Chapter 405

In the ancient mine in the early days, beside a fairy source liquid pool, several supreme beings were talking.

"How is the situation? Is there any fellow Taoist who is willing to come forward?"

"Hey, it's better not to mention such inferior methods as gossip and gossip. Even if there are fellow Taoists who are eager to seek the way, they will not go to the emperor to die in vain. It is not impossible for you to know what attitude the emperor has towards us former comrades. .”

In the past, the supreme being who proposed gossip and gossip strategies for such ironic remarks would have ignored them. It still has some self-cultivation, but now it is not patient because of its unstable Taoism, and its imperial aura instantly soars.

"My spreading rumors and gossips is indeed an extremely inferior method. It's better than you guys who just sit back and enjoy the rewards indifferently, right? If you have the ability, you will end up counting people and killing people? If you don't have the ability, don't make sarcastic remarks here!"

"That's enough, what's the point of our quarreling? Now our target should be the Emperor, not each other." After all, the supreme being who still had reason came forward to suppress the tense atmosphere.

"Human Sovereign has become a big trend now, not to mention himself, just those four guys under his hands are not easy to mess with.

With the help of the Human Emperor, the Xuanguihuang can live forever in the world with the help of the Human Emperor. The Nine-Aperture Linglong Jade is currently at its peak. If the Human Emperor bestows a plant of elixir to prolong life, it can live for at least 2 years.

With the blessing of all living beings, his divine sense is getting stronger every day. As long as that old battle body is not damaged, he is equivalent to a black turtle emperor.

That battle flag is even more thoughtful than God, He looked at us as if he was staring at his prey!If I hadn't been concerned about the Emperor, I would have broken him a long time ago!

Of the four extreme fighting powers, three of them can last forever, and it is impossible to face a human emperor with such a team. "

"If you can't suppress him by force, we are not qualified to have an equal dialogue with him, and we can't be in the same position. Why should he tell us the key to his third life without reservation?"

Speaking of this, all the supreme beings present sighed. In the past, it was difficult for them to find a companion together through the ages. Now, let alone Rentu, they call each other friends. They are lucky not to be listed as prey by Rentu.

What the hell happened to this world?
This kind of discussion didn't only happen on the ancient mine in the early days, the rest of the forbidden zone of life was also discussing Wang Yu, but after discussing and discussing, they still failed to reach a result.

After losing the most proud advantage of force, the masters of these restricted areas are no smarter than those ordinary people to go there!
Dojo, Burial Immortal Pond.

A tortoise and a jade are soaking in the funeral pond.

"Senior Xuangui, my life will come to an end in 5000 years, what attitude do you think that person will have at that time?

Will he give me the elixir so that I can live a second life?Or just sit and watch my life energy run out, use up waste before dying, and light my dao fruit to watch the fireworks? "

Ever since Wang Yu forced the Undead Emperor back to kill the Immortal Grandma and other Supreme Beings, Jiuqiao Linglongyu's attitude towards him has turned 180 degrees, and she must use honorific titles in her words.

The ancient emperor Xuangui can understand the worries about the Nine-Aperture Linglong Jade. After all, at the moment of life and death, it is no better than the Nine-Aperture Linglong Jade.

"Don't worry, according to the old man's estimate, as long as you make this request, the Human Sovereign should not refuse.

As far as he is concerned, those few elixir trees are useless, and they are only used as bonsai for ornamental purposes. "

"True Dragon, Qilin, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu, that god's mind is really capable of tossing around in order to please that one!
Just because that person occasionally said something casually when he was out of the customs, he vacated cages and changed birds from the major life restricted areas to collect the five spirits and holy beasts, and wanted to win that person's approval! "

Looking at the Nine-Aperture Linglong Jade who spoke in a flat tone but provoked him, Xuangui Guhuang suddenly had the feeling that his cheap nephew had finally grown up.

After following it for so long, this calculation expert finally knows how to make calculations, not bad, not bad!
Even if the brain is not fully enlightened, if you want to provoke right and wrong, you have to find the right person!

"Master Shen Nian exchanged the Nine Wonderful Undead Medicine from my turtle son for the Xuanwu Undead Medicine, which is enough to embarrass the old man. Is it enough for the turtle to be satisfied? The old man is very satisfied."

The treacherous and cunning Xuangui Guhuang directly opened up his words, and by the way, he patted God Nian's flattery, and directly swept Jiuqiao Linglongyu's plan into the trash can.

After chanting the gods on the bright side, Xuangui Guhuang meaningfully glanced at the Nine-Aperture Linglongyu next to him, then got up and left.

It's better to stay away from some guys when they start to drift, so as not to drag themselves down when the time comes.

Xuangui Guhuang knew that recently the master of the restricted area was secretly contacting the four lackeys of Huang Daochang, wanting to get a hold of Renhuang.

As the only intelligent person among the four lackeys, the reason why it invited the Nine-Aperture Linglong Jade to bury it in the Immortal Pond today was to remind him of it-don't think about it that you shouldn't have!
Unfortunately, it came a step late.

The Human Sovereign has meritorious deeds and has demerits and punishments, those who eat inside and out will have a bleak end!
Jiuqiao Linglongyu is overconfident, does she really think that the gap between the ultimate way and the extreme way is very small?
Wang Yu didn't pay attention to the disturbance from the outside world.

After confirming that the Tao is seeking by himself, he begins to analyze his own strengths and weaknesses, and what outstanding points can be relied upon to live out the fourth life.

After thinking about it, he turned his gaze to the advanced supernatural power of the Samsara Seal—the Immortal King Kaitian Seal.

That is a portrayal of his achievements in the last world, and it is also his strongest means of fighting the enemy.

After finding the target, he sealed the Black Stone Hall and began to close the door.

Now the outside world can provide him with very little help. As long as the masters of the restricted area don't act as monsters, Wang Yu can still tolerate them to live for the time being.

In an oppressive atmosphere, the long river of time continued to flow.

I don't know how many years have passed?The imprint of Tianxin, which was originally standing on Wan Dao, began to be unstable.

For this scene, the sovereigns of many restricted areas should turn a blind eye.

What happened to the six fellow Taoists who jumped out because of such a scene last time, they can still be vividly remembered!
Even though he is envious of the secret of the Emperor's third life, no one wants to use their own lives to explore the way for others.

Whoever loves to face such dangerous things as the Human Emperor, even if they can't get information about longevity from the Human Emperor, they can still count on the road to immortality.

After tens of thousands of years, the masters of most of the restricted areas are considered to be open.

It's a pity that most of them want to open it, but it doesn't mean that they all want to open it. Under the tandem of a powerful master, there are still some unwilling and unrivaled powerhouses who have surrounded and trapped Wang Yu's dojo.

"I'm here to ask for the Tao, and I also invite the Emperor to come and meet."

The first words to force the palace were considered polite, and the strong man who said these words in a soft voice also had a relatively low posture.

"I'm here to discuss the Dao, and please be sure to see the Emperor."

The second words of forcing the palace sounded after Wang Yu's Tianxin imprint had completely fallen, and he became a little impatient between the words.

"Human Sovereign, what do you mean by ignoring and ignoring the ten comrades who have broken open the Immortal Origin Liquid to visit? Or do you mean that without the Human Queen, no one can make decisions in the huge Human Palace!"

The third word of forcing the palace was a blunt shout.

The Dojo of the Human Sovereign, which was originally peaceful and quiet, finally reacted after the shouting. An old man with white beard and hair but boundless vitality stepped forward to meet the heroes.

(End of this chapter)

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