Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 402 The Seal of the Wheel Seals the Supreme War

Chapter 402
This is a punch that can kill them!
Facing this unavoidable punch, Wang Yu looked calm: "Do you know that I have been waiting for you for a long time, the Immortal Emperor!"

An extremely familiar name came out of Wang Yu's mouth, and everyone's heads roared in shock!

Did they hear it wrong, or was the Human Sovereign wrong?

Immortal Emperor?

Isn't it already transformed?

If he is still alive, how can the emperor of later generations be able to fit the seal of Tianxin to proclaim the Tao and become emperor?

Don't think about it, once you think about it, many strong people's scalps go numb!
Many eyes that were originally focused on the battlefield suddenly turned to Guangyu Feiwu and Feixian Waterfall, wanting to find out what happened?
Who is that punching man hiding in Feixian Waterfall?

The gaze of others could be diverted, but Wang Yu's gaze could not. The Immortal Emperor who was called out of his identity didn't know if he became angry from embarrassment.

"Well done, if you were a little later with this punch, I really wouldn't be able to hold on.

Plastic reincarnation, the whole world, yin and yang alternate and three life flowers bloom!Come from the other side! "

Accompanied by Wang Yu's cry, a naked young figure escaped from Wang Yu's aging body, and threw a fist at the Immortal Emperor.

Two fists clashed in the shattered void.

The fist of the Immortal Emperor's angry blow was even more powerful, and the youthful Wang Yuzhen was half a step back!
Waving to attract endless starlight to condense a suit of battle clothes, Wang Yu energized his body and looked at the Immortal Emperor hidden in Feixian Waterfall.

1 years ago, when his qi and blood were not growing and turned downhill, Wang Yu noticed that a strong man was spying on him from time to time.

In order to find out this sneaky guy, Wang Yu tried various methods, but found nothing.

If he didn't know the original plot, Wang Yu could only wonder if his judgment was wrong and he became suspicious after many times.

But Wang Yu, who knew the development of the original work, locked on the identity of the peeping person after several trials.

Undead Emperor and Emperor Zun, the two guys who love and kill each other, choose one or the other.

Thinking about Emperor Zun's plan of "making himself perfect with all beings in the world" that has been planned for millions of years, Wang Yu quickly found the correct answer from the two choices.

Immortal Emperor!

Knowing that the Immortal Emperor had his eye on him, Wang Yu made arrangements to plot against the Immortal Emperor.

Relying on his means, with the aid of the tool tortoise, the mysterious tortoise, the ancient emperor and the tool stone, the nine-aperture exquisite jade, Wang Yu is sure to give the undead emperor a hard time, making him unable to turn over for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years Come.

Unexpectedly, before he was ready to die, this guy disappeared again.

Although the plan failed, Wang Yu was not lost.

Because he knew that since the Immortal Emperor had already set his sights on him, he would never give up, and when his second life was approaching, he would definitely make some moves.

Inspired by this, Wang Yu's pursuit of combat power immediately overshadowed his desire for longevity.

Count down the offensive methods in his hands Wang Yu took the lead in studying the seal of reincarnation, intending to cultivate a taboo supernatural power.

Who knows that if you plant flowers deliberately, the flowers will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will make shade.Wang Yu, who originally only wanted to forge a decisive supernatural power, discovered the key to living the third life while studying the seal of reincarnation.

Yin and Yang reverse, life and death are impermanent.

At the age of [-] in the second life, Wang Yuming realized this truth, and the seal of reincarnation was perfect, and a normally functioning hell hell would be blessed with one punch. There are countless miracles!
In the melee fight just now, the reason why Xianlao and the others were restrained and unable to use it was due to this aspect of influence.

That is to say, Wang Yu's aging combat body really couldn't afford the consumption of the Samsara Seal, otherwise he wouldn't have spent so many rounds.

In addition, it is not a lie that he said in his residence before that he could not hold on, but it is not that his life is too long and he wants to transform, but he is about to be unable to hold back the reincarnation seal that has started to work on its own to live out the third life !
With the caution of the Immortal Emperor, if he took this step before he made a move, the old bird would probably hide again in the dark and continue to be a voyeur.

When many parties confronted each other, Wang Yu drew out a large amount of heaven and earth essence from nothingness to refine it. Wang Yu's somewhat vain aura suddenly stabilized, and his momentum rose steadily to catch up with the Immortal Emperor who controlled Feixian Waterfall.

This scene made the head of the Immortal Emperor, who wanted to understand many things, even more painful: "Slough off the mortal body, transform into a magic fetus!

It takes a lot of time to complete the transformation, but you can do it all at once?Emperor, are you plotting against me?Have you already found the key to living the third life? "

The anger of the Immortal Emperor filled every question. Now that his identity has been exposed, the hundreds of thousands of years he had been hiding behind the scenes were wasted.

"So what if you are, so what if you are not, what can you do to me?" Facing the anger of the Immortal Emperor, Wang Yu directly mocked San Lian and walked away.

Now the Immortal Emperor has not yet certified as the Red Dust Immortal in the Rolling Red Dust, even if he is stronger than him, he is still stronger than him, so there is no way to fight back.

That being the case, why are you afraid of him being a bird!
"Hehe, what can I do? I can kill you. Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens Kill!" A five-color sky knife suddenly broke through the air and fell into the hands of the undead emperor, smashing the chaos and slashing at Wang Yu.

Faced with the Immortal Emperor Wang Yu holding the Immortal Heavenly Sword, he squeezed the reincarnation seal and blasted out brazenly, launching a head-to-head duel!
As for the five Sovereigns who were stunned by the massive amount of information, Wang Yu also left behind to deal with suppressing them.

The massive power of faith around the Black Stone Hall in the dojo suddenly transformed into a dark figure and jumped into Wang Yu's retreated body.

"God's thoughts, the gods' thoughts condensed by the power of faith and a battle body that only has an empty shell want to block us, you are too arrogant!" The undead emperor came back to his senses from the news that he was not dead yet.

For the question of the Qitian Supreme, Wang Yu himself, who was fighting with the Immortal Emperor, couldn't help but respond, but the divine mind, which was adapting to the battle body, had the heart to answer.

He, who has never communicated with anyone before, feels new to everything at this moment, and wants to try it involuntarily.

It's a pity that when Wang Yu gave a kill order, he could only keep his mouth shut and obey.

A four-color battle flag grows in the wind from the palm of his hand. After experiencing the baptism of fireworks after the burning of six supreme Dao fruits, this battle flag of excellent material has surpassed ordinary emperor soldiers, and is no less than the immortal god who is in the hands of the immortal emperor. Knife.

As soon as the chaotic chess surface rolled, all kinds of residual limbs and meat in the battlefield were taken away.

The four-color divine light bloomed, and many flesh and blood, including the Lord of the Shenxu, turned into fuel for the Jagged Battle Banner.

The body of a Jidao Supreme plus the divine power provided by the ignited remains of many limbs revived the iron-blooded battle flag surrounded by four-color rays of light to its peak state in an instant.

A Dao seal of yin and yang, life and death, shot out from the battle flag in an instant, sealing off the universe and covering the world, and pulling five supreme beings including Grandma Xian into the small world inside the battle flag!

 The promised fourth update is delivered, please call the author Jun Sigeng from today.In other words, apart from the few days when it was put on the shelves, it seems that I have updated so many for the first time, right?It shouldn’t be a problem for such a hard-working author to rob the monthly and recommendation tickets of the readers’ grandfathers, right?
(End of this chapter)

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