Chapter 407

Concerns about each other made Emperor Zun and the Immortal Emperor choose to remain silent.

Although Wang Yu, who lived out the fourth life, is terrifyingly strong, the two of them have not been given for nothing for so many years.

If it was really a life-and-death battle, trying to injure the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred, it might not be impossible to kill Wang Yu.

But in that case, their old enemy Emperor Zun (the Immortal Emperor) might just laugh the big teeth off.

Wang Yu was vaguely aware of the peeping of Emperor Zun and the Immortal Emperor, but for now, he really had no way to deal with these two great enemies.

In terms of background and accumulation, Emperor Zun and the Immortal Emperor are not inferior to him today.

In terms of combat power, they are even stronger than themselves.

In terms of the degree of mystery, he really has no other clues other than knowing that these two guys may have explored the incomplete fairyland.

Regarding these two great enemies who had been hiding for ages ago, Wang Yu had no effective solution except to raise his vigilance.

Frost leaves turn red year after year, and the sun and moon turn again and again.

The years are passing by, and the once strong are dying!

Although the Tianxin imprint has no owner, a new emperor has not been born during these tens of thousands of years.

Although there were quite a few powerful quasi-emperors of Whistling Heaven and Earth, they eventually fell under the long river of time.

One day, a strong man looked at the handsome Immortal King phantom standing above Wan Dao at a banquet, and said, "I'm afraid the Emperor is about to become an immortal!
Although the Tianxin imprint is vacant and has no owner, the Immortal King Xuying suppressed many arrogances who would not be able to take that step until their death.Is he the savior who saves the common people from the fire and water, or is he a lonely man on the road? "

"Living against the sky for four lives and being the only one for 10 years! The emperor is already a fairy living in the world. Unfortunately, the price of becoming a fairy is too heavy, and it will be difficult for the world to come out with an extreme supreme who overlooks the heroes of the world!"

"Even if you are unwilling, what can you do? In this life, all kinds of powerful physiques that have only appeared in legends emerge one after another, and there are three or two who are qualified to compete for the throne.

But as long as Renhuang and his old man don't die for a day, they can only wait and wait, and there will be nothing after waiting?Counting times in ancient and modern times, the emperor claimed to have the second life expectancy, who would dare to claim the first. "

"Don't be sarcastic here, the Human Emperor has made great contributions to the world. If it weren't for the old man who is not afraid of hardships and pacified many forbidden areas of life, including the Underworld and the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, we may become the Dark Supreme at any time. their blood rations!"

While chatting among the crowd of Tianjiao who had failed to compete for the throne, a sound transmission instantly caused endless waves.

"The sun quasi-emperor has set foot in the human emperor's dojo, and wants to ask the human emperor for advice, to see the gap between himself and the supreme emperor!" '

Stirring up a thousand layers of waves with a single stone is not enough to describe the impact that this sound transmission will have on the many arrogance and evildoers at the banquet!
"Is the quasi-sun emperor crazy? Although he was born in the human race, the human emperor is indeed the first emperor of the human race, but His Majesty the human emperor will not give him preferential treatment just because he is also a human race.

The trial array set up by the ancient emperor Xuangui and the god Nian will not show mercy to his subordinates. If he really wants to anger the emperor, even if he is ranked in the ninth heaven of the quasi-emperor, he will have to die! "

"In this life, although Sun Quasi-Emperor has not been able to overthrow all enemies, he is also the most likely to prove the existence. Now because of the suppression of the Human Emperor, he can only stop here. How can he be reconciled in his heart!"

Just as the powers were discussing, another sound transmission set off a huge wave.

'The sun emperor's natal soldier was shattered by the trial formation, and the golden blood of the sun god sprinkled the entire starry sky. '

Although I had expected this scene in my heart, the expressions of the powers gathered at the banquet were still gloomy.

Although the Human Sovereign has worked hard and made great achievements, he is still a bit of an independent husband after all!
Are things really going the way Zhu Qiang thinks?

Not necessarily.

Although overlooking the world for 10 years, Wang Yu is still vague in the impressions of all living beings.

Even if Wang Yu once set up a Taoist temple to preach and discuss Taoism for 3 years.

In fact, since Wang Yu scattered the mark of Tianxin, the world's way of proving the Tao and becoming the emperor has never been hindered.

Although the Immortal King Xuying standing on the top of Wan Dao looks bluffing, it is quite scary when he actually moves.

But it really didn't suppress the birth of the new emperor like the Tianxin mark imprinted on the source of Wan Dao.

The reason why the supreme quasi-emperors who failed to prove the Tao in the past 2 years failed to successfully prove the emperor's way of life and death is because they each have their own problems.

In a pavilion next to the Immortal Burial Pond, Sun Quasi-Emperor, who was mistaken by all living beings to have died, is respectfully 'learning from' the Ancient Emperor Xuangui who has stepped into the extreme realm of the Emperor's Dao.

Xuangui Guhuang and Shenshen Nian set up a trial formation outside the Renhuang Dojo, but this square formation is not as scary as outsiders imagined, and its main function is to seek a quiet place for the dojo.

As the dojo of the most legendary person in the world, this is a place of pilgrimage in the minds of all living beings. In addition to the name of the holy place of practice spread by preaching and discussing the Tao in the past, there are countless souls who want to get into the dojo .

Since Wang Yu formed the Immortal King's Seal of Opening the Sky, he closed the death test again. Naturally, he would not bother with these trivial matters, but those who know that Wang Yu likes peace and quiet have to think more about it.

In order to save trouble and worry, the ancient emperor Xuangui and God Nian set up a large trial formation outside. The large formation did not contain killing intent and did not gather evil spirits. Although it belonged to the perfect imperial formation, it was extremely harmless.

As long as there is no malicious person, no matter how strong the person who enters the formation is, it is possible to pass the trial formation and become a predestined person in the imperial palace.

Even if they fail the trial, most of them can find an opportunity in the trial formation.

The tens of thousands of volumes of useless exercises and supernatural powers in the Human Palace were all thrown into the trial formation.

"Senior, why is it still so difficult and tortuous for me to prove the way after His Majesty the Emperor gave up the mark of Tianxin?"

For the quasi-emperor of the human race who respectfully served tea in front of him, Xuangui Guhuang did not despise him: "Because you don't have enough accumulation.

In your eyes, all opponents who have swept the Emperor's Road are already qualified to aspire to the Emperor's Road, but in the eyes of those who have come here, the so-called Emperor's Road is just a platform for us to try out the heroes.

Being invincible in the world can only prove that you are the best among all the talents in this life, and it has nothing to do with penetrating the ultimate way.

In addition, although you rely on your physique to walk out of a unique avenue of the sun, but fundamentally it is still "Human Emperor Shocking World".

You must know that although the "Human Emperor's Shocking World Canon" created by the Human Emperor is very strong and suitable for human monks, it is still not the most suitable path for you. "

"Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die. It is not without reason that this saying can be passed down to this day. Think carefully about it!
In addition, you are not too young. Others just say how bad they think about the emperor and us. Once you enter the trial formation and get blocked, you will brazenly trigger the Supreme Tribulation, preparing to die together.

If the old tortoise hadn't noticed something was wrong and immediately asked out the flagpole to resist the Supreme Tribulation for you, you would have caught a cold by now. "

Tens of thousands of years of unrestrained life have allowed the gods to completely let themselves go, and they are extremely free when they speak!
Facing God's Nian's resentment-filled complaints, Sun Zhunhuang could only froze and smirk. This matter was his fault, and it was really unreasonable to provoke Supreme Jie in Renhuang Daochang indiscriminately.

However, if the time goes back to before he triggered the Heavenly Tribulation, he will still brazenly trigger the Supreme Tribulation.

(End of this chapter)

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