn life into death! Old Xuangui, you really have a way! It's a pity that your running-in period has been a little longer, otherwise it would not be Xuanwu!" After discovering that there was a problem with the Xuangui shell, he seriously Wang Yu got up and saw the doorway with just one glance.

Like the blood phoenix emperor who was the father of the descendants of ancient emperors such as huangxudao and phoenix celestial daughter in later generations, the ancient emperor Xuangui chose the same alternative way of immortality as the blood phoenix emperor in the face of life and death.

It's just that the ancient emperor Xuangui's imperial weapon, the tortoise armor, is a part of the ancient emperor Xuangui's body, which makes the ancient emperor Xuangui much stronger in terms of life state than the blood phoenix emperor who forcibly fused the wings of the phoenix and made gold. In a certain number of years, ignoring the passing of time, it appears in the world.

This method of immortality has both benefits and major drawbacks!
The advantage is that to a certain extent, the Emperor Xuangui and the Emperor Blood Phoenix who have embarked on this road are really freed from the restriction of longevity and can live forever.

The disadvantage is that they are in a state of rejection all the time because of the incomplete transformation of life and death, and they need to fall into deep sleep from time to time.

Speaking of this, Wang Yu couldn't help saying in his heart that he was really lucky.

If the old man Xuanguihuang happened to wake up during the battle between the chaos and the immortal land, it would not only be him, but all the evildoers who participated in that battle would have to sing a cool song!
"Win the king and lose the bandits, you can say anything you want to be the emperor in this life, in order to save my father and son's life, I also ask you to show me the place where I can be used.

In addition, I have all kinds of memories about the first life of fellow daoist in my mind. You can kill them yourself, so that you will not feel suspicious one day and feel that you must get rid of my father and son. As for the means of countering me, Fellow Daoist planted it when I cut my memory. "

Xuan Guihuang, who was pointed out by Wang Yu, was unexpectedly upright and put all the problems on the table, which caught Wang Yu by surprise.

The Ancient Emperor Xuangui is too good-for-nothing!

While sighing, Wang Yu didn't show any hypocrisy, but seriously followed Xuangui Guhuang's suggestion and cut off all the news in Xuangui Guhuang's mind about his leveling the Underworld and the Immortal Burial Pond.

 The third update is delivered, but the author is very disappointed. Readers don’t have eyes that are good at discovering beauty. The author is so handsome, but he doesn’t get your approval and praise.

(End of this chapter)

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